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The largest earthquake (magnitude 里氏 9.5) of the 20th century happened on May 22,1960 off the coast of South Central Chile.
It generated(生成) one of the most destructive Pacific-wide tsunamis(海啸).Near the generating area, both the earthquake and the tsunami were very much destructive, particularly in the coastal area from Concepcion to the south end of Isia Chiloe.The largest tsunami damage occurred at Isia Chiloe—the coastal area closest to the epicenter(震中).Huge tsunami waves measuring as high as 25 meters arrived within 10 to 15 minutes after the earthquake, killing at least two hundred people, sinking all the boats, and flooding half a kilometer inland.
There was large damage and loss of life at Concepcion, Chile's top industrial city.Near the city of Valdivia, the earthquake and following aftershocks generated landslides which killed 18 people.At me port city of Valparaiso, a city of 200,000, many buildings collapsed.A total of 130,000 houses were destroyed —one in every three in the earthquake zone and nearly 2,000,000 people were left homeless.
Total damage losses, including to agriculture and to industry, were estimated to be over a half billion dollars .The total number of death related with both the tsunami and the earthquake was never found accurately for the region Estimates of deaths reached between 490 to 5,7002 with no distinction(差别) as to how many deaths were caused by the earthquake and how many were caused by the tsunami.However, it is believed that most of the deaths in Chile were caused by the tsunami.
68.Where did the largest tsunami damage occurred?
A.Concepcion      B.Isia Chiloe       C.Valdivia      D.Valparaiso
69.What can we learn about the tsunami waves generated by the earthquake?
A.The tsunami waves as high as 25 meters arrived immediately after the earthquake.
B.The tsunami waves killed 200 people and sank all boats.
C.The tsunami waves were very destructive.
D.The tsunami waves flooded half of the inland.
70.What is generally thought the main cause of deaths in Chiloe?
A.landslides            B.the tsunami
C.aftershocks               D.the magnitude 9.5 earthquake
71.What does the underlined word "collapsed" probably mean ?
A.was destroyed           B.caught fire  
C.was flooded                D.sank


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省湛江第二中学2009—2010学年度高二下学期第一次月考 题型:阅读理解

The oldest forms of medicine are enjoying a comeback. Modern holistic medicine is an approach that treats the whole patient, not just the disease. It is a way to maintain good health rather than cure illness. The most important influences on today’s holistic medicine are ancient Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine, both of which promoted whole body health.
Holistic medicine usually combines diet, physical exercise and meditation, together with other alternative techniques such as massage(按摩) and acupuncture(针炙). Herbal treatment, a practice of treating illness by using plants, is influenced by the writings of Culpeper as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Homeopathy(顺势疗法) is one of the forms of holistic medicine which is widely practiced in Europe and the USA. Homeopathy began in Germany in the early 1800s, when Samuel Hahnemann described how very tiny doses(剂量) of a drug had an effect on his patients. According to Hahnemann, the more the drug was diluted(稀释), the stronger its effects. The substance selected would produce similar effects to the disease itself if given in large doses. In the UK homeopathy is regarded as a non-traditional but just about acceptable treatment.
Meditation and contemplation have an important role in holistic medicine. They were brought to Europe by Indian teachers who combined Indian Ayurvedic medicine with Western beliefs. Transcendental meditation(超脱静坐) is one of the best known of these techniques. People repeat words inside their head to reach a state of deep relaxation.
The holistic movement has made many doctors look at the whole patient, not just the disease. Life-style, emotional problems and diet are just some of the factors that can affect a person’s health. Holistic medicine emphasizes good diet, exercise and fresh air, all of which contribute to health. Some clinics now offer holistic medicine along with traditional treatments, so that their patients can choose a combination of treatments that suits them. One problem with holistic medicine is that it is difficult for people to be sure a doctor is reliable. To solve this, many countries want alternative doctors to form professional bodies.
51.Modern holistic medicine centres upon        .
