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When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could __36__ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he 37 in class.
When I took the first exam, I was 38 to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper,   39  English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ 40  .
I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that  41 because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I   42 with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his 43    .
One more test before the final exam. One more  44 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time.   45  The meaning of the word “thorough”. But my  46__    did no good and everything  47  as before.
The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what   48  I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the   49  goodbye.
I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even  50 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have  51__with a test.
A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into professor Jayne’s office. He  52__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the As you  53 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”
I stared at him.  54 That his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct. I had worked my head   55 , as I had never done before.
I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.
36.  A. take        B. discuss      C. cover         D. get
37.  A. sought      B. presented    C. exchanged     D. obtained
38.  A. shocked     B. worried      C. scared        D. anxious
39.  A. but         B. so          C. for           D. or
40.  A. unchanged   B. unpleasant   C. unfriendly     D. unmoved
41.  A. reflected     B. meant       C. improved     D. affected
42.  A. quarreled    B. reasoned     C. bargained     D. chatted
43.  A. attitude      B. mind        C. plan         D. view
44.  A. choice       B. step         C. chance       D. measure
45.  A. memorized    B. considered   C. accepted      D. learned
46.  A. ambition      B. confidence   C. effort         D. method
47.  A. stayed        B. went        C. worked       D. changed
48.  A. grade         B. answer      C. lesson        D. comment
49.  A. scholarship     B. course      C. degree       D. subject
50.  A. helped         B. favored     C. treated       D. relaxed
51.  A. fun            B. luck      C. problems      D. tricks.
52.  A. happened       B. proved     C. pretended     D. seemed
53.  A. valued         B. imagined    C. expected     D. welcomed
54.  A. remembering    B. guessing    C. supposing    D. realizing
55.  A. out            B. over       C. on           D. off

36-40 ABACD  41-45 BBBCD  46-50 CBAAC  51-55 ADCDD

36.考查词语搭配。take subjects的意义是“上某一学科的课”。
37.考查词语搭配。presented 意义是“传授”,ideas 是he presented 的定语从句,意思是“他所传授的理论”。
43.考查词的细微差别。mind指教授固有的思维方式。View 指对事物的意见。attitude 指对事物的态度。plan 意思是“计划”。
47.考查词的不同意义。一切的进展和以前一样,went 指“进展”。Stayed 指“停留”。
48.考查上下文的意义的联系。到期末的时候,无论我获得什么高分数, 都不能去掉三个C-plus 的分数。
55.考查不同词的意义差别。work my head off 指“全身心投入”。work out 意思是“做出,制定出”,work over 意思是“打击、伤害”,work on 意思是“继续工作”。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant , and ancient for a sportsman, Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age. but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.
A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying,  “ Fifty is what forty used to be . ”He had made an inspirational point, Am I over the hill ?People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that he high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.
“ Your are not getting older, you are getting better . ” says Dr. Joyce Brothers . This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.
And so. as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net. I am moves to share some thoughts on aging with you. I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally. Getting older. of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies(悼词). In fact , a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of all :
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to me.
Whether or not Browning was right , most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend ( 混合) of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosopher(哲学家) was right when he said . ”Old is always fifteen years from now. ”
44. The author seems to tell us in Paragraph I that      
A time alone will tell                                       B time goes by quickly
C time will show what is right                          D time makes one forget the past
45. When the author turned fifty , people around him      
A. tried to comfort him                                           B. got inspiration with him
C. were friendlier with him                              D. found him more talkative
46. The author considers his fifty years of life       
A peaceful                  B. ordinary                 C. satisfactory             D. regretful
47. We can infer from the passage that      
A. the old should led a simple life                            B. the old should face the fact of aging
C. the old should take more exercise                   D. the old should fill themselves with curiosity


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I fell in love with England because it was quaint (古雅)— all those little houses, looking terri­bly old-fashioned but nice, like dolls’ houses. I loved the countryside and the pubs, and I loved London. I’ve slightly changed my mind after seventeen years because I think it’s an ugly town now.
Things have changed. For everybody, England meant gentlemen, fair play, and good man­ners. The fair play is going, unfortunately, and so are the gentlemanly attitudes and good man­ners — people shut doors heavily in your face and politeness is disappearing.
I regret that there are so few comfortable meeting places. You’re forced to live indoors. In Paris I go out much more, to restaurants and nightclubs. To meet friends here it usually has to be in a pub, and it can be difficult to go there alone as a woman. The cafes are not terribly nice.
As a woman, I feel unsafe here. I spend a bomb on taxis because I will not take public trans­port after 10 p. m. I used to use it, but now I’m afraid.
The idea of family seems to be more or less non-existent in England. My family is well united and that’s typically French. In Middlesex I had a neighbour who is 82 now. His family only lived two miles away, but I took him to France for Christmas once because he was always alone.
56. The writer doesn’t like London because she ______.
A. is not used to the life there now
B. has lived there for seventeen years
C. prefers to live in an old-fashioned house
D. has to be polite to everyone she meets there
57. Where do people usually meet their friends in England?
A. In a cafe.        B. In a restaurant.       C. In a nightclub. D. In a pub.
58. The underlined part “it” (in Para. 4) refers to______.
A. a taxi      B. the money        C. a bomb    D. public transport
59. The writer took her neighbour to France for Christmas because he ______.
A. felt lonely in England              B. had never been to France
C. was from a typical French family     D. didn't like the British idea of family


