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1. 做志愿者对在会的鈔处;

2. 做志愿者对自己的好处;

3. 期待更多的同学加入。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) .

2. 可适当增加细传,以使行文连贯。

Dear fellow students,

           Being a volunteer is very common among students today.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

                                                      Student Union 

One possible version:

Dear fellow students, 

              Being a volunteer is very common among students today. It can do much good to society. Volunteers show love and care to people in need,giving them hope to go on. Then those getting helped will in turn learn to help others once they're able to do so,and the world will become more and more harmonious.

              Volunteers get something in return during the process too. They learn to value what they have at present,and get true happiness from helping others. Besides,they get improvement in communication skills,which will get them better prepared for their future careers.

              So we hope more students can join in and make a difference to the world and to ourselves.

                                                    Student Union

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第47期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             Japanese fans who watched their national team be defeated by the Ivory Coast on Saturday showed it is possible to lose graciously(优雅地), when they stayed behind after the match to help clean up.

             Despite seeing Japan,s Blue Samurais lose 2-1 against the Ivory Coast's national team at the Arena Pernambuco in Recife,the Japanese audience armed with plastic bags searched their side of the stadium and gathered up dropped litter. While gathering waste after a sporting event is customary in Japan,the audience's actions came as a shock to football fans from other countries.

             This isn't the first time the Japanese have taken trash outside the stadium. The 1998 FIFA World Cup held in France was the first ever World Cup that Japan had qualified for. After their first group game against Argentina,the Japanese fans gave the world a lesson in politeness and respect by actually cleaning the football stadium seats. They picked up all the trash around them whether it was theirs or not. They then walked out and threw the trash in the garbage cans before leaving.

            The all-around cleanliness of Japanese large cities comes as a culture shock to people coming from other big cities in the world. This tidiness is not due to millions of dollars spent on street cleaners and “Let's clean-up our city” campaigns. It's not due to effective public works or community service. It's due to one simple thing: They don't throw their rubbish on the. floor. This unique and rare concept allows for both huge cities and the countryside to stay neat and tidy.

            To reinforce (加强) this behavior,the common signs in Japan ask people to take their litter home with them. Then,to reinforce the sign,they usually have no garbage cans in the parks. So when faced with the choice-of throwing their garbage on the ground or keeping it with them,they keep it. They don't need a “Don’t Litter” or “Keep Japan Beautifur,sign. They have been doing it their whole lives and are used to taking their garbage with them.

28. The story in Paragraph 3 mainly shows that.

   A. Japanese people are used to carrying their own trash

   B. Japanese fans have a habit of cleaning up the stadium

   C. Japanese fans often clean stadium seats before the game

   D. the Japanese are very interested in watching football games

29. What can we say about Japanese big cities’cleanliness?

   A. It has become common practice.

   B. It is the result of community service.

   C. It costs millions of dollars every year.

   D. It exists because of public campaigns.

30. Which of the following do the Japanese accept as normal?

   A. Punishing the behavior of littering.

   B. Many signs reading “Don’t Litter”.

   C. Lots of garbage cans in the parks.

   D. Taking litter away with them.

31. The author’s attitude to the Japanese audience might be that of .

   A. criticism   B. unconcern

   C. respect     D. doubt


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                 Petrarch was a devoted classical scholar who is considered the “Father of Humanism,”a philosophy that helped set the stage for the Renaissance. Petrarch's writing includes well--known poems to Laura,his idealized love. His writing was also used to shape the modem Italian language.

                 Petrarch was bom on July 20 ,1304,in Italy. With his family,he moved to France as a child. In France,Petrarch studied law,as his father had wished. However,his interest was in literature,particularly that of ancient Greece and Rome. After his father's death in 1326,Petrarch left law to focus on the classics.

                 As Petrarch learned more about the classical period,he began to respect that time greatly and fight against the limitations of his own time. Though he felt that he lived "among varied and confusing storms,” Petrarch believed that humanity could once more reach the heights of past accomplishments. The belief he followed became known as humanism,and formed a bridge from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

                 Petrarch's other interest was writing. His first pieces were poems that he wrote after the death of his mother. He would go on to write sonnets(十四行诗) letters,histories and more. Petrarch's writing was greatly admired during his lifetime,and he was nameci Rome's poet laureate(桂冠诗人) in 1341. The work Petrarch held in highest regard was his Latin composition an epic poem (史

诗) about the Second Punic War. His vernacular (用方言写的) poems achieved greater fame , however,and would later be used to help create the modem Italian language.

