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Playing basketball isn’t ladylike. That’s what Jewell Chapman’s high school headmaster told her in 1961 when he was against the girls’ basketball program.
“We were very discouraged, ” said Chapman, a forward(前锋)for her high school team of Des Moines.
Nearly 50 years later, Chapman is back on the playground. She’s 62 and plays for “Hot Pink Grannies”, joining about 10 other women on a team whose uniforms are black trousers and hot pink socks. They play in the Iowa Granny Basketball League.
It’s one of dozens of basketball leagues for women over 50 that have arisen across the country. For some, it’s a chance to exercise and meet people; for others, it’s a once – refused chance to make up.
“You see more and more elderly women’s teams taking part in state and national competitions,” said Michael Rogers, a professor in sports studies at Wichita State University. “In the future it will be something common to have leagues like this.”
Yearly surveys by the National Sporting Goods Association show the number of women aged 55 and older who play basketball at least 50 times a year has grown from 16,000 in 1995 to nearly 131,000 ten years later.
The women on the Hot Pink Grannies are good – natured but competitive when game time comes.
“I think I’m tough” says Colleen Pulliam, 69, showing off her strong arms at her challengers in a game against “Strutters”, known for their bright yellow socks.
Granny Basketball Leagues and similar groups spread quickly through much of the country, including California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.
小题1:Which is right about Chapman?
A.She thinks playing basketball isn’t ladylike.
B.She is now 62 years old and feels discouraged.
C.She plays basketball again about 50 years later.
D.She is a forward in the Hot Pink Grannies.
小题2:The underlined sentence “it’s a once – refused chance to make up” in the fourth paragraph means          .
A.it is chance to realize their old dream
B.it is chance to take part in sports
C.it is chance to earn a reputation
D.it is chance to compete for medals
小题3:Who is probably a player of “Hot Oink Grannies”?
A.Des Moines.B.Colleen Pulliam.C.Michael Rogers.D.Strutters.
小题4:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Some elderly women play basketball with the purpose of getting wealthy.
B.Granny Basketball Leagues have spread all over the USA.
C.The women on the Hot Pink Grannies are good – natured and less competitive.
D.The number of women aged 55 and older who play basketball has greatly increased.
小题5:From the passage we can infer          .
A.in the 1960s, playing basketball wasn’t considered as a girls’ sport
B.the color of the socks is of great importance to granny players
C.more and more granny players are confident about getting higher scores
D.Jewell Chapman’s high school headmaster has already changed his attitude


本文报道了美国涌现出许多55岁以上女士为成员的篮球俱乐部。一些成员是为了锻炼或交友,另一些成员则是为了追求曾经的梦想,如62岁的Jewell Chapman年轻时就因为人们的偏见而放弃了篮球,而在差不多50年之后重返球场。
小题1:细节题。由文章第三段Nearly 50 years later, Chapman is back on the playground.可知,Chapman在将近50年之后重返篮球场。 A项“not ladylike”是60年代Chapman高中校长的认知;B项feels discouraged和D项a forward in the Hot Pink Grannies犯了移花接木的错误。故答案为C.
小题2:推断题。通观全文,这些大龄妇人打篮球并非为名(C)或挣奖牌(D)。Chapman的例子说明,因为妇女打篮球过去被认为not ladylike,许多人因discouraged而放弃,如今重拾梦想。故A项正确。once-refused chance, 曾遭剥夺的机会。
小题3:细节题。文章第六段说Hot Pink队员竞争性强,第七段举出Colleen Pulliam为例说明。A项是学校名;C项是一位教授;D项是球队名。故答案为B.
小题4:A项错在with the purpose of getting wealthy; B项错在all over the USA(见文章最后一段);C项错在less competitive. 据文章倒数第四段可知D项正确。
小题5:推断题。由文章第一、二两段推知,20世纪60年代的时候,篮球被认为不是女孩应该从事的体育活动。B,C, D三项文中没有依据。故答案为A.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman in Leonardo da Vinci's 16th century masterpiece, had just given birth to her second son when she sat for the painting, a French art expert said on Tuesday. The discovery was made by a team of Canadian scientists who used special infrared(红外线) and three-dimensional(三维的)technology to study the paint layers on the work, which now sits in the Louvre museum in Paris.
