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You can’t hide a natural disaster from children, so how do we prepare them for it? First of all, you should explain to them that acts of nature aren’t necessarily disasters but can become one. These may include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, wild fires, and earthquakes. The way to prepare children for these disasters is to educate them about what each type is and then make it fun by making them “Disaster Masters” or whatever title you can think of.
Making them a Disaster Master won’t be easy. They must know what’s in a disaster emergency kit(工具箱) and why it’s included. You can get your friends involved, too. If your friends have children, they may want to be involved in your emergency preparations. Make it a group project. This is the opportunity for everyone to become familiar with the equipment.
We have to be aware of our conduct and the way we react to stress. The children will be easily influenced by your attitude and demeanor. The calmness, steady manner, and good humor of your spouse (配偶) and you will go a long way toward the easing or the reduction of stress.
Explain to them what they’re likely to encounter or see and describe how people may react. Disasters can come and go very quickly and generally don’t last long. If you must stay away from home, try to get into a routine quickly and encourage them to make new friends. Let them know they can look to their parents and other adults if they become scared or confused. And it’s important to let them know it’s OK to cry during a disaster.
It’s sometimes helpful to let the children draw pictures of what they’ve experienced. Encourage them to write what they learned and what could have been done better. Save the story. Make it part of a documented family history!
小题1:This passage was written mainly to tell us about ______.
A.the importance of mutual help in disaster preparation
B.tips for preparing children for a natural disaster
C.the importance of educating children about natural disasters
D.ways to raise children’s courage in natural disasters
小题2:It is a must that a Disaster Master knows ______.
A.when a natural disaster will come
B.why there are natural disasters
C.how to use a disaster emergency kit
D.how to teach others about emergency preparations
小题3:The underlined word “demeanor” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “______”.
小题4:When they meet with a natural disaster, children ______.
A.must write down what they see and how they feel
B.should believe that the disaster will never last long
C.can cry if they are frightened
D.should help other children despite the danger
小题5:The author wrote the passage mainly for ______.
A.parentsB.young childrenC.teachersD.college students


小题1:根据全文内容以及You can’t hide a natural disaster from children, so how do we prepare them for it? 故选B。
小题2:根据They must know what’s in a disaster emergency kit(工具箱) and why it’s included.故选C。
小题3:根据The calmness, steady manner, and good humor of your spouse (配偶) and you will go a long way toward the easing or the reduction of stress.可猜出“demeanor”意思是行为,故选D。
小题4:根据And it’s important to let them know it’s OK to cry during a disaster,故选C。
小题5:根据全文内容以及You can’t hide a natural disaster from children, so how do we prepare them for it?可知这篇文章主要是写给家长的,故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

While Jennifer was at home taking an online exam for her business law class, a monitor(监控器)a few hundred miles away was watching her every move.
Using a web camera equipped in Jennifer’s Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in Phoenix tracked how frequently her eyes moved from the computer screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was locked - remotely - to prevent Internet searches , and her typing style was analyzed to make sure she was who she said she was: Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?
In the battle against cheating, this is the cutting edge and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education. The technology gives trust to the entire system, to the institution and to online education in general. Only with solid measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and diplomas are valid - that students haven’t just searched the Internet to get the right answers.
Although online classes have existed for more than a decade, the concern over cheating has become sharper in the last year with the growth of "open online courses." Private colleges, public universities and corporations are jumping into the online education field, spending millions of dollars to attract potential students, while also taking steps to help guarantee honesty at a distance.
Aside from the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular. Among them are programs that check students’ identities using personal information, such as the telephone number they once used.
Other programs can produce unique exam by drawing on a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test question are answered at the same speed as easy ones. As in many university classes, term papers are scanned against some large Internet data banks for cheating.
小题1:Why was Jennifer watched in an online exam?
A.To correct her typing mistakes.
B.To find her secrets in the room.
C.To prevent her from slowing down.
D.To keep her from dishonest behaviors.
小题2:The underlined expression cutting edge in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A.advanced techniqueB.sharpening tool
C.effective ruleD.dividing line
小题3: For Internet universities, exams and diplomas will be valid if _____.
A.they can attract potential studentsB.they can defeat academic cheating
C.they offer students online helpD.they offer many online courses
小题4:Some programs can find out possible cheaters by _____.
A.checking the question answering speed
B.producing a large number of question
C.scanning the Internet test question
D.giving difficult test question
小题5: Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.The Advantages of Online Exams
B.The High-tech Methods in Online Courses
C.The Fight against Cheating in Online Education
D.The War against the Booming of Online Education


