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Nations plan next steps to end global warming

On December 3,more than 10,000 scientists, environmental activists and government officials from 187 countries met in Bali, Indonesia, which is the largest global warming conference ever held.

One of the main goals of the two-week meeting is to develop a replacement for the international treaty called the Kyoto Protocol, which has been signed by 174, countries, calling for limits on the emission of greenhouse gases.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, nations were legally bound to reduce greenhouse gases, but since it was signed in 2005, they have continued to increase worldwide. Of the largest greenhouse gas emitters, only Russia and Japan have agreed to follow me rules. China and India-second and sixth on the list-are making efforts to make cuts.

The U.S signed the treaty in 1997 but has not yet agreed to follow the strict rules, which require that greenhouse gas release be reduced by 10% by 2012. U.S. officials are opposed to these mandatory(强制性的),or required, cuts in emissions. "We’re worrying that it would be too costly and would hurt the U.S. economy. But we're not here to be a roadblock," said Harlan L. Watson, a top U.S. climate official.

Even if greenhouse gases are reduced, scientists say it will take decades or longer to stop the global warming that is already underway. To help poor countries deal with rising temperatures and climate changes, the UN has developed the "Adaptation Fund" to help them improve farming techniques and water systems.

But so far, it has only raised $67 million.

"The money should come from the countries most responsible and most capable," said Kate Raworth, a senior research official from the Oxfam International aid group. She listed the U.S., European Union, Japan, Australia and Canada.

1. The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refers to“_____”.

A.greenhouse gases

B.the countries which have signed the treaty.

C.people who are against the treaty

D.the measures taken to reduce greenhouse gases

2. By saying "But we’re not here to be a roadblock", Harlan L. Watson wants to say that_____.

A.the U.S will be a roadblock to the global economy

B.the U.S has realized that some action must be taken

C.the U.S refused to follow the rules of the Kyoto Protocol

D.the U.S thinks this conference of no importance

3.According to Kate Raworth, the "Adaptation Fund" should come from all the following EXCEPT______.


B.European Union



4.Why did U.S officials not agree to make effort to reduce greenhouse gases?

A.Because the greenhouse gases they emitted are not so harmful.

B.Because they fear that it would affect the U.S economy.

C.Because they shouldn’t be responsible for global warming.

D.Because they think these gases won’t cause global warming_____.

5.We can learn from the passage that_____.

A.the conference will last a fortnight

B.the U.S hasn’t signed the Kyoto Protocol.

C.many manufacturers attended the conference

D.the global warming will be stopped as soon as greenhouse gases are reduced











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  In 1980 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then. The report was the result of a three-year study.

  According to the report, the 1 of the earth in the year 2000 is not a 2 one. The world will be more crowded because the 3 will continue to grow. The population 4 be as large as 6,300 million, almost 2,500 million more than that in 1975. 5 people would move into cities, especially cities in 6 countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakanta 7 would each have 15 million by then. Food production will increase, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1975, but most of the increase would be in countries that 8 produce enough food for their people. 9 increase is grown in South Asia, Africa and European countries. Poor farming ways are 10 large areas of cropland, changing farms into 11 . More farmland is lost 12 cities become larger and houses are built. Air pollution will get worse as industrial countries 13 more coal and oil. Much of the world's 14 could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a 15 problem. The experts hope their picture of the earth for the year 2000 may be 16 . Measures must be taken to change the situation that 17 today. By changing the situation, by settling the problems, the picture can be changed. There is 18 time for the nations of the world to work together on a plan of action. But they 19 that waiting too long to make decisions would greatly 20 the chances of success.


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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Nations plan next steps to end global warming

On December 3,more than 10,000 scientists, environmental activists and government officials from 187 countries met in Bali, Indonesia, which is the largest global warming conference ever held.

One of the main goals of the two-week meeting is to develop a replacement for the international treaty called the Kyoto Protocol, which has been signed by 174, countries, calling for limits on the emission of greenhouse gases.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, nations were legally bound to reduce greenhouse gases, but since it was signed in 2005, they have continued to increase worldwide. Of the largest greenhouse gas emitters, only Russia and Japan have agreed to follow me rules. China and India-second and sixth on the list-are making efforts to make cuts.

The U.S signed the treaty in 1997 but has not yet agreed to follow the strict rules, which require that greenhouse gas release be reduced by 10% by 2012. U.S. officials are opposed to these mandatory(强制性的),or required, cuts in emissions. "We’re worrying that it would be too costly and would hurt the U.S. economy. But we're not here to be a roadblock," said Harlan L. Watson, a top U.S. climate official.

Even if greenhouse gases are reduced, scientists say it will take decades or longer to stop the global warming that is already underway. To help poor countries deal with rising temperatures and climate changes, the UN has developed the "Adaptation Fund" to help them improve farming techniques and water systems.

But so far, it has only raised $67 million.

"The money should come from the countries most responsible and most capable," said Kate Raworth, a senior research official from the Oxfam International aid group. She listed the U.S., European Union, Japan, Australia and Canada.

The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refers to“_____”.

A. greenhouse gases

B. the countries which have signed the treaty.

C. people who are against the treaty

D. the measures taken to reduce greenhouse gases

By saying "But we’re not here to be a roadblock", Harlan L. Watson wants to say that_____.

A. the U.S will be a roadblock to the global economy

B. the U.S has realized that some action must be taken

C. the U.S refused to follow the rules of the Kyoto Protocol

D. the U.S thinks this conference of no importance

According to Kate Raworth, the "Adaptation Fund" should come from all the following EXCEPT______.

A. Japan      B. European Union     C. India       D. Canada

Why did U.S officials not agree to make effort to reduce greenhouse gases?

