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请观察下图,请以“Where is my home?”为题,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。内容包括:






Where is my home?

Some fish are forced to leave polluted water and are flying in the sky. But unfortunately, air is also so polluted that they have to wear masks. Each of them is crying, “Where is my home?” What a terrible sight!

Mankind has brought so much pollution. Waste is being poured into rivers and seas. Poisons to kill pests in farming and chemicals go into rivers and seas, too. Poisonous gasses from factories also make the air so dirty. The whole balance of nature is being destroyed as a result of our ignorance of the environmental protection.

Personally speaking, man can not live alone on the earth. If fish should die from serious pollution, man would suffer greatly from the pollution of the environment. It is high time we did something to solve the problem of pollution。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--- Do you take ______ sugar in your tea?

   --- I used to, but now I’m on ______ diet. I’m trying to lose weight.

   A. the; the         B. 不填; a      C. 不填; 不填        D. the; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It took ______ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too.

A. other than       B. more than            C. rather than      D. less than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Governments and health officials around the world continued to take steps Tuesday against the outbreak of swine flu that has killed scores of people in Mexico and spread to the U.S., Europe and possibly Asia.

By early Tuesday, the swine flu outbreak in Mexico had caused in 152 deaths and more than 1,600 illnesses. So far, at least 113 cases have been proved worldwide, including 64 in the United States; six in Canada; 11 in New Zealand and two each in Spain the United Kingdom and Israel. None has yet resulted in death.

The World Health Organization on Monday raised its alert level from three to four on its six-level scale. The move means the U.N. agency has determined that the virus can transmit

from human to human.

"In this age of global travel, where people move around in airplanes so quickly, there is no region to which this virus could not spread," said Fukuda, assistant director-general of the WHO.

Governments around the world struggled to prevent further outbreak. Some, like China and Russia, banned pork imports from the United States and Mexico. U.S. President Barack Obama said the outbreak was a cause for concern, not for alarm. The government urged travelers to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico.

The latest WHO report listed only seven proved swine flu deaths in Mexico but it was not clear why there was the discrepency.

Mexico City has closed all schools until at least May 6 to help curb(control) the spread of swine flu and ordered 35,00 public venues to close or serve only takeaway meals. In addition, bars, clubs, movie theaters, pool halls, gyms, sport centers and convention halls have been told to close until May 5. Armed police officers are also guarding hospitals in Mexico City while roads and schools in the city of 20 million people are deserted. Officials also have talked about shutting down the bus and subway systems.

How many people were found catching swine flu in Spain?

A. 2.           B. 11.      C. 6.           D. 64.

When learning the outbreak of swine flu, the WHO was ____.

A. calm     B. nervous  C. shocked  D. careful

Fukuda’s words suggest that _____.

A. he likes travel by air

B. global travel hasn’t been affected

C. this virus can spread quickly because of global travel

D. planes must be forbidden to take to prevent swine flu

The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. Mexico has taken measures to control swine flu

B. Mexico City is too dangerous to live in

C. the normal life in Mexico has been changed

D. people in Mexico are badly in need of help


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sorry to say,our brains naturally start slowing down at the Cruelty young age of 30.It used to be thought that this couldn’t be helped,but new studies show that people of any age can train their brains to work faster.“Your brain is a learning machine,”saying University of California scientist Dr. Michael Merzenich.Given the right tools,we can train our brains to act like they did when we were younger.All that’s required is the practice designed just for the purpose:a few exercises for the mind.

Merzenich has developed a computer-based training method to speed up the process(过程) in which the brain deals with information (positscience.com).Since much of the data we receive comes through speech,the Brain Fitness Program works with language and hearing to better speed and accuracy(准确性).

Over the course of training,the program starts asking you to distinguish(辨别) sounds (between“dog”and“bog”,for example) at an increasingly faster speed.It’s a bit like tennis instructor,says Merzenich,hitting balls at you—faster and faster to keep you challenged(受到挑战).You may start out slow,but before long you’re pretty quick.

The biggest finding in brain research in the last ten years is that the brain at any age is highly plastic.If you ask your brain to learn,it will learn.And it may even speed up while in the process.

To keep your brain young and plastic you can do one of a million new activities that challenge and excite you:playing table tennis or bridge,doing crossword puzzles,learning a language...“When it comes to preventing ageing,you really do ‘use it or lose it’,”says Barbara Sahakian,professor at Cambridge University.

Dr.Merzenich’s training method mainly depends on ______.

A.speech training

B.computer languages

C.the activities one joins in

D.the information being dealt with

By saying “the brain at any age is highly plastic”,the writer probably means the brain can be ______.