Bruno Mottin of the French Museums' Center for Research and Restoration said that on very close examination of the painting it became clear that the Mona Lisa's dress was covered in a thin transparent gauze veil.(透明面纱)
"This type of gauze dress was typical of the kind worn in early 16th century Italy by women who were pregnant or who had just given birth. This is something that had never been seen up to now because the painting was always judged to be dark and difficult to examine," he told a news conference.
"We can now say that this painting by Leonardo da Vinci was painted in memory of  the birth of the second son of Mona Lisa, which helps us to date it more precisely to around 1503."The young woman with the ambiguous half smile has been identified as Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo. She had five children.
"People always wrote that Mona Lisa had allowed her hair to hang freely over her shoulders. This greatly surprised historians because letting your hair hang freely during the Renaissance was typical of young girls and women of poor virtue (美德)," he said.
The team had hoped to discover more details about Leonardo’s painting techniques, which the artist used to create a hazy (朦胧的) effect. But scientist John Taylor said the team had been disappointed by the lack of brush stroke(笔触)detail on the painting.
小题1:According to the latest research, Mona Lisa was __________.
A.a woman of poor virtueB.da Vinci’s second wife
C.a woman who was pregnant D.the wife of Florentine merchant
小题2:We can infer from the test that ___________.
A.The research has been carried out in France
B.Mona Lisa was painted in 1503 at the latest
C.In da Vinci’s time women could only wear short hair
D.the most difficulty is to identify the paint layers
小题3:What is probably the best title for the test?
A.Mona Lisa ,the Mysterious Woman
B.Mona Lisa was a New Mother
C.Great Discovery in Painting
D.Leonardo’s Painting Technique
小题4:The information reported in the text was first got from _______________.
A.a newspaperB.the Internet
C.a news conferenceD.the museum


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

With only a click of the mouse, rumors can be forwarded between microblogs very quickly. As an example, recently, perceptive netizens discovered that some photos displayed on microblogs depicting Beijing’s June rainstorm had actually been fabricated.
Sina.com is one of the major internet portals(门户网站) in China with hundreds and thousands of users, and a majority of celebrities and renowned citizens have their microblog accounts on this portal. As recently as six months ago, the website decided to establish a specialized team to verify rumors and provide accurate information for its users. Tan Chao is in charge of the team.
“Before I took the job, I usually couldn’t identify what information was real and what was fake. But during the rumor verification process, we discovered that a lot of information was false, including fake photos, fake news stories and rumors that had been spread through microblogs.”
It‘s not just website portals which are taking on fact-checking responsibilities, but also a number of civic-minded netizens, who recently set up a Rumor Verification Federation on Sina.com’s microblog system to help netizens identify fake information online.
  Dianzizheng is the team leader of the federation. He says they’ve publicized more than 150 pieces which refute rumors, which attracted more than 10 thousand visitors within two months.
  “We live in an age of new media, so we can’t use the old methods to verify rumors. We can’t wait for the media to verify the facts with related administrative departments and then release a formal announcement. We can’t allow rumors to run rampant and then deal with it, we need to fight rumors while they’re spreading. I think that this is the best way to deal with rumors nowadays.”
  Some experts say this demonstrates the advantages of the internet compared to other traditional media. The open platform allows information to be examined and clarified by netizens. But experts like Ding Wenguo, President of the Journalism and Communication College at the China University of Political Science and Law says this self-correction function of the internet is still quite limited.
  “It’s still quite difficult to tell which information is true in such an open environment by just reading a number of different opinions on the same issue. This is something which we need to pay attention to. If society is deluged with too much false information, and it’s allowed to spread in such a fast manner, then people will be suspicious of all kinds of information including important information from authorities. It also exacerbates(恶化) problems relating to social communications and mutual-understanding, which in turn harms society as a whole.”
