精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
— Hi. You look excited. 1_____
— It is sth said that a singing contest will be held in our school soon.
     And I think it a good chance to exercise my singing talents.
— 2_____
— A pocket radio will be given as a reward to the first prize winner.
— Are you going to take part in it?
— Sure. 3_____
— Really? But I don't think you've practiced enough.
— I'm going to. I bet(打赌) I can get the first prize.
— 4_____ I think you need to have a music teacher help you.
— I don't think it necessary. 5_____
A. By the way,are they giving prizes?
B. people say I have a good voice.
C. I don't know what others say about it.
D. You can do a lot better next time.
E. It'll turn out fine If I practice a lot.
F. What's happening?
G. Don't be so sure.

科目:高中英语 来源:训练必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


A.A:Mrs.Smith, I’d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.

B:  1  ?

C:How do you do?

B:What’s your impression of the United States?

C:Well, I can’t get over how different the weather is here.

B:Oh, you’ll get used to it soon!

B.A:  2  ? I’m trying to find a post office.

B:Go three blocks and make a right.It’s right there.

A:Should I take the bus?

B:No.It’ll only take about five minutes to walk.

A:Thank you very much.

B:Any time.

C.A:How’s your father been?

B:He’s been out of work for a couple of days.

A:  3  ?

B:He has a bad cold.

A:Well, tell him to take it easy and that I hope he feels better.

B:Thanks.I’ll tell him.

D.A:Is somebody taking care of you?

B:No.  4  .

A:I think we’re out of your size.

B:Well, can you get me one?

A:I think so.Check back next week.

E.A:  5  ?

B:Cut it short all over.

A:Would you like it washed?

B:No, thank you.It’s OK.

i.Sentences put into the blanks:

a.I’d like a long-sleeved shirt in yellow, medium

b.How do you want it

c.Can you help me out

d.How do you do

e.What’s wrong with him

ⅱ.The situation the speakers are in:

f.Getting a Haircut

g.Asking about Health

h.Asking for Directions

i.Introductions and Opening Conversations



科目:高中英语 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:030


W:What shall we do tonight?

M:How about g________(1)to the cinema?

W:That s________(2)like a good idea.I have’t been there for ages.

M:What w________(3)you like to see? The ad says there are“007”and“titanic”on.

W:Is“007”the old one?

M:I think so.And I prefer this one.It’s w________(4).

W:But we’ve seen it b________(5).

M:Never mind.Perhaps you’ll like it better the second time.

W:OK, you win.I enjoy James Bond very much.

M:Then we’d better h________(6).It starts at 7∶50 this evening.