A.used                                                            B.mastered

C.developed                                                     D.researched

What can we learn from the text?

A.Practice makes a quick mind.

B.Brain research started ten years ago.

C.Dr. Merzenich is a scientist in computer.

D.People believed nothing could stop the brain slowing down.

Which of the following agrees with the writer’s idea?

A.The training methods work better for the old.

B.People should use the brain to stop it from ageing.

C.The training of the brain should start at an early age.

D.It’s necessary to take part in as many activities as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Romance does not have to fizzle out(失败) in long-term relationships and progress into a companionship/friendship-type love, a new study has found. Romantic love can last a lifetime and lead to happier, healthier   1  .

"Many believe that   2  love is the same as passionate(多情的)love," said lead researcher Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD, then at Stony Brook University (currently at University of California, Santa Barbara). "It isn't. Romantic love has the intensity, engagement and sexual chemistry that passionate love has, minus the obsessive component(过度成分). Passionate or obsessive love includes   3  of uncertainty and anxiety. This kind of love   4  drive the shorter relationships but not the longer ones."

These findings   5  in the March issue of Review of General Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association.

Acevedo and co-researcher Arthur Aron, PhD, reviewed 25 studies with 6,070 individuals in short- and long-term relationships to    6  whether romantic love is associated with more satisfaction. To determine this, they   7  the relationships in each of the studies as romantic, passionate (romantic with obsession) or friendship-like love and categorized them as long- or short-term.

The researchers looked at 17 short-term relationship studies, which included 18- to 23-year-old college students who were   8  , dating or married, with the average relationship lasting less than four years. They also   9  at 10 long-term relationship studies including middle-aged couples who were typically married 10 years or more. Two of the   10  ncluded both long- and short-term relationships in which it was possible to distinguish the two samples.

The review found that those who reported greater romantic love were more   11  in both the short- and long-term relationships. Companion-like love was only moderately   12  with satisfaction in both short- and long-term relationships. And those who reported greater passionate love in their relationships were more satisfied in the short term   13  to the long term.

Couples who reported more satisfaction in their relationships also   14  being happier and having higher self-esteem.

Feeling that a partner is "there for you"   15  or a good relationship, Acevedo said, and facilitates(促进) feelings of romantic love. On the other hand, "feelings of insecurity are generally associated with   16  satisfaction, and in some   17  may spark conflict in the relationship. This can manifest(表白) into obsessive love," she said.

This discovery may change people's   18  of what they want in long-term relationships. According to the authors, companionship love, which is what many couples see as the natural   19  of a successful relationship, may be an unnecessary compromise(妥协). "Couples should strive for love with all the trimmings(修剪)," Acevedo said. "And couples who've been together a long time and wish to get back their romantic edge should know it is an attainable(可达到的) goal that, like most good things in life,   20  energy and devotion."

(   ) 1. A. scholarships        B. friendships        C. relationships     D. companionships

(   ) 2. A. obsessive            B. romantic           C. passionate        D. companion

(   ) 3. A. feelings              B. factors              C. consequences    D. barriers

(   ) 4. A. contributes        B. helps               C. prevents           D. speeds

(   ) 5. A. occur                 B. take                 C. write               D. appear

(   ) 6. A. find out             B. work out          C. take out            D. bring out

(   ) 7. A. separated            B. classified          C. divided             D. cut

(   ) 8. A. alone                 B. lonely              C. single               D. unique

(   ) 9. A. glanced              B. glared              C. stared               D. looked

(   ) 10. A. findings           B. examinations     C. experiments      D. studies

(   ) 11. A. unpleased        B. disappointed     C. satisfied            D. desperate

(   ) 12. A. referred            B. associated        C. contended        D. conflicted

(   ) 13. A. compared        B. comparing               C. added               D. led

(   ) 14. A. reported           B. said                  C. believed           D. hoped

(   ) 15. A. takes               B. makes              C. means              D. depends

(   ) 16. A. higher              B. lower                      C. no                    D. much

(   ) 17. A. environments    B. states               C. air                   D. cases

(   ) 18. A. views                      B. expectations      C. remarks            D. statements

(   ) 19. A. progression       B. change             C. results              D. choice

(   ) 20. A. produces          B. satisfies            C. requires            D. consumes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 — ________you read the story? 

—Yes. I_____________it at school. 

 Have; read    B. Did; read      C. Have; have read    D. Did; have read


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

_______ book of this writer is East and West.

A. Known to be the best     B. It was the best known C. Known as the best    D. The best known


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The boy promised ___ mother never to lie to ___ again.

A. his, him   B. her, her   C. his, her   D.her, him