  Experts suggest that the government should react more quickly in the internet age. Once a rumor begins to spread, administrative departments should make announcements as early as possible to dispel rumors before they lead to bad outcomes.
小题1:Sina.com decided to found a specialized team to ____.
A.limit the number of microblogs
B.advance the development of microblogs
C.prevent the spread of rumors on the Internet
D.urge the government to react quickly to the rumors
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.All the rumors have been spread through microblogs.
B.Sina.com is the most popular Internet portal in China.
C.The photos displayed on microblogs might be fake.
D.Traditional media tend to get rumors examined and clarified.
小题3:The underlined word "fabricated" in the first paragraph can be replaced by "__". 
A.dug outB.made upC.got roundD.given away
小题4:What is the best way to prove rumors on microblogs?
A.Examining and checking while they are spreading.
B.Substituting the Internet for traditionally media.
C.Shutting down the website immediately.
D.Making announcements after they are spread.
小题5:The writer cited Ding Wenguo's words in Paragraph 8 to __. 
A.draw a conclusionB.support an argument
C.introduce a topicD.describe a scene


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

China Daily: As China comes down from a travel rush during the seven-day holiday for National Day, people called for a return of the Labor Day Golden Week holiday as a way to ease(缓解) the travel peak.
By Friday, 79 million passengers were expected to have used the railways up about 8 percent over last year. Waterways had shipped around 2 million, a rise of about 17 percent on last year, www. cntv. cn, the website of China Central Television, said on Saturday.
As large numbers of tourists swarmed scenic spots around China, it caused huge crowds and many complaints.
The Forbidden City in Beijing has long been a big draw for travelers. On Tuesday alone, the museum reported, it received more than 180,000 visitors, about six times higher than a regular day.
According to China Central Television, restless visitors demanded their money back from the tourism committee, and police were sent to help deal with the problem.
The Beijing-HongKong-Macao expressway, the Shanghai-Kunming expressway and the route from Beijing to Kunming saw large increases in traffic on Saturday, according to www. cntv. cn.
“As there are only two long holidays in the country and paid leave is not well carried out by employers(雇主), people have limited chances for travel”, Dai Bin, the director of China Tourism Academy, said in a report by Beijing Times on Saturday.
“The travel rush during the ‘Golden Week’ holidays happens because people do not take long journeys during shorter holidays”, said Liu Simin, a researcher with the China Academy of Social Sciences, in a report by Beijing Times on Saturday.
Liu said that now the most important task is to ease the pressure from the huge numbers of tourists. When the Labor Day Golden Week holiday came to an end in 2007, a chance to travel was reduced.
In 2008, the government shortened the Labor Day Golden Week holiday, usually lasting from May 1 to May 7, to three days and added three other short vacations to the list.
小题1:The Labor Day Golden Week holiday was shortened to __________________.
A.one dayB.two daysC.three days D.four days
小题2:The underlined word “swarmed” in the third paragraph probably means “_______”.
A.crowded into B.leftC.escaped from D.planned to go to
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People called for a return of the Labor Day Golden Week holiday.
B.The museum reported it received more than 180,000 visitors during the holiday.
C.Now the most important task is to ease the pressure from the huge numbers of tourists.
D.There are only two long holidays in the country.
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Seven-day Golden Week Holiday sees huge crowds on popular tourists spots
B.The problem during the seven-day Golden Week Holiday.
C.Travel complaints.
D.The pressure from the huge numbers of tourists.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jack Andraka from Maryland won the grand prize at the 2012 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. It is the largest high school science competition in the world. The Maryland teenager is the youngest winner of the $75,000 prize. He was chosen from among 1,500 students in 70 countries.Jack Andraka invented a test for pancreatic cancer (胰腺癌). He started to learn it after losing a close family friend to the disease. “I went on the Internet and I found that 85%of all pancreatic cancers are found late, when someone has less than 2% chance of survival(生存), ” he says, “and I was thinking,’ That’s not right. We should be able to do something.’” He found that early discovery is important to increasing the chances of surviving the disease.
