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It is universally known that friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all languages. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show   36  for us when we are in misery. This is   37   human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of friends. Some of us like    38  friends, while others different friends. Personally,I prefer both.
It goes without saying that having similar friends has many    39  , We can feel a renewed sense of    40  when we have a group of old friends who would    41    our sufferings and happiness.   42  ,  old friends always  know  how to   43  mutual trust(互信)and how to avoid    44   conflicts. I always feel    45   when I meet an old friend after a long   46  . Immediately, hearty laughter    47   the atmosphere.
Nevertheless I believe that a mixture of friends is    48  advantageous. One can ___49___ various sorts of friends in three aspects. First, frequent    50   with different friends broadens my world   51   .Just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a   52   of friends keeps you lively. Secondly , I have found that the   53  friends cannot only    54  new adventures but alse show me new   55  to success in life. Thirdly, they can help me with whatever difficulties I encounter in life.
To conclude, I prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. Of course, I will not forget friends wisely.
36.A.direction         B.respect                    C.sympathy         D.anxiety
37.A.because          B.why                       C.how                D.What
38.A.true                B.right                       C.same               D.similar
39.A.problems        B.advantages             C.disadvantages   D.duties
40.A.tension           B.challenge                C.strength          D.oppression
41.A.share             B.convey                   C.guarantee         D.cause
42.A.Therefore       B.Otherwise               C.However          D.Moreover
43.A.lack               B.abandon                  C.bear                D.maintain
44.A.obvious          B.impossible                 C.impressive              D.hidden
45.A.stressed          B.worried                  C.delighted         D.confused
46.A.experience      B.departure                C.work               D.discussion
47.A.fills               B.weakens                  C.ruins               D.buries
48.A.eagerly           B.equally                  C.bitterly            D.rarely
49.A.make with             B.benefit from            C.result from       D.appeal to
50.A.quarrel           B.contact                   C.argument               D.view
51.A.attitude           B.position                  C.outlook         D.ambition
52.A.range                     B.series                      C.quantity           D.variety
53.A.strange           B.doubtful                 C.available          D.different
54.A.result from     B.stick to                   C.attend to          D.lead to
55.A.avenues         B.appeal                    C.benefit             D.attitude

36---55    CADBC   ADDDC   BABBB   CDDDA  

36.C.sympathy“同情;体谅”;coldness“冷淡”;cruelty“残忍, 残酷”;anxiety“忧虑, 焦急, 渴望”。本题易误选A。
37.A."This is because +从句"意为"这是因为……","This is why +从句"意为"这就是为什么……"。这两个句型中because和why引导的是表语从句。从逻辑关系上看这两个句型正好相反。前者中的“that”指代原因,后者中的“that”指代结果。;This is how…“那就是...如何...的。” 本题易误选B。
38. D 。根据后面的different及下文可知选similar。true“真实的, 真正的, 忠实的”;helpful“有帮助的, 有用的”;same指“同一的”、“相同的”,常于the连用。
39.B.advantages“优势, 有利条件, 利益”;problems“问题”;disadvantages“劣势”;shortcomings“错点,短处”。
40.C.strength本句意思是“当老朋友聚在一起时,顿感觉有力量。tension“紧张,不安”;challenge “挑战”;oppression“压抑, 苦恼”。本题易误选AD。
41.A.share“分享,共享”;convey“传达,运送”;guarantee“保证, 担保”;cause“造成”。
42.D.Moreover “而且, 此外”,表示递进逻辑关系,用于句首和句中,不能用于句末。相当于besides;Therefore“因此”,表示因果关系;Otherwise“否则”;However“然而”,是过渡词,表示上下文意思的转折。本题易误选A。
43.D.maintain“保持”;lack“缺乏”;abandon “放弃,遗弃”;bear“负担, 忍受”。
44.D.hidden“潜在的,隐藏的”;obvious“明显的”;impossible“不可能的”;impressive“印象深刻的, 令人难忘的”。本题易误选AC。
45.C.delighted“高兴,兴奋”;stressed“受压抑的”;worried“着急”;confused“困惑的, 烦恼的”。
46.B.departure “离别”;experience“经验,经历”;work“工作”;discussion“讨论”。
47.A.fill“充满”;weaken“削弱”;ruin“毁坏”;bury“埋藏, 遮蔽”。
48.B.equally“同样地”,如:equally important同样重要;eagerly“急切地”;bitterly“苦苦地, 悲痛的”;rarely“很少地, 罕有地”。本题易误选CD。
49.B.benefit常与from, by连用,意为“获益;得益于”,根据后面提到的三个方面可以看出选B最佳;用(眼、口、手、脚等)做动作; 做出; 使用;result from“起于, 由于”;appeal to“向...呼吁[请求],吸引;引起兴趣”
50. B。contact“接触,联系”;quarrel  “吵架,争吵;argument“争论,辩论”;view“观点,见解”。本题易误选D。
51.C.outlook“”; attitude“姿势, 态度, 看法”;position“”;ambition本题易误选A。
52.D.a variety of="all" kinds of;根据句意,选D是正确答案。a series of“一系列, 许多”;range“范围,区域”,表示可以达到或探测到的最大范围(the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things);kind指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西;quantity“数量”。
53.D.different“不同的”;strange“奇怪地”;doubtful“可疑的, 不确的”;available“可用到的, 可利用的”。
54.D.lead to “导致, 终于造成 ...结果”等与result in;result from“起于, 由于”,后加原因;stick to(="keep" to)坚持;attend to“专心,照顾”。
55.A.avenues“方法,途径”;appeal to“向......呼吁”; benefit“利益, 好处”“”;attitude“态度”。本题易误选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