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One spring afternoon five years ago, Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipei’s Sherwood Hotel, Life seemed  36  . The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their   37 
for granted, just as he  38  himself. Now, however, he felt  39  —and he couldn’t even show his disappointment in his  40  .
Seeking more personally satisfying  41  , he had just left a successful job as a commercial artist when it seemed that fate(命运)played a cruel  42  on him. It was at this time that he developed cancer and was  43  to work. But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy. He began to  44  the fact that there is no such a thing as fate, only  45  . Since then, he has published several imaginative, illustrated(带插图的)books.
According to Jimmy, you are  46  you choose to be. You can give up or you can work to be a happier person. Jimmy realized that, while the world  47  seems unfair, your choice can change your life.
This idea can be   48  in Jimmy’s books, where his characters show the powerlessness they feel   49  making their choices. The message that goes with Jimmy’s drawings, however, is 50 .
Though the world may make us feel small, we must be  51  . Everything will be all right for us—as it is for the“small people”in Jimmy’s books—if we make choices that are   52  for us.
In spite of his new  53  and wealth, Jimmy prefers working  54  at home with his wife and daughter. He spends his mornings drawing. To Jimmy, living a life as he chooses means much more than money and fame could  55  .
36.A.unhappy                 B.unusual                   C.unfair                     D.uneasy
37.A.health                     B.wealth                    C.happiness                D.illnesses
38.A.ought to                 B.had to                     C.needed to                D.used to
39.A.ashamed                 B.disappointed            C.helpless                  D.endless
40.A.crying                    B.painting                  C.imagination             D.consideration
41.A.home                            B.condition                C.situation                 D.work
42.A.game                      B.trick                       C.role                        D.part
43.A.unable                    B.impossible              C.unfit                       D.difficult
44.A.understand              B.face                        C.refuse                     D.recognize
45.A.failures                   B.efforts                    C.choices                   D.interests
46.A.that                        B.what                       C.which                     D.whoever
47.A.always                    B.seldom                   C.sometimes               D.usually
48.A.found                     B.drawn                     C.written                   D.accepted
49.A.after                       B.about                      C.with                       D.before
50.A.powerful                B.hopeful                   C.useful                     D.successful
51.A.great                      B.strong                     C.brave                      D.equal
52.A.scientific                B.basic                      C.right                       D.simple
53.A.product                  B.fame                      C.name                      D.job
54.A.rapidly                   B.separately               C.slowly                    D.quietly
55.A.offer                      B.gain                       C.gather                     D.earn