The Maryland teenager asked to work in a laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and was allowed. There he developed a simple paper test, which can recognize the disease in a single drop of blood. His test has proved correct 90% of the time. It also is 100 times more sensitive(敏感的)than other tests. “It costs 3 cents per test, and then it takes only 5 minutes to run,” he said.
Jack’s success wouldn’t have been possible without Anirban Maitra, a professor at Johns Hopkins. He was the only person among the 200 researchers Jack wrote to who showed interest in his project. “I was very surprised that this was a 15-year-old who was writing this. I wanted to meet this clever young man and see what he wanted to talk about and so I called him over for an interview(会面). ”
Jack worked in Professor Maitra’s laboratory, completing his project in 7 months. The government has given the Maryland teenager patent rights(专利权)to the pancreatic cancer test. He is now talking with companies about developing the test into a simple product.
Whatever happens, the professor believes Jack Andraka’s name is one we will be hearing again over the next 10 to 20 years.
小题1: What made Jack Andraka research pancreatic cancer?
A.A high school task.B.A professor’s encouragement.
C.Losing a friend.D.Doubts about the present test.
小题2: Jack Andraka’s research on pancreatic cancer __________.
A.proved to be very successful
B.was 100 times cheaper than other tests
C.gave patients a 90% chance of survival
D.was finished at the high school of Maryland
小题3: We can infer(推断)from the text that Jack Andraka __________.
A.left a deep impression on Professor Maitra
B.was thought highly of by companies
C.got support from others easily
D.wasn’t afraid of failure
小题4: The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggested Jack Andraka will __________.
A.become rich
B.make contributions(贡献)continually
C.get a good job
D.make products to treat cancer
小题5: What’s the best title for the text?
A.Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
B.Jack Andraka’s Fights Against Cancer
C.Research on Pancreatic Cancer
D.Teenager Cancer Researcher


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“I stepped out and was flabbergasted,” local journalist Bahram Baloch told the BBC. “I could see this gray, dome-shaped (圆顶形的) body in the distance, like a giant whale swimming near the surface. Hundreds of people had gathered to watch it in disbelief.”
This island has become a global curiosity. How was it formed in just a few minutes?
As you might already know, many islands in the sea are formed by volcanoes. There are numerous volcanoes under the sea. As the hot lava erupts and cools down, it piles up and forms the shape of a mountain. When the mountain “grows” to higher than the sea level, the part that’s above the water is what we call an “island”.
This is how the island was formed after the Pakistan earthquake, except that instead of a regular volcano, it was a “mud volcano” that brought about this island. Lava is not the only thing that’s locked under the Earth’s crust — there is also gas. When an earthquake happens and breaks part of the crust, the gas is released at an extremely high speed, pushing mud up to the surface, according to National Geographic.
But only earthquakes that are extremely powerful can cause mud volcanoes to push up enough mud to produce islands — and this 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Pakistan was strong enough. The island is about 20 meters high, up to about 90 meters wide and 30 meters long, nearly the size of a soccer field.
In fact, mud volcano islands aren’t new. This is the fourth island of this kind in the region since 1945. But those islands usually didn’t last long.
“It will probably be gone within a couple of months,” said Bill Barnhart, a researcher with the US Geological Survey. After all, “it’s just a big pile of mud that was on the seafloor that got pushed up”.
小题1:What is the article mainly about?
A.The disastrous effects of coastal earthquakes.
B.The difference between mud volcanoes and regular volcanoes.
C.How islands are formed by mud volcanoes.
D.The great natural wonders of Pakistan.
小题2:The underlined word “flabbergasted” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________.
小题3:We can infer from the article that __________.