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Babies understand what their mothers say, even when they speak a language their children have never heard before, scientists claim.
The researchers found that one-year-olds reacted in exactly same way to their mothers’ voices regardless of whether they were speaking English or Greek, showing what mothers have long known – that babies pick up on tone of voice rather than the words themselves.
The researchers, from Cardiff University’s School of Psychology, observed babies as they watched their mothers perform actions with toys using the English words “whoops” and “there”. The scientists studied reactions from one-year-old babies to their mums’ voices even when they were speaking both English and Greek, and keeping the same tone of voice. The academics found that babies reproduced the same reactions regardless of whether they knew the language.  
Study leader Dr Merideth Gattis of Cardiff University’s School of Psychology says, “What this work showed was that children could have access to understanding simply through tone of voice. We did ‘whoops’ and ‘there’ in two languages and got exactly the same results.” The research, published in the journal Cognitive Development, was conducted on 84 babies aged between 14 and 18 months, over the course of a year, with none of the babies having any previous exposure to Greek.
Dr Gattis says that children respond to tone clues in their parents’ voices from an early age.
She says, “Tone of voice is a really useful signal of what someone is thinking. We never have direct access to other people’s minds, except the signals in language that they give out.” She says the study shows that it is less important what parents say than how they say it.
Dr Gattis adds, “A child may ask if you like his / her drawing, for example. You might say yes, but if you don’t sound enthusiastic, the meaning may not get across.” Before children begin to speak, parents should use exaggerated tone when speaking to them.
小题1:According to the text, what have mothers long-known?
A.Babies have a better understanding of English.
B.Babies pick up on tone of voice.
C.Babies like their mothers’ performances.
D.Babies like drawing from an early age.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE, according to the study?
A.Tone of voice is the most useful sign of what someone is thinking.
B.After children begin to speak, tone becomes unimportant.
C.The babies acted the same way regardless of the language.
D.The research was conducted on 48 babies.
小题3:According to the text, Dr. Gattis believes that _________.
A.we have no access to other people’s minds
B.babies can’t understand what “yes” means
C.parents should always sound enthusiastic
D.how a parent speaks is more important than what he or she says
小题4:What’s the text mainly about?
A.The content of the journal Cognitive Development.
B.The famous works of Dr. Gattis.
C.Babies understanding their mothers through tone.
D.Babies having the potential to learn language well.
小题5:The text can be classified as _________.
A.a reportB.an advertisementC.a handbookD.a guide


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We like to think our intelligence is self-made; it happens inside our heads, the product of our inner thoughts alone. But the rise of Google, Wikipedia and other online tools has made many people question the impact of these technologies on our brains. Is typing in “Who has played James Bond in the movies?” the same as our knowledge about the names like Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig? Can we say we know the answer as long as we know how to rapidly get the information on Google?
Here the question is about how we define intelligence itself. The answer appears to be interesting, because the evidence from psychological studies suggests that much of our intelligence comes from how we coordinate ourselves with other people and our environment.
An influential theory among psychologists is that we're cognitive misers(认知吝啬者). This is the idea that we are unwilling to do mental work unless we have to. We try to avoid thinking things fully when a short cut is available. If you've ever voted for the presidential candidate(总统候选人) with the most honest smile, or chosen a restaurant based on how many people are already sitting in there, then you are a cognitive miser. The theory explains why we'd much rather type a zip code into Google Maps than memorize and recall the location of a place – it's so much easier to do so.
Research shows that people don't tend to rely on their memories for things they can easily access. Buildings can somehow disappear from pictures we're looking at, or the people we're talking to can be changed with someone else, and often we won't notice – a phenomenon called “change blindness”. This isn't an example of human stupidity – far from it, in fact – this is an example of mental efficiency. The mind relies on the world as a better record than memory.
Philosophers have suggested that thinking is really happening in the environment as much as it is happening in our brains. The philosopher Andy Clark called humans "natural born cyborgs(电子人)", those naturally capable of absorbing and combining new tools, ideas and abilities. In Clark's view, the route to a solution is not the issue – having the right tools really does mean you know the answers, just as much as already knowing the answer.
Rather than being forced to rely on our own resources for everything, we can share our knowledge. Technology keeps track of things for us so we don't have to, while large systems of knowledge serve the needs of society as a whole. I don't know how a computer works, or how to grow vegetables, but that knowledge is out there and I can get to benefit. The internet provides even more potential to share this knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the best examples – an increasingly large database of knowledge from which everyone can benefit.
So as well as having a physical environment – like the rooms or buildings we live or work in – we also have a mental environment, which means that when I ask you where your mind is, you shouldn’t point toward the centre of your forehead. As research shows, our minds are made up just as much by the people and tools around us as they are by the brain cells inside our skull.
小题1:Why did the writer raise the questions in Paragraph 1?
A.To find out who has played James Bond in the movies.
B.To introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage.
C.To show that he knows the answer to the questions.
D.To attract readers’ attention by mentioning James Bond.
小题2:What is the writer’s attitude towards the rise of technologies like Google and Wikipedia?
A.Supportive B.Objective C.Indifferent D.Neutral
小题3: Which of the following might the philosopher Andy Clark agree with?
A.Intelligence is something that is made by one’s brain itself.
B.Intelligence is something that only happens inside one’s head.
C.Intelligence is the product of one’s inner thoughts alone.
D.Intelligence is a mixture of the environment, people and one’s brain cells.
小题4:It is true about the phenomenon called “change blindness” that human beings____.
A.are stupid not to notice the changes
B.are efficient in mental work
C.are blind to changes around them
D.rely on memory when dealing with things
小题5:According to the text, how do technologies like Google, Wikipedia affect us?
A.They make us much more intelligent.
B.They make us lazier and more stupid.
C.They have little to do with our intelligence.
D.They have a negative effect on our intelligence.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

