

1£®A£®He's sowing the seeds in the garden£®

B£®He's playing behind the house£®

C£®He's working in the field£®£®

2£®A£®He wants to play tennis now£®

B£®He likes to play tennis, but he doesn't want to play now£®

C£®He does not like to play tennis£®

3£®A£®The chairman is speaking in the living room£®

B£®We are going to improve our living situation£®

C£®We need another chair in the living room£®

4£®A£®Nancy and Dan were busy last Saturday£®

B£®Neither Nancy nor Dan was busy last Saturday£®

C£®Nancy was busy last Saturday£®

5£®A£®Jane had an animal hospital£®

B£®Jane gave all of her money to an animal hospital£®

C£®Jane opened the door of an animal hospital£®


6£®How much is the green one?

A£®¡ç 2.00£®

B£®¡ç 6.00£®

C£®¡ç 4.00£®

7£®How many new coats does the woman have?




8£®How old is the woman?

A£®Thirty years old£®

B£®Thirty-three old£®

C£®Twenty-seven years old£®

9£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She thinks that it's better to wait£®

B£®She thinks that they should go on£®

C£®She doesn't agree with the man£®

10£®Where is the woman going?

A£®The post office£®

B£®Her parents' home£®

C£®A park£®



11£®What do you learn about the two swimming pools from the conversation?

A£®The big pool in Park Road is much bigger and more modern than the one in town£®

B£®The pool in town is much bigger and more modern than the big one in Park Road£®

C£®The two pools are almost the same£®

12£®What are they going to do on Thursday?

A£®They are going to swim£®

B£®They are going to eat at a French restaurant£®

C£®They are going to a Chinese restaurant£®


13£®Where did Miss Li come from?




14£®On which day did the talk take place?




15£®What do you think Miss Li came here for?

A£®She came for her holiday£®

B£®She came to meet her friend£®

C£®She will work in the foreigner's company£®

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16£®What kind of man was the artist?

A£®Not rich but kind£®

B£®Rich and kind£®

C£®Neither rich nor kind£®

17£®Where did his last few coins go?

A£®He lost them£®

B£®He gave them to a beggar£®

C£®He used them to pay for his taxi home£®

18£®Who paid the bill for the lunch?

A£®The artist£®

B£®The beggar£®

C£®Neither of them£®

19£®What did the man do after lunch?

A£®He asked the beggar to another lunch£®

B£®He asked the beggar to spend the night in his home£®

C£®He wanted to take the beggar home and gave him back the money£®

20£®Why didn't the beggar go with the artist?

A£®He didn't want to pay for the taxi£®

B£®He had no money to pay for the taxi£®

C£®He didn't want the artist to pay for the taxi£®


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1£®Why doesn't the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A£®Because he is a stranger to the city£®

B£®Because he doesn't want to tell her the way£®

C£®Because he doesn't feel like talking with her£®

2£®Where are the two speakers?

A£®They are in an office£®

B£®They are in the street£®

C£®They are at home£®

3£®Why doesn't the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A£®Because he is using it£®

B£®Because he hasn't brought it with him£®

C£®Because he doesn't want to lend it to the woman£®

4£®What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A£®A dictionary£®

B£®A pan£®

C£®A rubber£®

5£®What does the woman offer to do?

A£®To wash some clothes for the man£®

B£®To carry his box£®

C£®To look after his child£®




6£®What are the two speakers talking about?




7£®What is Peter worried about?

A£®English people£®

B£®His English£®

C£®Going out£®


8£®When is Mary's birthday?

A£®On August 15th£®

B£®On August 16th£®

C£®On August 12th£®

9£®What time will the party begin?

A£®At 2¡Ã00 p. m£®

B£®At 2¡Ã20 p. m£®

C£®At 1¡Ã40 p. m£®

10£®Will Jean come to the party?

A£®No, she won't, because she'll meet her sister at the station£®

B£®Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party£®

C£®Not sure£®Perhaps she won't be able to come£®


11£®Where are the speakers?

A£®At a museum£®

B£®In a shop£®

C£®In a school£®

12£®What are they talking about?

A£®A country£®


C£®A gun£®

13£®How long has the man worked here?

A£®Two years£®

B£®Five years£®

C£®Ten years£®


14£®What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Mother and son£®

B£®Teacher and parent£®

C£®Doctor and patient£®

15£®Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A£®The child£®

B£®The mother of the boy£®

C£®Everyone there£®

16£®What's the matter with the man?

A£®He has a headache and feels bad£®

B£®He is frightened at the blood£®

C£®He hurt himself on the head£®


17£®What was the young father doing?

