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  Julio loves to visit his grandmother.He doesn’t get to visit her very often because his family lives in a city that is six hours away.His grandmother lives in a big wooden house on a farm .It is old and looks as if it has secret hiding places.

  On the third Sunday of June ,Julio’s parents took him to his grandmother’s .Since it was summer vacation ,he was going to stay at grandmother’s for a whole month! His cousins Mario and Linda would soon be arriving.They would also be staying at their grandmother’s this summer.

  A big porch(走廊)wraps around two sides of the house .Julio sat in the porch swing.He could see the trees that circle the house.They had been planted as a windbreak.They protect the house from the wind and blowing dirt .The house is in the middle of a large, flat field.

  Julio watched the dirt road that leads to the house .He couldn’t wait for his cousins to get there !Mario was his age ,and Linda was a year younger .They had fun together .Last summer they spent one whole morning making a fort out of sacks of seed.Then Uncle Henry had taken them on a tractor ride.

  Julio remembered another time with his cousins.They had gone out to explode the fields.Julio touched an electric fence and got a shock .Then they found an old snakeskin.Nothing like that ever happened at his own home!

  Julio could smell the dinner that his grandmother was cooking.It made him hungry.

  Finally he saw a cloud of dust coming up the road.“They’re here! They’re here!” He shouted.


The story tells about Julio and his cousins doing all of the following except ________.

[  ]


watching old movies


taking a tractor ride


finding a snakeskin


making a fort from seed sacks


How do you think Julio felt when he saw his cousins arriving?

[  ]


He was worried.


He was excited


He was angry.


He was sad.


After Julio’s cousins arrived, what would probably happen next?

[  ]


They would build a fort on the hill.


They would look for snakeskin.


They would climb the trees in their grandmother’s yard


They would eat dinner at their grandmother’s house.


These boxes show events that happened in the story .What is in box 2?

[  ]


Julio’s cousins arrived at Grandmother’s house.


Julio could smell dinner cooking.


Julio sat in the porch swing.


Julio saw a cloud of dust coming up the road.


科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:050


  Boxing was long viewed sickly. Generally forbidden by law in earlier days, the fighting was usually done with barefists, and matches often lasted forty or fifty rounds.

  In 1882 John L. Sullivan, a fighter of great power, won the world heavyweight championship from Paddy Ryan in a bare-fisted battle marked by hitting, scratching, and biting without any rule. Five years later, while fighting Patsy Cardiff at Minneapolis, Sullivan broke his right arm in the third round, but he continued fighting to the sixth round and won. In 1889, Sullivan defeated Jake Kilrain with his bare fists in another championship fight, winning twenty thousand dollars and a diamond prize medal. His admirers talked then of tuning him for the neat governor, but he traveled to Australia for a boxing tour instead, coming back only, to lose his title in a twenty-one-round match with a young Californian named James J. Corbels.

  “Genfieam James” victory, in this match marked a turning point, for it showed scientific boxing was over strength. But Corbetts' title ended in 1897, when another boxer, Bob Fitssimmons, in less than three seconds, achieved his feats and then Fitzsimmons knocked out an Irishman, won the heavyweight championship of the world, and invented the terrible “solar plexus punch.”

1.Boxing matches in the early days were ________.

[  ]

A.short and bloody

B.usually spare-time competitions

C.governed by strict rules


2.Sullivan held the world's heavyweight title for ________.

[  ]

A.at least seven years

B.only a year

C.five days

D.twenty-one years

3.Sullivan's fight with Kilrain was ________.

[  ]

A.the first boxing championship match

B.a bare-fisted championship fight

C.the last boxing match to be fought barefisted

D.a six-round match


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州市2010届高中毕业年级第三次质量预测英语试题 题型:050


  Your cellphone holds secrets about you.Besides the names and numbers that you’ve programmed into it, traces of your DNA remain on it, according to a new study.

  DNA is genetic material that appears in every cell.Like your fingerprint, your DNA is unique to you-unless you have an identical twin.Scientists today usually analyze DNA in blood, saliva(唾液)or hair left behind at the scene of a crime.The results often help detectives identify criminals and victims.

  Meghan J.McFadden, a biologist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, heard about a crime in which the suspect bled onto a cellphone and later dropped it.This made her wonder whether traces of DNA remained on cellphones-even when no blood was involved.To find out, she and a colleague collected flip-style(翻盖式)phones from 10 volunteers.They collected invisible traces of the users from two parts of the phone:the outside, where the user holds it, and the speaker, which is placed at the user’s ear.

  The scientists cleaned the phones using a liquid mixture made mostly of alcohol.The aim of washing was to remove all detectable traces of DNA.The owners got their phones back for another week.Then they returned the phones and the researchers collected traces on each phone once more.They discovered DNA that belonged to the phone’s owner on each of the phones.

  Surprisingly, DNA was even picked up immediately after the phones were cleaned.That suggests that washing won’t remove all traces of evidence from a criminal’s cellphone.So cellphones can be added to the list of clues that can settle a crime-scene investigation.


In a crime-scene investigation, now experts are likely to turn to ________.

[  ]


the criminal’s fingerprint


the DNA analysis of physical items


the detectives


the criminal’s cellphone


According to the passage, McFadden was inspired by ________.