FRIDAY, Aug. 3 (Health Day News) -- Middle school students who are physically fit are likely to score higher on standardized tests measuring reading and math abilities, a new study has found. And, the average scores went up in connection with levels of fitness, the findings showed.
“The more physically fit kids were, the higher their scores,” said the study’s lead author, Trent Petrie, director of the Center for Sport Psychology at the University of North Texas in Denton. “Parents should encourage their kids to be physically active. There are some real cognitive (认知的) and academic benefits that come from physical fitness”, Petrie said.
Results of the study are scheduled to be presented Friday at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Orlando, Fla. The study included more than 1,200 middle school students from five schools in a suburban area of Texas, with 561 boys and 650 girls. About 57 percent of the children were white, and nearly one-quarter were Mexican American. Nine percent were black and about 2 percent were of Asian descent.
The school district provided the researchers with information on the children’s race, age, grade level and whether they qualified for the free school lunch program, which was an indicator of the family’s socioeconomic status. The schools also provided scores to the tests, which were given between one and four months after the researchers had assessed the children’s levels of fitness. Fitness tests were administered during physical education classes to determine the youngsters’ heart and lung health (cardiorespiratory fitness), as well as their body mass index (BMI), an indicator of how much body fat a person has. The children also filled out questionnaires that helped the researchers determine factors such as self-esteem and social support.
After accounting for factors such as age, sex, family income and self-esteem, the researchers found that for both boys and girls, higher levels of heart and lung health predicted better scores on both the math and reading tests.
For boys, perceived (感观的) social support also seemed to increase their reading scores, the investigators found. In girls, while being physically fit predicted higher reading scores, so too did a higher BMI-- which indicates more body fat. “We were a little surprised by this finding,” Petrie said.
“It was not as strong an association as the one with physical fitness,” he added. The authors suspect it may have something to do with girls this age entering adolescence, which may be related to a higher BMI and slightly higher brain development. He said he plans to make great effort to look for this relationship again in larger studies to see if it was a chance finding, or if the association holds up.
“While we can’t say 100 percent that physical fitness causes better academic performance, we can say that there is a strong and predictive relationship between physical fitness and academic performance,” Petrie said.
“It’s hard to tease apart (梳理) the exact reason for this association,” said Becky Hashim, an attending clinical psychologist and assistant professor in the departments of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Montefiore, in New York City.
“It may be that the children are getting more oxygen. When the heart and lungs are working at a higher capacity, it may allow the brain to work at peak performance. Children who are less fit may be sleepier during school,” she noted. “I personally feel that there’s probably a strong relationship between the confidence you get from being able to do something physical well and academic performance.”
Whatever the reason behind this association may be, “there’s certainly no harm in pushing physical fitness,” Hashim added. “Physical fitness may make you feel better, give you more confidence and improve your performance across the board,” she said.
Petrie agreed. “Physically fit kids are happier, have higher self-esteem and, tend to have better relationships, and now we’re beginning to see that there also seem to be benefits cognitively and academically. Our study sends a strong warning to policymakers to reconsider the service program of physical education classes for kids,” he said.
小题1:How did the school district help the researchers carry out the study?
A.By analyzing the data of fitness tests.
B.By giving some basic information.
C.By completing some questionnaires.
D.By offering a certain amount of Money.
小题2:According to the passage, the result of the study will be published ______.
A.in a bookB.in a journalC.at a conferenceD.on the Internet
小题3:What’s the suitable title of the passage?
A.Parents should be aware of the benefit of fitness.
B.Fitter kids are likely to make better grades.
C.Fitness affects kids’ social behavior greatly.
D.Teachers should value physical education classes.
小题4:What’s Becky Hashim’s attitude towards the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance?
小题5:What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph refer to?
A.The BMI.B.The body fat.C.The brain development.D.The test score.
小题6:From the last paragraph we can infer that physically fit kids ______.
A.deserve to be treated wellB.live much longer than others
C.get along well with othersD.enjoy a peaceful life


