精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. 他愿意独自去那里。
    He _____ _____ _____ go there alone.
2. 他实现了上大学的梦想。
    He has _____ _____ _____ _____ going to university.
3. 每个人都应对生活充满希望。
    Everyone should _____ _____ _____ the future.
4. 只有那时我才知道生活是不易的。
    _____ _____ _____ I see life was not easy.
5. 请尽可能提高嗓门讲话。
    Please speak _____ _____ _____ _____.
6. 那让我处于相当艰难的位置。
    It _____ _____ _____ a rather difficult position.
7. 这首歌曾经有段时间很流行。
    _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ this song was very popular.
8. 我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。
    I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than _____ _____ my parents.
9. 她以一种我们从未料到的方式讲话。
    She talked _____ _____ _____ _____ we never expected.
10. 他选择同我们一起去。
      He _____ _____ go with us.
l. is willing to  2. achieved his dream of  3. be hopeful about  4. Only then did  5. as loudly as possible 
6. put me in  7. There was a time when  8. turned to  9. in a way which 10. chose to

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



  I gave him advice _____ ____ money.

12. 他的绘画正在展览会上展出。

  His paintings ___ ____ _____ at the exhibition.


  ___ ___ ___ ,you’re right.

14. 要他帮助别人绝非易事,换言之,他非常自私。

It’s never easy to ask him to help others. _______ _______ _______, he is very selfish.


  These tactics ___ ___ ___ be helpful to you.


  Mary ___ ___ ___ the solution.


_______  _______ _______, the famous player is a drug addict


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 那个激动的女孩很快就平静下来了。
    The excited girl quickly _______ _______.
2. 要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。
    It was difficult _______ _______ _______ the football fans.
3. 虽然她害怕,但还是用平静的声音回答。
    Although she was frightened, she answered _______ _______ _______ _______.
4. 西湖美得难以描述。
    The West Lake was beautiful _______ _______.
5. 他描述她穿着那件衣服的样子。
    He _______ _______ she looked in the dress.
6. 洗衣机出了故障。
    An accident _______ _______ the washer.
7. 你能想象出要是没有电,生活会是什么样子吗?
    Can you _______ _______ it would be _______ to live _______ electricity.
8. 交通事故减少了。 
    _______ _______ _______ a decrease in traffic accidents.
9. 报告一完,我们就进行讨论。
    We'll _______ _______ _______ right after the talk.
10. 我将立刻出发。 
     1 will set off _______ _______.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 我发现自己不知不觉中朝着动物园的方向走去。
    I ________ in the direction of the zoo.
2. 这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。
    The beggar ________ rags.
3. 她想象不出他长什么样子。
    She couldn't imagine _________.
4. 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。
    I ________ hear the news.
5. 你觉得北京怎么样?
    What ________ Beijing?
6. 你可以用日记来表达自己内心深处的想法和感受。
    You may want to ________ where you can express your deepest thoughts and feelings.
7. 他昨天参加了我们的讨论。
    He ________ the discussion yesterday.
8. 他像往常一样来得很早。
    He came early ________.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 我一直梦想着游长城。
    I ___________ long __________ the Great Wall.
2. 我们可以在西湖上划船吗?
    Could we ____________ the West Lake?
3. 他将要在五月份毕业。
    He will ____________ the school in May.
4. 你得到出国的机会了吗?
    Have you ____________ go abroad?
5. 这些都使他对哲学产生了兴趣。
    All this ____________ the history of philosophy.