[  ]


the secrets stored in people’s cellphones


the special characters of DNA


a cellphone-involved case


the challenging job of detectives


According to the passage, the potential application of the new study would be ________.

[  ]


identifying criminals


designing new cellphones


protecting individual privacy


preventing cellphone-involved crimes


Which of the following has the closest meaning with the underlined word“identify”in Paragraph 2?

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:山东省潍坊市第一中学2011届高三教学质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  HANS Christian Andersen put Denmark on the map of the world literature with his stories The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid(小美人鱼)and The Ugly Duckling.Now Copenhagen, the country's capital, has become the center of the world political map, with 190 world leaders attending the climate talks there, not to mention thousands of reporters.

  Just how much do you know about the Scandinavian country?

  Denmark is famous for its design culture.At the heat of“Danish Design”is the idea that, as poet and designer Piet Hein puts it:“There is one art, not more, nor less, [and that is] to do all things with artlessness(朴实)”.

  Danish design places equal emphasis on practicality and quality.From Lego toys to furniture, Danish products are known for their clean lines, simplicity and functionality.“Remove material where it's not needed.Keep things simple and functional and make them carefully,”explained Hans J.Wegner, the first Danish designer to achieve worldwide fame:“The aim is not to create a work of art, but to produce a good chair.”

  “The Danes have done a better job than most in promoting arts in Europe, considering their country's size and population, in the fields of architecture, sculpture and design,”writes Helena Smith, reporter with British newspaper the Guardian.

  The simplicity of Danish design may extend to the quality of life there.Some even claim that the Danes have the highest quality of life of any nation in the world.

  Kate Vial, a 55-year-old American who has lived and worked in Denmark for more than 30 years, explaining why she chooses to live in Denmark rather than the US, told Germany's biggest news weekly Der Spiegel:“I just chose a simpler lifestyle, one where I could ride my bike all over and where I don't have to make a great living to survive.”


What's the writer's purpose of mentioning Denmark's literature?

[  ]


To show the readers that Denmark is best known for its stories.


To arouse readers' interest in Denmark.


To tell the readers that this passage is related to literature.


To show why Denmark can attract so many political leaders.


What is Denmark famous for according to the passage?

[  ]


Design culture


Making chairs


Writing poems


Climate prediction


Which statement is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Danish design pays more attention to arts than its function.


Danish products don't need much material.


Danish people like to keep a simple life.


Compared with other countries in Europe, Denmark does little in promoting arts.


In Piet Hein's opinion, the characteristic of Danish culture is.

[  ]










What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Danes conquer the world with simple designs.


Denmark-a new political center.


Life in Denmark.


Designer's idea of Denmark.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济宁金乡一中2012届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  BEIJING(Associated Press美联社)-China has a growing middle class, a tradition(传统)of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year.Selling educational toys should be easy.

  While China may be the worlds biggest toy maker, many of the best are exported.Department stores here do not have enough high quality toys.It is said that the demand for educational toys is low.

  A US company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China.

  BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals.People who join the company’s "mother club" can get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company’s educational toys and child care books.

  "We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people," said Matthew J.Estes, BabyCare’s president."It starts during pregnancy(孕期), when the anxiety and needs are highest." BabyCare works on a one to one basis.Doctors, nurses, and teachers paid by BabyCare advise parents, explain toys that are designed for children at each stage(阶段)of development to age six.

  BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo.It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years.

  It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children’s education and health that no other companies are in.


What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?

[  ]


Educational toys and foreign toy markets.


Problems with China’s toy market and education.


Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.


Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.


Which of the following is a fact according to the passage?

[  ]


Club members buy BabyCare products for free child care advice.


Doctors in Beijing help in making BabyCare products.


Parents are encouraged to pay $ 18 for club activities.


BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.


BabyCare is developing its business in China by.

[  ]


opening stores in Beijing hospitals


offering 18-month courses on child care


setting up children’s education centers


forming close relationships with parents


Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

[  ]


Mother’s Club in China.


BabyCare and Doctors.


American Company Model.


Educational Toys in China.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济宁市金乡一中2012届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  BEIJING(Associated Press美联社)-China has a growing middle class, a tradition(传统)of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year.Selling educational toys should be easy.

  While China may be the worlds biggest toy maker, many of the best are exported.Department stores here do not have enough high quality toys.It is said that the demand for educational toys is low.

  A US company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China.

  BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals.People who join the company’s "mother club" can get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company’s educational toys and child care books.

  "We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people," said Matthew J.Estes, BabyCare’s president."It starts during pregnancy(孕期), when the anxiety and needs are highest." BabyCare works on a one to one basis.Doctors, nurses, and teachers paid by BabyCare advise parents, explain toys that are designed for children at each stage(阶段)of development to age six.

  BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo.It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years.

  It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children’s education and health that no other companies are in.


What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?

[  ]


Educational toys and foreign toy markets.


Problems with China’s toy market and education.


Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.


Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.


Which of the following is a fact according to the passage?

[  ]


Club members buy BabyCare products for free child care advice.


Doctors in Beijing help in making BabyCare products.


Parents are encouraged to pay $ 18 for club activities.


BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.


BabyCare is developing its business in China by.

[  ]


opening stores in Beijing hospitals


offering 18-month courses on child care


setting up children’s education centers


forming close relationships with parents


Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

[  ]


Mother’s Club in China.


BabyCare and Doctors.


American Company Model.


Educational Toys in China.