A.curing a disease                                          B.herbal treatment
C.continuous development                          D.keeping patients healthy
52.Which of the following does NOT belong to holistic medicine?
A.massage                                                     B.meditation
C.a balanced diet                                       D.a knee operation
53.The principle of homeopathy is that        .
A.the large doses of medicine that will not be harmful will take better effect
B.the disease will be cured sooner by taking larger doses of medicine
C.a small thinner dose of medicine will be more effective
D.the doses of medicine depend on how serious the illness is
54.Which of the following titles best sums up the passage?
A.Holistic Medicine                                       B.Traditional Medicine Returns
C.History of Medicine                                D.Combination of Treatments Works
55.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Relaxation is the key of holistic treatment.
B.Holistic medicine needs to become more trustworthy.
C.Holistic treatment is more beneficial than traditional treatments.
D.Holistic medicine will become the most welcome treatment soon.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江平阳三中2010届高三下学期第10次周练英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The government of Norway is planning to build an unusual storage center on an island in the Arctic Ocean. The place would be large enough to hold about two million seeds. The goal is to present all crops known to scientists. The British magazine New Scientist published details of the plan last month. The structure will be designed to protect the world’s food supply against nuclear war, climate change and other possible threats. It will be built in a mountain on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. The mountain is less than one thousand kilometers from the North Pole, the northernmost position on earth.
An international group called the Global Crop Diversity Trust is working on the project. The director of the group, Cary Fowler, spoke to New Scientist. He said the project would let the world rebuild agriculture if, in his word, “the worst came to the worst”. Norway is expected to start work next year. The project is expected to cost three million dollars. Workers will drill(钻孔) deep in the side of a sandstone mountain. Temperatures in the area never rise above 0ºC. The seeds will be protected behind walls a meter thick and high-security door.
The magazine report says the collection will represent the products of ten thousand years of farming. Most of the seeds at first will come from collections at seed banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America. To last a long time, seeds need to be kept in very low temperatures. Workers will not be present all the time. But they plan to replace the air inside the storage space each winter. Winter temperatures on the island are about eighteen degrees below 0ºC. The cold weather would protect the seeds even if the air could not be replaced.
Mr. Fowler says the proposed structure will be the world’s safest gene bank. He says the plant seeds would only be used when all other seeds are gone for some reason. Norway first put forward the idea in the 1980s. But safety concerns delayed the plan. At that time, the Soviet Union was meeting in Rome of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
53.The project is meant to ______.
A.increase the world’s food output in the future
B.carry out some scientific experiments on plant genes
C.build an exhibition centre of the world’s plant seeds
D.protect crop seeds from dying out in case of possible disasters
54.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the above passage?
A.The government of Norway will perform the project alone.
B.Seeds to be collected there were produced ten thousands years ago.
C.Spitsbergen is chosen because it is free of the nuclear war forever.
D.Temperature is a major consideration when choosing the storage place.
55.We can infer from the text that _______.
A.Norway had meant to build the storage centre about 20 years before.   
B.The storage center will greatly promote world agriculture
C.People will get newly-developed seeds from the center every year.
D.There haven’t been any seed storage centres in the world before.
56.What is probably the best title of the passage?www.
A.The Best Place to Store Seeds        B.Noah’s Ark(诺亚方舟)of Plant Seeds in Plan
C.Concerns of World Food Supply    D.A New Way to Feed the World


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省唐山一中2009--2010学年度高二第二学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. Most people live in urban areas, and the large stretch of land left unused is full of scenic beauty. On the one hand it is proud of its urban areas, and on the other hand, it has the rich wealth of forests, mountains, plains and much more.
On the east coast of the country there are cities like New York, the leading city in business. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the country, where you will get an opportunity to see the White House. The city will simply impress you, with many museums showing the culture, lifestyle, art and architecture of the country. Another place worth visiting is Miami, one of the most popular international tourist destinations. It is also well known for its Latin culture, wonderful urban nightlife and beaches.
