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Most likely, you aren’t the family breadwinner. But doing a small job or getting a weekly allowance(零花钱) would put some money in your pocket. For kids and grown-ups alike, money is easy to spend. If you aren’t careful, it can be going in no time.
Being responsible with your money is an important skill to learn — and the sooner you start the better. Whether you are tracking your spending or saving for something special, creating a budget can help you deal with your expenses and plan for the future. All you need are paper and a pencil — and some self-control.
First, take a look at our sample monthly budget. Then, use a separate sheet of paper to plan your own. In the first two columns(栏), list your sources of income and how much you expect to earn from them. In the third and fourth columns, list what you expect to spend your money on and the amount.
The left-hand total should be more than or equal to the right-hand total. If it is, you have an effective budget.
Budgets are not complex, but sticking to them can be tough. When planning your budget, be realistic about your expenses. If you know that you drop $18 at a movie, don’t write $12 in that space simply because you wish you were spending less.
If you are eyeing a big purchase, such as a $150 skateboard, spend less and save more until you have the total amount. No matter how attractive it may be, avoid spending your savings. One day, you will thank yourself!
Monthly Income
Monthly Expense
Allowance (零花钱)
Money earned selling drinks
Music downloads
Money earned babysitting 
Money earned delivering newspapers
Video rental
1. Who is the passage written for?
A. Children.      B. Parents.     C. Breadwinners.    D. Bank managers.
2. The purpose of making a budget is to help people _________.
A. learn to be realistic              B. increase their saving 
C. manage their money well            D. test their power-control
3. What should people do when planning a budget?
A. Fill in the expenses as they really are.    
B. Avoid spending money on expensive things.
C. Set aside a fixed amount of money as savings.
D. List income and expenses on two pieces of paper.
4. Which of the following budgets is effective?
Monthly Income
Monthly Expenses
Money earned
walking dogs
Bus fares
Monthly Income
Monthly Expenses
Money earned
washing cars
Bus fares
Monthly Income
Monthly Expenses
Money earned
selling drinks
Money earned
Birthday gifts
Monthly Income
Monthly Expenses
Radio rentals
Money earned
doing yard work
Birthday gifts
5. The passage mainly tells us ________.
A. the importance of making a budget        B. how to make a budget
C. how to form good habits   D. how to spend money


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear MSN,
I live in San Diego. I’m single and would like to meet people near me. Can I do this on the Internet?
Searching in San Diego
Dear Searching,
On the Internet, you could easily go looking for love in all the wrong places, but here are lots of great ways to meet singles near you.
The Web is a good place to start. MSN also has international sites for Europe, Australia and South America.
There are several California-based MSN web communities where you can meet like-minded people near you as well as city-specific chat rooms for real-time interaction (互动). Hope for some clever friends. What about a little more excitement in your online interactions? Try the “Gaming Zone!”
I also tried MSN Search, looked under the “Personal” heading and found “Relationships”. Clicked on that, then found “Ads & Personals”, by “Region” and found San Diego specific personal from there. Try it!
Also, give “IRC” (Internet Relay Chat) and “Usenet Newsgroups” a shot. Many a net romance has started and then developed in these off-the-Web communities. If you’d rather make friends F2F (face to face), the Web has some helpful dating and redating tips.
小题1: Searching has written this letter with the purpose of ______________.
A.getting help from MSN with his computer
B.winning the heart of a love from the web.
C.meeting single people online
D.looking for love in all the wrong places
小题2:According to the second letter, MSN has several advantages such as _______________.
A.shooting IRC and Usenet Newsgroups
B.giving you time and places to chat with others
C.satisfying you with whatever kind of help you want
D.supplying you with many methods to make friends
小题3:From the second letter we can infer that MSN treats an ordinary reader so kindly and warmly because _______________.
A.it is its duty to help those who have trouble with their computers
B.it needs to attract as many readers as possible so as to make greater benefit
C.it likes to see more net romances to share their happiness
D.all people need it and it needs all people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