                 As one of the world's first classical scholars , Petrarch uncovered vast stores of knowledge in the lost texts he discovered,while his philosophy of humanism helped encourage the intellectual growth and accomplishments of the Renaissance. Petrarch is remembered for his poems,sonnets and other writing.His vernacular writing was given everlasting fame when it was used—alongside;the works of Dante Alighieri and Giovanni i Boccaccio—as the foundation for the modern Italian language.

32. Petrarch studied law.

   A. at his father's request

   B. because he hated literature

   C. in the hope of changing his society

   D. because he was enthusiastic about it

33. What do we know about the time Petrarch lived in?

   A. It was peaceful and rich.

   B. It was worthy of respect.

   C. It was difficult and had many restrictions.

   D. It reached a new height of accompUshments.

34. What were Petrarch's greatest contributions to writing?

   A. He pioneered the sonnet writing.

   B. He was the first to write epic poems.

   C. He was named Rome's poet laureate.

   D. He helped shape the modem Italian language.

35. The last paragraph is written in a tone of.

   A. regret     B. praise

   C. calmness   D. sadness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.(P2)


① 本句是一个由but连接的并列复合句。

② 前一分句中thing后跟省略了关系词that的定语从句I did; see后跟由if引导的宾语从句,该宾语从句中又包含由that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词

③ 后一分句中,过去分词短语designed to kill snakes作后置定语,修饰





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                 Genetically modified (GM) foods (转基因食品) have been around for many years. They are developed for a number of different reasons — to fight disease,resist pests,improve nutrition,survive drought — and are mainly found in our food supply in processed foods using com,soybeans and as feed for farm animals. Are they safe? How do they affect the environment? Can they improve food security? Is the world better off with or without GM foods?

                 Supporters of GM foods say that farmers who grow these crops are able to use fewer environmentally damaging farm chemicals. The increased output is important to feeding the world's growing population. And many studies have shown that GM foods are safe to eat and that there's no actual evidence of any health risks. They also add that the oods have been thoroughly examined and have gamed approval for eating from a wide variety of government and scientific bodies.

                 Critics,however,are concerned that these foods have not been strictly tested and are potentially dangerous for both the environment and people's health. They say farmers growing GM crops have actually increased their use of farm chemicals. And the widespread use of the crops,they say,has also led to an increase in weeds and insects that have resistance to farm chemicals. And,they argue,there is still no scientific evidence of the long-term safety of these foods.

                 Four scientists recently took on those questions in a debate,facing off two against two on GM foods. In these Oxford-style debates,the team that gets the most people on its side by the end is the winner.

                 Before the debate,the audience at the Kaufman Music Center in New York voted 32 percent in favor of GM foods,with 30 percent against and 38 percent undecided. Afterward,60  percent agreed with GM foods,and 31 percent disagreed — making the side arguing in favor of GM foods the winners of this debate.

29. What's the main purpose of Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To advertise GM foods.

   B. To show what GM foods are.

   C. To introduqe the topic of the text.

   D. To explain why GM foods are developed.

30. What's the main focus of the debate?

   A. The necessity of producing GM foods.

   B. Whether GM crops can help to avoid hunger.

   C. Whether GM. foods are scientifically examined.

   D. GM foods’ effect on human health and the environment.

31. What do we know about the debate at the Kaufman Music Center?

   A. There were four votes for the debate.

   B. About half of the audience had no idea about it.

   C. It was a face-to-face debate between two and two.

   D. The winner of the debate was decided by the judges.

32. What percentage of the audience supported the winner of the debate?

   A. 31 percent. B. 38 percent.

   C. 60 percent. D. 92 percent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。

1. Wearing seat belts in cars is (强制的) by law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. They tried to persuade her to go,but their efforts were.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 2. Finding a proper way to trap the snakes was more difficult than expected.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. People who cannot d  between colours are said to be colour-blind.

