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根据句意选出合适的动词或词组, 用其适当的形式完成句子 (共10小题;每小题 1分, 满分10分)

tend; get into; appoint; glance through; result in; go up;

abuse; exchange; try out; adopt

1.     The young man always enjoys ________ new ways of doing things.

2.     Prices of vegetables in that area __________ 50 per cent since it was badly hit by floods.

3.     Team meetings are a great chance for its members _______ their ideas on how to win games.

4.     Your carelessness in driving will only ________ an regretful accident.

5.     The kind granny decided to had the little boy _____ as his other family members lost their lives in the terrible earthquake.

6.     She was the first woman ____________ president of that country.

7.     The mayor was accused of _________ his power to offer jobs to his relatives instead of those who were qualified.

8.     The medical team was kept busy _______ the wounded with the lack of doctors.

9.     Don’t let children _______ bad habits which might be difficult to get rid of.

10.Every morning he usually _______the newspaper before leaving for work.

1.       trying out 2. have gone up 3. to exchange 4. result in 5. adopted

6. to be appointed 7. abusing 8. tending 9. get into 10.  glances through


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.The news that so many miners died of the disaster _________(使惊讶)us greatly.

2.The _________(摇摆)of the ship made many passengers seasick.

3.We should be satisfied with our own life when comparing with those who are _________(穷的).

4.Those with a _________(感觉)of humour are popular everywhere.

5.Her _________(特殊的;特别的)way of smiling left a good impression on me.

6.The learners of a second language have many obstacles to _________(克服).

7.It is also believed that playing firecrackers will bring good _________(运气)in the coming year.

8.A lot of funny jokes are _________(有趣的)and can make us relaxed.

9.Yuan Longping are invited to travel _________(遍及)the world circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice.

10.It’s not allowed to talk in the library, even to _________(日语).

11.The clothes are so _________(穿旧的)that they must be thrown away.

12.Mr.Johnson is easy to _________(挑出)among the crowds, for he is as tall as two meters.

13.When shopping in the mall, I _________(撞上, 碰见)a childhood classmate.

14.Some people are never _________(满足的)with their life and are always thinking of gaining wealth.

15.Having been _________(切断;断绝)with the outside world for fifty years, he doesn’t know about the modern life.

16.He _________(咀嚼)over the problem for several days before making his decision.

17.Li An _________(导演)the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修四全优设计英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


1.He was _______(激发)only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.

2.The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific _______(成就).

3.These toys are a real _______(便宜货)at such low prices.

4.He has _______(决心)to overcome any difficulties in his study.

5.Please _______(移走)the vase from the table.

6.He found it hard to _______(集中)his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.

7.Is her husband in work or _______(失业)?

8.His paper _______(包含)no mistake at all.

9.His _______(号召)you to vote against the motion was thoughtful.

10.We _______(打败)Class One in the volleyball match.

11.The school is widely _______(钦佩)for its excellent teaching.

12.She was even less _______(热心地)about going to Spain.

13.My car is not as _______(可靠)as it used to be.

14.I’ll call back at a more _______(方便的)time.

15.A good salesperson has to be _______(有进取精神)in today’s competitive(竞争的)market.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届北京市高一6月检测练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


refer to,  be satisfied with,  lead to,  build up,  look down upon

carry on,  come across,  focus on,  crowd in,   be intended for

1.I ________________________ this old photograph when looking for a book yesterday.

2.The professor gave the speech without ________________________ his notes.

3.We must try to _________________________ our work in spite of difficulties.

4.The book _________________________ beginners who want to improve their English grammar.

5.Some farmers _________________________ keeping their soil rich and free of disease.

6.Taking exercise will _________________________ your strength.

7.Eating too much sugar can _________________________ health problems.

8.The farmers ____________________________ the harvest that year.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届北京市高一3月检测英语试题 题型:其他题


come into being    pay attention to      in addition      long to   be based on  

above all          play jokes on       dream of       turn up     break up   

1. Mr. Ma is always serious and doesn’t like to _______________ others.

2. Before agriculture __________, people made their living by hunting wild animals. 

3.All of the guests had arrived by 9 o’clock, but the host didn’t ___ until 15 minutes later.

4. The boy _____________________ becoming a pilot.   

5.I should like to buy a house, modern, comfortable, and ________, in a quiet place. 

6. The little boy _______________ the radio to see what was wrong with it.   

7.My teacher has always ______help endangered species and now she has the chance.

8.The film ________________ on a real story happening in a mountain village.  

9.I like picture books very much. __________________, I am also interested in novels. 

10. He often __________________ what the teacher says and take notes in class. 