59. You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.
A. 300 yuan                  B. 600 yuan             C. 1200 yuan       D. 2400 yuan
60. You can visit Ocean Museum _______ .
A. on Saturday        B. on Wednesday    C. on Monday              D. anytime
61. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is _______ .
A. 9                        B. 17                  C. 67                  D. 73
62. If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to ______ .
A. Health Centre                             B. Ocean Museum
C. Sunny English Club                        D. 16 Yong Le Street


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’s on TV?
6:00    ③Let’s talk!   Guest: Animal expert Jim Porter
7:00    ③Cooking with CathyTonight: Chicken with mushrooms.
⑤Movie “A laugh a Minute”(1955)James Rayburn.
⑧Spin for Dollars!
⑨Farm Report
7:30    ③Double Trouble(comedy)  The twins disrupt the high school dance.
⑨Wall Street Today: Stock Market Report
8:00    ③NBA Basketball. Teams to be announced
⑧Movie “At day’s End”(1981)Michael Collier, Julie Romer. Drama set in World War11.
⑨News Special “Saving Our Waterways: Pollution in the Mississippi”.
69.The number of programs can be arranged as                     .
70.Which program would probably interests housewife most?
A.Let’s Talk!                         B.Wall Street Today.
C.Cooking with Cathy.               D.Farm Report.
71.If you’d like to watch a game show, you could turn on the TV to      .
A.Channel 5 at 6:00                  B.Channel 8 at 7:00
C.Channel 3 at 7:30                   D.Channel 3 at 8:00
72.Which is most probably the News Channel?
A.3.              B.5.               C.8.               D.9.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Channel 1
Channel 2
18:00 Around China
18:30 Children’s programme
19:00 News
19:30 Weather report
19:40 Around the world
20:10 TV play: Sisters
21:00 English for today
21:15 Popular music
21:55 Talk stow
17:45 Computers
18:10 Foreign arts
18:30 English classroom
19:00 Animal world
19:25 China’ 99
20:20 Sports
21:00 Guo Lanying
21:45 English news
22:05 On TV next week
1 If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be ____ .
A. TV play         B. Sports           C. Around the world     D. Talk show
2 The programme of _____ will let you know much about western countries.
A. Sisters          B. Around China     C. Around the world      D. On TV next week
3 If you want to know something about tigers, ele­phants and monkeys, the best programme for you is___.  
A. Around China        B. Animal world       C. TV play            D. Foreign arts
4 English classroom is a programme that___.
A. lets you know something about classrooms.
B. tells you something about students
C. lets you know something about school life
D. teaches you English


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. If you’re interested in music, you can read “_______”.
A. National spots                 B. Sad movies   
C. The planets            D. Weather service
2. You can learn something abut weather in _______.
A. Unit 1       B. Unit 2     C. Unit 3       D. Unit 4
3. Words about ______ are in Unit 5.
A. music stars                                                      B. weather conditions 
C. sports tools                                                  D. space news