Moving to the west coast, you will come across the most amazing places in which to relax. Los Angeles is the place where you can see life in all its many forms; this city is world-famous for its Hollywood film industry. It also has beaches that can offer breathtaking surfing experiences.
Moving on to the Pacific Coast Highway, we get to see the beauty of San Francisco. Clean beaches and mountains topped (盖住) by clouds are worth seeing. Travelers can enjoy day trips to beaches, deserts and wine-producing regions. Chicago lies on the shore of the Great Lakes and is believed to be the fastest growing city in the world, with its high standard of living and rich lifestyles. The city is a center for many theaters and is world-famous for its strong tradition of music jazz and the blues.
53. According to the first paragraph, we know that ______.
A. most American people live in the countryside
B. a lot of land has not been used in the US
C. the US has the largest forest in the world
D. the US has a larger area of urban land than wild land
54. Which city in the US is famous for its Latin culture?
A. New York.                  B. San Francisco.
C. Los Angeles.                   D. Miami.
55. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The article refers to four cities on the east coast.
B. You can go to Los Angeles to experience surfing.
C. You cannot enjoy the blues in Chicago.
D. San Francisco is a center for many theaters.
56. What is the text mainly about?
A. One of the reasons why the US is rich.
B. The customs and culture of the US.
C. A brief introduction to some American cities.
D. The beautiful landscapes of the US.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省连云港市2009-2010学年度第一学期高三期中考试 题型:阅读理解

The Focal Point of the “ Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle”
In China, there is a saying: a good spirit(wine) is in Sichuan, but the great one is in Yibin.
Yibin, the birthplace of Wuliangye, has a centuries-old tradition of producing great spirits. At the confluence of Jinsha and Min rivers, Yibin is praised as the first city on the source of the Yangtze River. Here, the water is clean, the soil is rich, and the climate is very favorable for brewing good liquor. The blessings of nature and centuries-old liquor brewing traditions gave rise to “ The Ten-Mile Liquor City ”, the main production facility of domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd.
Extending across 10 kilometers and dotted with gardens and sculptures, the city attracts domestic and foreign visitors with its famed liquor brewing and related culture. Another attraction is its legendary Ming Dynasty (1368-1644AD) liquor cellars (酒窖,地下储藏室).
The city has 30,000 large modern brewing tanks that provide an enormous capacity to store liquor.
The high quality of Wuliangye also owes much to its unique brewing techniques and materials. These traditional techniques are included on the list of national intangible(非物质的) cultural heritage.
Wuliangye’s sales revenues(销售额)and pre-tax profits accounted for nearly half of the respective (分别的) 59 billion yuan and 12.5 billion yuan generated by Sichuan’s provincial liquor industry in 2008. Liquor production by large enterprises in the province was about 1.1 million kiloliters, accounting for 19.6% of the production in the country.
Wuliangye is now investing 300 million yuan in a state-of-the-art quality assurance center (质保中心)that has higher standards than national requirements, which will boost the existing quality-control system when it is put into service next year.
With a goal of production value of 100 billion yuan for the year of 2020, Wuliangye is playing a leading role in the development of the liquor industry in the region. A lot of related industries are now building up in the region to create a Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle —the Chinese equivalent (相当于)of the French Bordeaux region---that continues to appear on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
67. To be exact, the domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd. Lies _________.
A. on the Jinsha River              B. in the city of Yibin
C. to the west of Sichuan            D. on the middle reaches of the Youngtze River
68. Which of the following is the most favorable for brewing the good wine?
A. The water       B. The soil         C. The climate          D. The facility     
69. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage above ?
A. Compared with the western countries, Chinese wines have a long way to go.
B. The Golden Triangle is known for its wines and related industries.
C. Wuliangye’s pre-tax profit accounted for nearly 6.25 billion in 2008.
D. The liquor production of our country in 2008 is about 5,6 million kiloliters.
70. Domestic and foreign visitors go to the city for its _______.
A. famous wine brewing and related culture
B. beautiful geographical landscape
C. historic relics of different Chinese dynasties
D. the source of the Yangtze River

