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The a  1.  of scientists towards the rise is completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a    2.    (大灾难). On the other hand, George Hambley, who is o   3.    to this view, predicts that any warming will be    4.   (温和的) with few bad environmental c   5.  












3.is opposed to是固定用法,意思是“反对”







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

On May 30th, 2010, at _____World Table Tennis Championship, Ma Lin and Zhang Joke won the gold medal in men’s with ____score of 3:1.

  1. A.
    a; a
  2. B.
    /; the
  3. C.
    a; /
  4. D.
    the; a


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省东阳市高一第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was a kid, I always used to wonder how in the world my father work outside in the winter without a coat. It could be minus 20 degrees centigrade and there’d be Dad, removing snow, or perhaps chopping some wood --- his coat thrown  aside--- wearing a shirt , a cap, and a pair of gloves.

“Aren’t you cold, Dad?” I’d ask. “No,” Dad would reply. “I’m not cold--- working too hard to be cold.”

Many times I wondered whether my father was an extremely tough man, or whether he was foolish.

One time when I was quite young, perhaps five or so, I went ice fishing with Dad. It was a bright, clear day—and bitterly cold.

After we’d been out on the ice for a little while, my feet started getting cold.

“Daddy, my feet are cold.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s cold out here today,” he replied.

“Tell you what,” he said. “Walk around. Make some circles in the snow. See how many different patterns you can make. That will get your feet warm.”

Now, I was just a little girl at the time but I remember thinking, “How in the world will walking around in the snow make my feet warm? Dad must be out of mind.

But he was my father, after all. I made circles in the snow. I made squares. Pretty soon I was having so much fun making patterns in the snow. I forgot about my feet being cold.

Now, all these years later, I know, too, from personal experience how my father was able to take his coat off and work outside in the winter wearing just a shirt, a cap and gloves. Because I do it, too. “Aren’t you cold?” my husband asked one winter day. “No,” I replied. “I’m not cold—working too hard to be cold.”

I hope my husband has decided I’m both tough and smart. But I guess quite a bit of the time he thinks I’m foolish.

Wherever Dad is in that great big farm in the sky—I’m sure he can’t help but smile whenever I take my coat off while I’m working outside in the winter.

1.When the author’s feet felt cold, her father advised her to              .

A.go home alone first                      B.keep walking in the snow

C.draw pictures in the snow                 D.light a fire on the ice

2.Hearing her father’s advice, the author thought her father              .

A.forgettable        B.warm-hearted      C.crazy             D.cruel

3.What might the author’s husband think of her?

A.Tough            B.Smart             C.Brave            D.Foolish

4.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to              .

A.remember her tough and smart father

B.show how her father cared about her

C.describe memories of her childhood

D.explain why her father loved her so much



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏宿迁泗洪县洪翔中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30

The nurse had him take a    36   in the waiting area,    37   him it would be at least 40 Minutes    38   someone would be able to see him I saw him    39   his watch and decided, since I was    40   busy—my patient didn’t    41   at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound .While taking care of his wound.I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment

The gentleman said no and told me that he    42   to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his    43  . He told me that she had been    44   for a while and that she had a special disease I asked if she would be   45   if he was a bit late. He replied that she   46  knew who he was,that she had not been able to    47   him for five years now. I was    48 , and asked him,“And you    49   go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”

He smiled and said.“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back    50  as he left.

Now I    51   that in marriages,true love is    52   of all that is The happiest people don’t   53   have the best of everything;they just    54   the best of everything they have   55   isn’t  about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

1.A breath       B.test      C seat      D break

2.A persuading       B promising    C understanding     D telling

3.A if      B before  C since    D after

4.A taking off B.fixing       C looking at    D winding

5.A very  B also     C seldom D not

6.A turn up     B show off     C come on      D go away

7.A needed      B forgot  C agreed  D happened

8.A daughter   B wife     C mother D sister

9.A. late  B well     C around D.there

10.A lonely     B worried       C doubtful      D hungry

11.A so far      B neither C no longer    D already

12.A recognize       B answer C believe D expect

13.A moved    B disappointed       C surprised     D satisfied

14.A only       B.then     C.thus     D still

15.A curiosity B tears    C words  D judgment

16.A realize    B suggest C hope    D prove

17.A agreement      B expression   C acceptance   D exhibition

18.A necessarily     B completely  C.naturally   D frequently

19.A. learn     B make   C.favor   D.try

20.A Adventure      B Beauty C Trust    D Life



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

⑴ Every language has its own special words and expressions. And a story can be told about each of them. Hot is a simple, easily understood word. So are most of the expressions made with the word hot. But not always, as we shall see.

⑵ The words hot potato, for example, give you no idea at all to the meaning of the expression, hot potato. The potato is popular and many Americans like baked potatoes. Imagine trying to carry a hot potato in your hand. It would be difficult, even painful, to do so. Some publicly argued problems are highly emotional. The problems must be treated carefully, or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them. One such hot potato is taxes. Calling for higher taxes can mean defeat for a politician. And yet, if taxes are not raised, some very popular government programs could be cut. And that also can make a politician very unpopular. The questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato.

⑶ Another expression is not so hot. If you ask someone how she feels, she may answer “not so hot”. What she means is she does not feel well. Not so hot also is a way of saying you do not really like something. You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot. That means ____________________________.

⑷ A hot shot is a person, often a young person, who thinks he can do anything. He is very sure he can succeed. But often he fails. The expression was born in the military forces. A hot shot was a soldier who fired without aiming carefully.

⑸ Hot is a word that is often used to talk about anger. A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead. An angry person’s neck often becomes red. We say he is hot under the collar.

1.What is the text mainly about? (no more than 8 words)


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. ( no more than 8 words)


3.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

As you would deal with other difficult problems, you must be careful with these ones.


4.List three situations where “hot” expressions can be used according to the text. (no more than 30 words)




5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.