A£®He was looking after his child£®

B£®He was paying a visit to an old neighbor£®

C£®He was working with an old neighbor£®

18£®What were they talking about?


B£®Their houses£®

C£®Their trees£®

19£®Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A£®Because it was pulled by a string£®

B£®Because it was dying£®

C£®Because it was too thin to stand straight alone£®

20£®What did the young father learn from the old man?

A£®He needn't be strict with children£®

B£®He learned how strict parents should be with their children£®

C£®He learned how to plant a tree£®


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1£®How much will the woman pay if she buys one pound of tomatoes?




2£®What does the woman carry with her?

A£®Some books and a handbag£®

B£®A big box and a handbag£®

C£®A handbag, a big box and some books£®

3£®Why did the woman feel worried?

A£®Because she couldn't buy a new shirt£®

B£®Because she dirtied the man's new shirt£®

C£®Because she was not able to wash the shirt£®

4£®What is the woman's job?

A£®A bank clerk£®

B£®A shop assistant£®

C£®A tourist guide£®

5£®What is the woman?

A£®The boy's teacher£®

B£®A teacher£®

C£®The boy's mother£®




6£®What will the boy most probably do tomorrow?

A£®Go to school£®

B£®See a doctor£®

C£®Stay at home£®

7£®How many times did the boy take the medicine before he saw the doctor?

A£®Twice a day£®

B£®Three times a day£®

C£®Once a day£®


8£®What does the woman want to find out?

A£®How often people travel£®

B£®How people spend their holidays£®

C£®What kind of people prefers to travel abroad£®

9£®Who always stay(s)at home on holiday?

A£®The man's parents£®

B£®The man£®

C£®The man's wife£®

10£®Which of the following has the man never visited during his holiday?

A£®His family£®

B£®The exhibitions in museums£®

C£®The museums in foreign countries£®


11£®In which way does the box go faster but cost more?

A£®By sending it second class£®

B£®By sending it first class£®

C£®By sending it to a foreign country£®

12£®What does the man need to know before making a decision?

A£®Weight and stamps£®

B£®Price and time£®

C£®Forms and value£®

13£®What else is the man advised to do?

A£®To put down a return address£®

B£®To buy second class stamps£®

C£®To pay the right amount of money£®


14£®Where is Tom now?

A£®At the college now£®

B£®At the hospital£®

C£®At TV studio£®

15£®Which day is Tom's birthday?




16£®What's the woman going to do?

A£®To think about a good idea for Tom£®

B£®To give up the chance of helping Tom£®

C£®To help Tom leave the hospital as soon as possible£®

17£®Why does the woman ask Tom to put on his clothes?

A£®She worries about Tom to get a bad cold£®

B£®She knows Tom used to wear more clothes in autumn£®

C£®She'll take Tom to see other children who'll have their tonsils(±âÌÒÌå)out£®


18£®What does Ling Bing mainly want to do?

A£®To introduce himself to others£®

B£®To talk about the way he learns English£®

C£®To ask others to learn from him£®

19£®How does Ling Bing improve his spoken English?

A£®By listening to English programs on the radio£®

B£®By keeping a diary in English£®

C£®By communicating with others in English£®

20£®Which of the following is most useful in learning English?

A£®It's necessary to remember something£®

B£®There's no need to learn English grammar at all£®

C£®Thinking in English can help you remember something important well£®


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1£®Why does the woman want to try on another hat?

A£®She doesn¡¯t like the style£®

B£®She wants one of the right size£®

C£®She doesn¡¯t like the colour£®

2£®How much is the red book?




3£®Where are the speakers probably?

A£®At a store£®

B£®At a zoo£®

C£®At a theater£®

4£®What probably caused the woman¡¯s stomachache?

A£®The seafood£®

B£®The medicine£®

C£®The cold£®

5£®What does the woman say about Susan?

A£®She is a fast worker£®

B£®She has not finished her work£®

C£®She didn¡¯t do the homework on her own£®




6£®What are the speakers probably doing?

A£®Watching a match on TV£®

B£®Listening to a programme on the radio£®

C£®Reading advertisements in the newspaper£®

7£®What kind of person does the company need?

A£®A junior sales manager£®

B£®A general manager£®

C£®A secretary£®

8£®What will the man most probably do next?

A£®Make an application for the job£®

B£®Go and look for another job£®

C£®Give the job a serious thought£®


9£®How often does the woman watch a football match?

A£®Every day£®

B£®Once a week£®

C£®Once a month£®

10£®What is the man¡¯s favorite sport?