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
He always rose early to enjoy at least two hours of staying alone in the house before the  48  of the family came down. In winter he spent most of the time reading. In summer he liked to get out of doors to work in the garden or to take the dog  49  a walk in the neighboring woods and fields. 50  the weather was like, there was plenty for him to do. He wrote book reviews regularly for two of the national weeklies. He worked hard 51  his special subject, Indian history, and was thus one of the world experts on it; he collected modern abstract paintings and so had a circle of friends among artists; there was hardly anything he did not know about traditional jazz and he often entertained  52 Britain and American jazz musicians. He was a good  53  and knew a lot about French and German food. His family admired him and in a sense he was spoiled by them. At first glance you would have  54  him for a retired army officer--- his hair was cut short, he was very particular about his clothes, 55 were always clean and neat . He hardly watched TV, but enjoyed a good film and an occasional evening at the theater.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Choosing the right job is probably one of the most important decisions we have to make in life, and it is frequently one of the hardest decisions we have to make. One important question that you might ask yourself is: “How do I get a good job?”___71___.
There are people who can answer an insignificant advertisement in the local paper and land the best job in the world; others write to all sorts of places all over the country, and never seem to get a reply at all. Still others believe that the in person, door-to-door approach is by far the best way to get a job; and then there are those who, through no active decision of their own, just seem to be in the right place at the right time. ___72____.He used to spend a lot of his free time down by the sea watching the tall ships, but never thinking that he might one day sail one of them. His father was a farmer, and being a sailor could never be anything for the boy but an idle dream. One day, on his usual wandering, he heard the captain of the ship complaining that he could not sail because one member of his crew was sick. Without stopping to think, the lad(少年)offered to take his place. ___73___.
__74__.If the lad had gone home to ponder(考虑) his decision for a week, he may have missed his chance. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.
Sometimes we hear stories about people who break all the rules and still seem to land plum jobs(美差). When you go for a job interview or fill out an application, you are expected to say nice things about the company to which you are applying. ___75___.And within a year this person had become general manger of the company.
A.This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself.
B.People find jobs in an infinite number of ways.
C.it’s almost impossible to find a good job by answering advertisement in newspapers
D.Take for example the young man who wanted to be a sailor.
E. But there was one person who landed an excellent job by telling the interviewer all the company’s faults.
F. He spent the rest of his life happily sailing the ships he had always loved.
G. It is very important to seize an opportunity when it presents itself.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:——Can you help me?
——Sure, what’s the problem?
小题2:——Well, how about San Francisco? We went there last year and had a great time.
——   82  
小题3:——Well, there is Golden Gate Bridge of course, and Golden Gate Park. It’s a really big park. You can go for long walks or take a rest in the Japanese Tea Garden. It’s beautiful there.
——   83   
小题4:——There is also a place called Fisherman’s Wharf. That’s really popular with tourists. There are lots of shops, cafes and restaurants. And from there you can go on a boat trip to Alcatraz. You know, it’s a small but very beautiful island.
——   84  
小题5:——No, you can’t stay on the island; there aren’t any hotels. You can only go for the day. I think I’ve still got a book about San Francisco. I can lend it to you.
——   85   
A. What can you do there?
B. Oh, great! What a great place to stay in!
C What an idea! What is the best time to go there?
D. I can’t decide where to go for the holiday-----any ideas?
E. Thanks a lot. San Francisco, here I come!
F. Hmm, that sounds good.
G. How can I go there?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they know it would be more 36   to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys  37  with their tent and food.
Carrying their heavy 38  , the two brothers walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down. . They were eager to reach their 39  before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to 40  close to the river at the edge of the woods, 41  Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. 42  Peter followed his brother deeper into the 43 . “This really is a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They 44 the tent , and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way 45  to the river to catch some fish.
“Are you sure that this is the right 46  ?” whispered Peter shakily. “I’m sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago. ” Paul walked 47  silently. “Look, there it is again. We’re lost, aren’t we?” complained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didn’t know where they were. 48  , they were a long distance from where they were 49 to be. They were not even 50  of where they had set up their camp. They set in 51 for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why don’t we look for clues(线索) the way trackers 52 in the movies? We weren’t careful about how we walked, so I’m sure we would have left 53 some broken tree branches and leaves. ”
Carefully, the boys 54 the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off 55 the direction of the river.
What would their parents think of their adventure?
36. A. surprising         B. exciting          C. annoying       D. frightening
37. A. went round         B. went back         C. went away      D. went though
38. A. load               B. torn              C. food           D. storage
39. A. grassland          B. destination       C. field          D. river
40. A. live               B. lie               C. wait           D. stay
41. A. but                B. and               C. or             D. so
42. A. Unconsciously      B. Unfortunately     C. Unwillingly    D. Uninterestingly
43. A. woods              B. farm              C. setting        D. camp
44. A. put off            B. put on            C. put down       D. put up
45. A. forward            B. near              C.  back         D. further
46. A. place              B. mark              C. way            D. time
47. A. alone              B. about             C. in             D. on
48. A. After all         B. At last          C. Above all     D. At first
49. A. discovered         B. encouraged        C. persuaded      D. supposed
50. A. afraid             B. sure              C. informed       D. reminded
51. A. enjoyment          B. satisfaction      C. disappointment D. imagination
52. A. appear             B. do                C. work           D. behave
53. A. behind             B. out               C. aside          D. amount
54. A. fetched            B. watched           C. followed       D. collected
55. A. for           B. to                C. at                D. in


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know that's a 1 thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to 2 it.
The  3 started when my friend Katy found Grandma's false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I 4  took notice of them. But Katy shouted, laughing and 5  to talk to them. I had to get down on my knees and 6  her to shut up so my grandma wouldn't 7   and get hurt.
After that happened, I 8  there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing(令人窘迫).
Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King. 9   ordering our hamburgers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, "They'll have two Whoppers (巨无霸) well-to-do. " Jill burst out laughing, but I almost 10  .
After a while, I started wishing I could 11  Grandma in a closet. I even complained to my parents. Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel  12  in our home.
Then last Wednesday, something happened that 13  everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and 14   them about their 15  for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently.
"Volunteer your grandmother," she whispered. "She's 16  and rich in experience."
That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma.
This is how I ended up on  17  today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly (集合). All my friends and teachers were listening to her  18  she was a great heroine. I was  19  of my grandma and hoped she would 20  know that I had been ashamed of her.
A.admitB.receive   C.refuseD.show
A.quarrel   B.accidentC.trouble   D.adventure
A.already   B.alwaysC.simplyD.hardly
A.warnB.demandC.advise   D.beg
A.Because ofB.Except for  C.Such asD.Instead of
A.died     B.cheeredC.disappearedD.suffered
A.independent B.inconvenientC.unwelcomeD.unfamiliar
A.interviewB.report    C.tellD.write
A.newsB.livesC.advantages  D.achievements
A.freeB.popularC.interesting  D.embarrassing
A.and then   B.even if   C.so thatD.as if
A.never    B.evenC.stillD.once

