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4. , and everything will be all right.

   A. Hold off   B. Hold on

   C. Hold out   D. Hold up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Like other animals,we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others’ thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal —to have a boss hire you,to 1 others to vote for the person of your 2 , or to describe the 3 you want your hair cut —the key to success seems to be the 4 to speak well.

Another obvious advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to 5 the admiration,respect,or liking of others. 6 jokes,and everyone will think you’re really a wise man. 7 advice,and they’ll be thankful for help. Tell them all you know,and they’ll be 8 by your wisdom. But keep quiet and it seems as if you’ll look like a 9 nobody.

Finally,talking gives you the 10 to release energy in a way that listening can't. When you’re 11 , the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better. In the same way,you can often 12 your anger by letting it out orally. It is also helpful to 13 your excitement with others by talking about it,for keeping it inside often 14 you feeling as if you might burt.

While it is true that talking does have many advantages,it's important to 15 that listening can do good to listeners,too. As you’ll soon read,being a good listener is one good way to 16 others with their problems,and what better way is there to have others 17 you? As for controlling others,it may be true that it's hard to be persuasive while you’re listening,but your 18 to hear others out will often leave them 19 to think about your ideas in return. Listening is often reciprocal (互惠的) :you get what you 20 .

1. A. persist   B. advise   C. persuade   D. suggest

2. A. friend   B. relation   C. choice   D. leader

3. A. method   B. way   C. means   D. plan

4. A. efficiency   B. energy   C. mentality   D. ability

5. A. gain   B. grasp   C. receive   D. seize

6. A. Say   B. Speak   C. Talk   D. Tell

7. A. Accept   B. Follow   C. Offer   D. Obtain

8. A. affected   B. impressed

   C. influenced   D. moved

9. A. fruitless   B. priceless

   C. worthless   D. senseless

10. A. pleasure   B. course

   C. duty   D. chance

11. A. in trouble   B. in danger

   C. in debt   D. in silence

12. A. lessen   B. brighten

   C. darken   D. deepen

13. A. control   B. share   C. enjoy   D. remove

14. A. makes   B. causes   C. leaves   D. enables

15. A. suppose   B. notice   C. realise   D. imagine

16. A. fail   B. cure   C. hurt   D. help

17. A. appreciate   B. listen to

   C. envy   D. support

18. A. kindness   B. likeliness

   C. willingness   D. eagerness

19. A. free   B. open   C. eager   D. pleased

20. A. lose   B. ask for

   C. need   D. give


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



for the first time;say goodbye to;wave to;take off;lift up;stare at;every time;by accident;go blank;switch on

1. The boy liked the game when he played it .

2. My parents always bring me a lot of fresh vegetables they come to see me.

3. He entered the house, his coat and sat down in his usual sofa comfortably.

4. Suddenly I saw Mary me at the gate.

5. His mind during the exam,so he failed.

6. As a child,I was told not to others,because it was impolite.

7. He to his friends and drove away.

8. I met two of my college friends the other day.

9. After lunch,he the radio and began to listen to his favourite programme.

10. The box was too heavy for me to it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Drivers who don't pay the congestion charge (face) a fine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. formal adj.办.正式的--adj.非正式的


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. They (不知道) what has happened.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. You will fail the exam you study hard.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. 50 thousand square kilometres of rice fields were converted growing vegetables and other crash crops,