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth are “rocket-boosters” to the brain and better therapy than self-help books, researchers will say this week.
Scientists, psychologists and English academics at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of the Bard and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind, catches the reader’s attention and cause moments of self-reflection.
Using scanners, they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read works by William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, T.S Eliot and others.
They then “translated” the texts into more “straightforward”, modern language and again monitored the readers’ brains as they read the words.
Scans showed that the more “challenging” prose (散文)and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the more pedestrian versions.
Scientists were able to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and record how it “lit up” as the readers encountered unusual words, surprising phrases or difficult sentence structure.
This “lighting up” of the mind lasts longer than the initial electrical spark, shifting the brain to a higher gear, encouraging further reading.
The research also found that reading poetry, in particular, increases activity in the right hemisphere (半球)of the brain, an area concerned with “autobiographical memory”, helping the reader to reflect on and reappraise their own experiences in light of what they have read. The academics said this meant the classics were more useful than self-help books.
Philip Davis, an English professor who has worked on the study with the university’s magnetic resonance centre, will tell a conference this week: “Serious literature acts like a rocket-booster to the brain.
"The research shows the power of literature to shift mental pathways, to create new thoughts, shapes and connections in the young and the elderly alike.”
小题1:How do classics such as Shakespeare and Wordsworth benefit the readers?
A.They set off far less electrical activity in the brain.
B.They light up the mind shorter than the initial electrical spark.
C.They shift physical pathways in the young and the elderly.
D.They draw readers’ attention and help make self-examination.
小题2:Why does the author mention” They then” translated”… modern language“?
A.To prove that classics are more useful than ordinary versions.
B.To show self-help books act like rocket-boosters to the brain.
C.To tell serious literature sets off far less electrical activity.
D.To make known ordinary versions set off more electrical activity
小题3:What can we conclude according to the researchers?
A.Self-help books are more valuable than classics.
B.Serious literature lights up the mind shorter than ordinary versions.
C.The right hemisphere of the brain is related to autobiographical memory.
D.Literature has a beneficial effect only on the mind of the young.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Ordinary Versions Create New Thoughts
B.Modern Language Increases the Brain
C.Classics Help lmprove the Brain Activity
D.Self-help Books, Rocket-boosters