It is universally known that friendship is one of the permanent themes in the literature of all languages. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show    36   for us when we are in misery. This is   37   human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of friends. Some of us like    38   friends, while others different friends. Personally,I prefer both.

      It goes without saying that having similar friends has many    39   , We can feel a renewed sense of    40   when we have a group of old friends who would    41    our sufferings and happiness.    42   ,  old friends always  know  how to   43   mutual trust(互信)and how to avoid    44    conflicts. I always feel    45    when I meet an old friend after a long   46  . Immediately, hearty laughter    47    the atmosphere.

Nevertheless I believe that a mixture of friends is    48   advantageous. One can ___49___ various sorts of friends in three aspects. First, frequent    50   with different friends broadens my world   51    .Just as various kinds of nutriments keep you healthy, making a   52   of friends keeps you lively. Secondly , I have found that the   53   friends cannot only    54   new adventures but alse show me new   55   to success in life. Thirdly, they can help me with whatever difficulties I encounter in life.

To conclude, I prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. Of course, I will not forget friends wisely.

36.A.direction          B.respect                    C.sympathy         D.anxiety

37.A.because           B.why                       C.how                D.What

38.A.true                 B.right                       C.same               D.similar

39.A.problems         B.advantages             C.disadvantages   D.duties

40.A.tension            B.challenge                C.strength          D.oppression

41.A.share              B.convey                   C.guarantee         D.cause

42.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise               C.However          D.Moreover

43.A.lack                B.abandon                  C.bear                D.maintain

44.A.obvious           B.impossible                  C.impressive              D.hidden

45.A.stressed           B.worried                  C.delighted         D.confused

46.A.experience       B.departure                C.work               D.discussion

47.A.fills               B.weakens                  C.ruins               D.buries

48.A.eagerly            B.equally                  C.bitterly            D.rarely

49.A.make with              B.benefit from            C.result from       D.appeal to

50.A.quarrel            B.contact                   C.argument               D.view

51.A.attitude            B.position                  C.outlook          D.ambition

52.A.range                     B.series                      C.quantity           D.variety

53.A.strange            B.doubtful                 C.available          D.different

54.A.result from      B.stick to                   C.attend to          D.lead to

55.A.avenues          B.appeal                    C.benefit             D.attitude


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省于都中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B) 题型:阅读理解

SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.
Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam's Beijing concert last year.
Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn't mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”
But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.
After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.
Not that the road to success wasn't a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”
61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.
A.winning four awards at a ceremony
B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer
C.winning the award for best new artist
D.writing more popular original songs
62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?
A.His parents guided him through success.
B.He was once obsessed with video games.
C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.
D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.
63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 
A.lam has a talent for different music styles
B.lam became famous overnight
C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure
D.lam went through hard times before he became successful
64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?
A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.
C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B) 题型:阅读理解




SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.

Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam's Beijing concert last year.

Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn't mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”

But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.

After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.

Not that the road to success wasn't a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”

61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.

A.winning four awards at a ceremony

B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer

C.winning the award for best new artist

D.writing more popular original songs

62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?

A.His parents guided him through success.

B.He was once obsessed with video games.

C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.

D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.

63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 

A.lam has a talent for different music styles

B.lam became famous overnight

C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure

D.lam went through hard times before he became successful

64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?

A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.

C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.

Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam's Beijing concert last year.

Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn't mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”

But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.

After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.

Not that the road to success wasn't a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”

61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.

A.winning four awards at a ceremony

B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer

C.winning the award for best new artist

D.writing more popular original songs

62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?

A.His parents guided him through success.

B.He was once obsessed with video games.

C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.

D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.

63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 

A.lam has a talent for different music styles

B.lam became famous overnight

C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure

D.lam went through hard times before he became successful

64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?

A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.

C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.

