µÚÒ»½Ú£º¶ÌÎĸĴí (¹²10СÌâ;ÿСÌâ1·Ö,Âú·Ö10·Ö)







Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(ÅöײµÄ)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened: a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom.  

Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for

the                       suddenly

over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air

was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my

hot       was

room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out

¡Äthe open window. As I ran outto catch them, big drop of rain began to

of                                            drops            

fall. When I came back into ¡Ä house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried


very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashingsound from


the back of the house. When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened:

a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom.




´ÓÎÄÖеÄit came ¿ÉÖªÐèÒª¸±´ÊÀ´ÐÞÊζ¯´Êcame£¬ËùÒÔsudden¸ÄΪsuddenly£»


´Ó¾ä×ÓPieces of paper on my desk flew high into the airÒÔ¼°and Ò²¿É¿´³ö´Ë´¦ÐèÒª½é´Ê£¬·½¿Éºó½Óthe open window£»


´ÓÎÄÖеľä×Ó£ºWhen I came back into house¿ÉÖª£¬¿ÉÊýÃû´Êhouse µÄÇ°ÃæÐèÒªÏÞ¶¨´ÊÐÞÊΡ£ÁíÍâ×¢Òâ´ú´ÊµÄÒ»ÖÂÐÔ£»Ö÷Òª²âÊÔÃû´ÊÇ°ÃæµÄÐÞÊÎÓÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£ÐÞÊÎÃû´ÊµÄʱºòÖ»ÄÜÓÃÐÎÈÝ´Ê£»

ÓÉÎÄÕ¿ÉÖª¾ä×Ó£º When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened:ÊôÓÚµ¥¾ä£¬¸ù±¾²»ÐèÒªÁ¬´Ê£¬¹Ê´ËÎҺܶàÓࣻ

Ö÷Òª¿¼²é¾ä×Ó£ºa big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom¹Ø¼ü´ÊµÄ°ÑÎÕ¡£×¢Òâ¾ä×ÓÖеIJ¢ÁÐÁ¬´Ê£ºand£¬ÆäÇ°ºóµÄ³É·ÖÊôÓÚÏàͬµÄ¡£


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Dear Tracy,
Although I¡¯m 16 years old, but my father still treats                  76£®          
me as a carelessly child. He doesn¡¯t value my opinions.                    77£®          
He is very strict in me and often punishes me for                             78£®          
leaving things lying around in the house while he did this                  79£®          
all time. I think he fails to set an example to me to                            80£®          
follow. But he often says:¡°Doing as I say, not as I do.¡±                           81£®          
Even more worse, he points out my past mistakes to guests,                    82£®          
making me feel hurting. I love my father, but I can¡¯t                        83£®          
bear how he does. I  have tried many times to talk                          84£®          
with him but he never listen. Please, help me.                                  85£®          


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º¹óÖÝÊ¡09-10ѧÄê¶È¸ßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚ3ÔÂÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí









I went to see a film with my brother after supper.

On our way to the cinema, we meet an American girl named   76. ________

Alice, she had got lost and looked very anxious. We went      77. ________

up to see that was the matter. We then took her to the hotel.    78. ________

While going there we told her the great changes that had      79. ________

been taken place in our country in the past few years and      80. ________

Alice told us a lot about the youth in American.              81. ________

Although we missed the film, but we felt very happy,        82. ________

for we not only helped Alice get out of troubles but also      83. ________

knew something about United States. We saw that English      84. ________

can strength understanding and friendship.                  85. ________



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÕã½­Ê¡ÉÜÐËÊÐ2010½ì¸ßÈýÊÊÓ¦ÐÔ¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔÌâ ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí











Nowadays many graduates are looking forward to obtain jobs in big cities, not willing to work in the countryside£®That¡¯s because it is hard for them to find jobs£®In fact, there are no enough chances to satisfy the most of the job hunters in big cities while in the countryside talented people are bad needed and a lot of position are waiting for them£®Rural areas were a vast world, when they can put their abilities to good use£®Therefore, the college students should have the right attitude towards them and the jobs£®I believe they can have as bright future in the country as they have in the city£®



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ººÓÄÏÊ¡ÐÂÏçÊÐ2010½ì¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚµÚËÄ´ÎÄ£Ä⿼ÊÔÊÔ¾í£¨Ó¢Ó ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí




I¡¯ll graduate from our school soon. How a          76. __________        

great three ¨C year school life! I just find this                 77. __________        

really difficult to say goodbye to the nice

teachers or my dear good friends. They are always      78. __________        

kind for me and I will miss them forever.              79. __________         

Walk around the campus. I can still see               80. __________        

my footsteps through the colorful school life                 81. __________        

and everything will be careful kept in my              82. __________         

memory. I¡¯m going to study harder than ever

to improve my English. I believe you work            83. __________        

hard, you¡¯ll surely make a great progress. Let¡¯s          84. __________        

try to make your dreams come true together.                 85.  __________       



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Dear Ms Smith,

I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU). We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in city. This will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. More than 1000 painting will be on show, but high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will come to the event. As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students, we¡¯d like to invite for you to the exhibition. We would be grateful when you could join them that day.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.


Li Ming