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Due to the increasing number of violence acts produced in schools all over the world, more and more parents prefer to have their children educated at home rather than at school. This way they can ensure their safety and well-being, although teachers and school representatives are trying to improve the situation in schools by increasing the number of the persons in charge of the safety of the students.
The main reason for violence acts are the films and cartoons that fill the children’s time. They want to do everything they watch on TV and never think of the consequences, and they may hurt a classmate or a teacher.
On the other hand, parents are not fully satisfied with the children’s results obtained in classes and they consider private classes would have better results. When a teacher has to watch 30 students in class he can’t probably see what each of them is doing, how he is writing, or if he understands the explanations. At home the teacher can explain in details everything the child doesn’t understand as many times as he considers proper. And many times the child grows fond of the teacher at home, who becomes his best friend, and who helps him whenever he needs someone to talk to.
However, the best solution would be a mixture between the education received at school and that at home, because school makes children communicate and socialize. Keeping a child at home for fear there might happen something bad to him only makes the child’s character weak and prevents him from knowing what real life is. Staying in a crystal ball only does harm to the child.
All in all, schools have been created to help children, not to harm them, so it’s best to keep children in these special places, where they learn, laugh, have fun and make new friends
小题1:The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to ________
A.teach parents the ways to keep their children safe
B.show solutions to developing children’s character
C.analyze an education problem and give opinions
D.explain the main reason for violence acts in schools
小题2:Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Classes
B.Who is to Blame, Parents or Schools?
C.Which Is Better, School Study or Home Study?
D.The Relationship between Teachers and Children
小题3:What does “a crystal ball” in the passage refer to?
A.A toy that can be used for entertainment
B.A safe and comfortable environment
C.A round object that is made of crystal
D.An obstacle that is hard to overcome
小题4:We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.violence TV programs have bad effects on children’s behavior
B.the teacher at home is more patient than the teacher at school
C.children today are weak from lack of sense of right and wrong
D.there are too many students in class for a teacher to teach


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet (彗星)is heading towards the earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the earth.
On 17 July, a piece of 4 kilometers wide comet enters the Earth’s atmosphere with a massive explosion(爆炸). About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the seabed. Huge waves are created and spread outwards form the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned(淹死).
Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes ash set off in the Andes Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, but the north won’t escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won’t be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million people remain alive.
Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the earth. The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldn’t live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?
小题1:What is mainly described in the passage?
A.A historic discovery.
B.An event in imagination.
C.A research on space.
D.A scientific adventure.
小题2:When the first piece hits the South Atlantic, it causes________.
A.an earthquakeB.hunger
C.an Earth explosionD.huge waves
小题3:Why can’t the northern half of the earth escape for long?
A.Because the land is covered with water.
B.Because the light and heat form the sun cannot reach the earth.
C.Because people there cannot live at the temperature of zero.
D.Because wars break out among countries.
小题4:By giving the example of dinosaurs, the author tries to prove_________.
A.animals could not live in the cold climate
B.what happened 65 million years ago was an invented story
C.the human beings will die out in 2094
D.the Earth could be hit by other objects in space


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Summer school is something a kid will never forget. For some, it’s a way to advance past their classmates. For most, summer school is a requirement in order to graduate with their classmates. I can remember being forced into taking a summer school course. It was not the school that forced me into this awkward situation; it was my mother.
I was a 16-year-old kid in a new school. My school did not offer summer courses so I had to take my course at an alternative school in the city. It was an experience I will never forget. I was not concerned with making friends. I was there to get credit (学分) for a course that I should have received credit for the previous semester. It was my doing that landed me in the situation and it was important that I understood this.
The fees were lowest but the experience was amazing. I enjoyed. I didn’t miss the day. The course was from Monday to Friday for an entire month. I passed the course with an A. I was thrown into an awkward situation and actually enjoyed it. My friends didn’t even know I took the course. Most of them were still sleeping by the time my course ended each day.
Awkward situations are so important for personal growth. This situation made me feel more independent. I made friends. I finally understood what sacrifice and hard work were all about. While attending college, I remembered how much I enjoyed summer school and I chose to take summer school in my first three years of college. Some kids get pushed too much but some don’t get pushed enough. I was never pushed enough.
Enable your children to struggle for success. If your child needs summer school you explain to them why it’s important. Some parents are surprised by the situation and may want to be more involved in their children’s education. Follow through and follow up.
小题1:Most students go to the summer school in order to ______.
A.find good jobs after graduationB.become top students in their class
C.have a chance to make more friendsD.graduate successfully on time
小题2:What made the author go to summer school for the first time?
A.What he had done .B.His mother’s wish.
C.His own requirement.D.Study competition.
小题3:Which of the following was NOT the benefit got by the author through attending summer school?
A.It helped him get rid of bad habits.
B.It helped him make new friends.
C.It helped him understand what sacrifice and hard work were.
D.It increased his independence.
小题4:From the last paragraph we can learn that the author ______.
A.does not like summer school at all even though it is useful
B.thinks summer school is unnecessary for children
C.encourages parents to make their children attend summer school
D.is against forcing children to attend summer school
小题5:What does the author think of summer school?
A.He thinks it is awkward.B.He thinks it is significant.
C.He doesn’t think it is suitable.D.He thinks nothing of it.