11£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She does not play football£®

B£®She¡¯s a good basketball player£®

C£®She used to watch football a lot£®


12£®What is the nationality of the Bronte sisters?




13£®Why are the Brontes¡¯ novels popular around the world?

A£®They are creative£®

B£®They are full of humor£®

C£®They are interesting£®

14£®What did the Brontes like to do when they were young?

A£®Write poems£®


C£®Read essays£®


15£®When did the woman start architecture studies?

A£®Last week£®

B£®Last month£®

C£®Last year£®

16£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®English is very useful in the woman¡¯s job£®

B£®The woman will work in England after graduation£®

C£®The woman¡¯s English is very good£®

17£®What has made the woman choose architecture as a career?

A£®Her teacher¡¯s suggestion£®

B£®Her parents¡¯ expectation£®

C£®Her personal qualities£®


18£®What will the weather be like in Britain today?

A£®Wet and windy£®

B£®Quite dry£®

C£®Sunny but cool£®

19£®Where will the weather be quite cold today?

A£®Southern Europe£®

B£®Northwestern Europe£®

C£®Eastern Europe£®

20£®How will the weather be in the east of Europe tomorrow?





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1£®How long can a book be kept in all?

A£®2 weeks£®


C£®6 weeks£®

2£®What was the match like?

A£®It is too terrible£®

B£®It is full of fun£®

C£®It is successful£®

3£®What is probably the relationship between the speakers?


B£®Teacher and student£®

C£®Father and daughter£®

4£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a kitchen£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®In a furniture shop£®

5£®Why couldn't the man help the woman?

A£®He thinks the woman can manage it herself£®

B£®His mother didn't ask him to do that£®

C£®He has got an appointment£®

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6£®What will the boy probably do this weekend?

A£®He will probably study for the coming exam£®

B£®He will probably sleep over at a friend's home£®

C£®He will probably go to the waterfall£®

7£®According to the mother, what is the boy forbidden to do?

A£®to go out£®

B£®to swim£®

C£®to play with his classmates£®


8£®Where is the woman rushing to?

A£®To the office£®

B£®To the bus stop£®

C£®To the police station£®

9£®What was the woman doing at the bus stop?

A£®She was reading£®

B£®She was rushing£®

C£®She was chatting£®


10£®Where are they planning to go in the morning?

A£®To a park£®

B£®To an art museum£®

C£®To a shopping center£®

11£®Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?

A£®The zoo will be closed the rest of the week£®

B£®The zoo is free to visitors that day only£®

C£®There are unusual animals there£®

12£®Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?

A£®She wants to buy souvenirs of their visit£®

B£®She wishes to visit a shopping center£®

C£®She wants to buy a gift for her friend£®


13£®What's Sarah's favorite subject?




14£®What are they mainly talking about?

A£®Choosing a job£®

B£®Choosing a university£®

C£®Choosing a major£®

15£®What does Sarah do in her spare time?

A£®See movies£®

B£®Create pictures for computer games£®

C£®Build Internet site£®

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1£®What did Lucy learn to play this summer?

A£®The guitar£®

B£®The piano£®

C£®The violin£®

2£®What does the man think of Professor Black?




3£®Where are the speakers?

A£®At a shoe shop£®

B£®At a clothing store£®

C£®At a hairdresser's£®

4£®How probably is the weather now?




5£®Who has found the change of prices?

A£®Morris and Jill£®

B£®The woman£®

C£®The man£®




6£®Where was the man born?

A£®In the US£®

B£®In Argentina£®

C£®In Korea£®

7£®What can we know about the man's parents?

A£®They first met in Chili£®

B£®They like to live abroad£®

C£®They are working in Yale£®


8£®How did the speaker contact the woman?




9£®How will their relationship develop?

A£®They will be husband and wife£®

B£®They will have a fight and break up£®

C£®They will keep in touch by email£®


10£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®American Education£®

B£®Travel plans£®

C£®Graduation plans£®

11£®What does the man say about private schools?

A£®They are expensive£®

B£®They are traditional£®

C£®The students there are serious£®

12£®What do we know about the man?

A£®He's got a scholarship£®

B£®He wants to be a teacher£®

C£®He likes parties£®


13£®How much does a man dressed in theme need to pay for the ticket?




14£®What will be available for free£¿


B£®Soft drinks£®

C£®Drink container£®

15£®What can we learn from the talk?

A£®Parents are not allowed to attend£®

B£®The social event will begin at 7¡Ã30 p.m£®

C£®Students with good behavior are encouraged to attend£®



Course information