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

While there are no restrictions on zhe amount of money that you can bring
across the border.you must report to both the US and Canadian border
services amounts equal to or greater than $10.000.
Less than 48 hours: $ 200 US
48 hours or more:  $ 800 US duty-free personal exemption.
next $ 1.000 US at 3%
Including up to 100 cigars and 100 cigarettes.
Less than 24 hours: $ 50 CAN
48 hours or more:  $ 400 CAN
Including up to 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes.
7 days or more:      $ 750 CAN
Including up to 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes.
A valid passport or passport card, or a NEXUS card.
(A NEXUS card is a Trusted Traveler Program that provides quick travel for
pre-approved,low risk travelers through special lanes.)
A recent Washington State, New York or BC driver’s license.
Note: Children 15 years of age and younger require only a birth certificate or
copy.(Certified copies are not required but are advised.)
A valid passport, an Air NEXUS card, or a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant
Marine Document.
1.If a Canadian who is on a 7-day trip to New York buys $ 800 CAN worth of goods,how much should he pay tax on when returning home?
A. $ 800 CAN       B. $750 CAN     C.$ 400 CAN     D. $ 50 CAN
2.For an American citizen on a 2-day tour of Canada,how much tax does he have to pay on $ 1.600 US worth of purchases when returning to the US?
A. $ 24 US          B. $ 48 US       C. $52 US       D. $ 200 US
3.What documentation should a couple with a 7-year-old child carry when they drive a car from Canada to America?
A. A BC driver’s license, an Air NEXUS card, and a birth certificate.
B. An Air NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document, and a birth certificate.
C.Two vaild passport crads and a certified copy of a birth certificate.
D. A NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document.,and a certified copy of a birth certificate.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Live Music—Late Night Jazz
Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.
PLACE: The Jazz Club   DATES:15—23 June
PRICE: RMB100—150   TIME: 10 p.m. till late!
TEL: 4668736
Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.
PLACE: Jack Stein’s  DATES:10—20 May
PRICE: RMB150     TIME: 7--10 p.m.
TEL: 4021877
Shows – Anhui Museum
There are 12, 000 pieces on the show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.
PLACE: Anhui Museum         DATES:30Mar.—30 June
PRICE:RMB60(RMB30 for students)
TEL: 4886888
TIME: Mon.—Fri. 9a.m.---5 p.m. Weekends 9 a.m.---9 p.m.
Your pen friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him this E-mail to tell his something about the hotels.
PRICES(a night)
PRICES(a night)
1 Oct.—31Dec.
1 Jan.—31Mar.
1 Apr.—30Apr.
1 May—31 May
1 Jun.---30 Sep.
TEL:4686788 E-mail: Li Hong @163.com
1. If you want to watch dancing, you can call _____ .
A. 4668736   B. 4021877   C. 4886888   D. 4686788
2. You can see the whole of Chinese history at _____ in April in Anhui Museum.
A. 3 p.m. every day        B. 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday
C. 7 a.m. at the weekends    D. 7 p.m. every day
3. You can enjoy _____ at Jack Stein’s.
A. American Jazz   B. Scottish   C. 12,000 pieces on show   D. yourself all night
4. Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for _____ months of the year.
A. nine   B. ten   C. eleven   D. twelve


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It's time you started eating sensibly. Experts at the first Chinese Students Nutrition and Health Festival in Kunming last week listed eight bad eating habits.
●Watching television while having meals or snacks.
Doing this means you don't pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and so overeat. It can also cause digestion (消化) diseases. One way to avoid this is only to eat in certain areas of your home.
● Replacing meals with snacks.
Many students think that eating small snacks can help them diet. But it often results in overeating and health problems related to a lack of vegetables, carbohydrates (碳水化合物),proteins and vitamins. Snacking only works if it is well planned and includes healthy foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruit and yogurt.
●Having drinks rather than water.
Fizzy (有气泡的) drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can
cause weight problems. Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly. For your body to burn fat, it needs at least eight glasses of pure water a day. Liquids like soda and coffee actually take water away from your body.
●Refusing to drink milk.
Milk is the best natural food—it provides you with protein, which makes your bones strong and teeth healthy.
● Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others.
Different foods provide different kinds of nutrition. If you don't have a balanced diet, this can result in malnutrition (营养失调) and a weaker body.
●Eating in front of the computer and staying there after meals.
Take a walk after eating and it helps your stomach digest the meal.
●Buying from roadside snack bars.
If you shop at these places, be careful—many are not clean enough.
● Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets.
If you eat throat tablets when you have no throat disease, they may affect the bacteria in your mouth and cause real throat problems.
小题1:______ can possibly cause digestion problem.
A.Eating while sitting in front of TV or computer
B.Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets.
C.Choosing certain kinds of food over others.
D.Buying from roadside snack bars.
小题2:Why can't soft drinks be drunk in place of water when you feel thirsty?
A.They help brain cells work properly.B.They make your body sick.
C.They take water away from your body.D.They supply energy for your body.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the habit that will possibly result in a lack of nutrition?
A.Often eating small snacks.B.Never drinking milk.
C.Always eating the same kinds of food. D.Staying in front of a computer after the meal.