A. Because the greenhouse gases they emitted are not so harmful.

B. Because they fear that it would affect the U.S economy.

C. Because they shouldn’t be responsible for global warming.

D. Because they think these gases won’t cause global warming_____.

We can learn from the passage that_____.

A. the conference will last a fortnight

B. the U.S hasn’t signed the Kyoto Protocol.

C. many manufacturers attended the conference

D. the global warming will be stopped as soon as greenhouse gases are reduced                                    


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省黄冈市2010届高三下学期质量检测英语 题型:阅读理解

The government of Norway is planning to build an unusual storage center on an island in the Arctic Ocean. The place would be large enough to hold about two million seeds. The goal is to represent all crops known to scientists. The British magazine New Scientist published details of the plan last month. The structure will be designed to protect the world’s food supply against nuclear war, climate change and other possible threats. It will be built in a mountain on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. The mountain is less than one thousand kilometers from the North Pole, the northernmost position on Earth.
An international group called the Global Crop Diversity Trust is working on the project. The director of the group, Cary Fowler, spoke to New Scientist. He said the project would let the world rebuild agriculture if, in his words,“the worst came to the worst.” Norway is expected to start work next year. The project is expected to cost three million dollars. Workers will drill deep in the side of a sandstone mountain. Temperatures in the area never rise above zero degrees Celsius. The seeds will be protected behind concrete walls a meter thick and high—security doors.
The magazine report says the collection will represent the products of ten thousand years of farming. Most of the seeds at first will come from collections at seed banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America. To last a long time, seeds need to be kept in very low temperatures. Workers will not be present all the time. But they plan to replace the air inside the storage space each winter. Winter temperatures on the island are about eighteen degrees below zero Celsius. The cold weather would protect the seeds even if the air could not be replaced.
Mr. Fowler says the proposed structure will be the world’s most secure gene bank. He says the plant seeds would only be used when all other seeds are gone for some reason. Norway first proposed the idea in the 1980s. But security concerns delayed the plan. At that time, the Soviet Union was permitted use of Spitsbergen. New Scientist says the plan won United Nations approval in October at a meeting in Rome of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
55.The project is meant to_______.
A.increase the world’s food production in the future
B.carry out some scientific experiments on plant genes
C.protect crop seeds from dying out in case of possible disasters
D.build an exhibition centre of the world’s plant seeds
56.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the above passage?
A.The government of Norway will perform the project alone.
B.Seeds to be collected there were produced ten thousand years ago.
C.Spitsbergen is chosen because it is away from the threat of unclear war forever.
D.Temperature is a major consideration when choosing the storage place.
57.We can infer from the text that_______.
A.People will get newly?developed seeds from the center every year
B.The storage center will greatly promote the development of world agriculture
C.Norway meant to have built the storage centre more than 20 years ago
D.There haven’t been any seed storage centers in the world before
58.What is probably the best title of the passage?
A.Noah’s Ark(诺亚方舟) of Plant Seeds in Plan.      B.The Best Place to Store Seeds.
C.Concerns of World Food Supply.                 D.A New Way to Feed the World.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届福建省四地六校联考高三上学期第二次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Nations plan next steps to end global warming
On December 3,more than 10,000 scientists, environmental activists and government officials from 187 countries met in Bali, Indonesia, which is the largest global warming conference ever held.
One of the main goals of the two-week meeting is to develop a replacement for the international treaty called the Kyoto Protocol, which has been signed by 174, countries, calling for limits on the emission of greenhouse gases.
Under the Kyoto Protocol, nations were legally bound to reduce greenhouse gases, but since it was signed in 2005, they have continued to increase worldwide. Of the largest greenhouse gas emitters, only Russia and Japan have agreed to follow me rules. China and India-second and sixth on the list-are making efforts to make cuts.
The U.S signed the treaty in 1997 but has not yet agreed to follow the strict rules, which require that greenhouse gas release be reduced by 10% by 2012. U.S. officials are opposed to these mandatory(强制性的),or required, cuts in emissions. "We’re worrying that it would be too costly and would hurt the U.S. economy. But we're not here to be a roadblock," said Harlan L. Watson, a top U.S. climate official.
Even if greenhouse gases are reduced, scientists say it will take decades or longer to stop the global warming that is already underway. To help poor countries deal with rising temperatures and climate changes, the UN has developed the "Adaptation Fund" to help them improve farming techniques and water systems.
But so far, it has only raised $67 million.
"The money should come from the countries most responsible and most capable," said Kate Raworth, a senior research official from the Oxfam International aid group. She listed the U.S., European Union, Japan, Australia and Canada.
【小题1】 The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refers to“_____”.

A.greenhouse gases
B.the countries which have signed the treaty.
C.people who are against the treaty
D.the measures taken to reduce greenhouse gases
【小题2】 By saying "But we’re not here to be a roadblock", Harlan L. Watson wants to say that_____.
A.the U.S will be a roadblock to the global economy
B.the U.S has realized that some action must be taken
C.the U.S refused to follow the rules of the Kyoto Protocol
D.the U.S thinks this conference of no importance
【小题3】According to Kate Raworth, the "Adaptation Fund" should come from all the following EXCEPT______.
A.JapanB.European UnionC.IndiaD.Canada
【小题4】Why did U.S officials not agree to make effort to reduce greenhouse gases?
A.Because the greenhouse gases they emitted are not so harmful.
B.Because they fear that it would affect the U.S economy.
C.Because they shouldn’t be responsible for global warming.
D.Because they think these gases won’t cause global warming_____.
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that_____.
A.the conference will last a fortnight
B.the U.S hasn’t signed the Kyoto Protocol.
C.many manufacturers attended the conference
D.the global warming will be stopped as soon as greenhouse gases are reduced