A.the new island near the coast of Pakistan actually took a few months to form
B.scientists still know little about different types of volcanoes
C.another earthquake is likely to happen in Pakistan within a couple of months
D.not all volcanoes change the geological appearance of the Earth
小题4:According to the article, islands formed by mud volcanoes __________.
A.are quite difficult to locate
B.usually disappear after a short period of time
C.are formed by hot lava from volcanoes
D.used to be part of the Earth’s crust


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Russian President Putin named Time magazine's "Person of the Year"
  Russian President Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine's’ "Person of the Year" on December 19th. 2007 for strengthening stability(稳定)that made Russia a world power again.
  The magazine recognized Putin's "extraordinary feat(技艺)of leadership in taking a country that was in a mess and bringing it stability,"said Richard Stengel,Time's managing editor.
  The magazine noted that "Person of the Year" is not an honor or an endorsement(认可)but a recognition of leadership that shapes the world.
  Putin,who is 56 years old,is very popular in Russia,making a great effort to cause economy to come to life on revenue(收入)from oil and natural gas.
  Putin recently supported vice-PM Dmitry Medvedev's presidential bid,and said he would accept Medvedev's offer to serve as prime minister if Medvedev is elected on March 2.
  The Kremlin said Wednesday the Time recognition was seen there as an acknowledgement of Putin's role in helping Russia pull out of its social and economic troubles in the 1990s.
  Others considered for "Person of the Year" included Nobel Prize-winner Al Gore and author J.K. Rowling.
  This year's choice was a return to the magazine's tradition of picking an individual rather than last year's choice of "You",which refers to anyone creating or using content on the World Wide Web.
  Putin is the fifth Russian(or Soviet)leader to be named Person of the Year:Gorbachev,Andropov,Khrushchev and Stalin,who was named twice.
小题1:How did Putin try to make Russia a world power again?
A.By performing arms race.B.By making war.
C.By strengthening stability.D.By getting foreign help.
小题2:How many times have Russian leaders been named "Person of the Year" so far?
A.Five times.B.Six times.C.Seven times.D.Eight times.
小题3:Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?
A.Russia used to be in a mess.
B.Time always picks an individual to be the "Person of the Year".
C.Oil and natural gas caused Russia's economy to come to life.
D.Putin will leave office on March 2nd, 2007.
小题4:What is the author’s attitude towards the matter?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is no doubt that Apple is well aware of the increased competition in the market and could be in a hurry to put another device out there, said Ramon Llamas, senior research analyst at IDC Mobile Devices Technology and Trends. Given its history with product launches and business policy, though, Apple probably isn’t going to rush an iPhone release simply to put it on shelves, he said.
“If you’re Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), you’re thinking if you want to pay more attention to how to keep growing that bottom line and keep investors happy, or continue with the same approach from Apple, which is do what we can do and manage products and releases in the best way they can work for us. Apple usually does things in their own time ,and I’m having a hard time buying this May or June timeline.” Llamas told Mac News World.
While it,s probable that Apple is definitely in a testing stage for its next smartphone , consumers likely have a standard wait for the finished product, said Colin Gibbs, analyst at GigaOm Pro.
“It typically takes a year or longer to create a state-of-the-art smartphone, so no one should be surprised Apple is in the testing stages with the next iPhone. And while it’s possible that Apple could launch the next iPhone this spring or summer, I’m not expecting to see it until a little later in the year,” he told Mac News World.
When it does launch, though, it could be in a variety of colors, said Gibbs. “Apple has already tested the waters with releasing colored devices when it revamped(更新,翻新)its iPod line last fall, so it’s not too much of a stretch to believe it would want the new twist with its smartphone, as well”.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the new iPhone becomes available in some new colors,’’ he said. “That could be done pretty cheaply ,and it would give Apple a new marketing angle.”
小题1:According to Ramon Llamas, Apple always______.
A.tries to pleases its investors
B.does things as planned
C.ignores the fierce market competition
D.rushes to put new products to market
小题2:As for the next iPhone, Colin Gibbs didn’t mention______ 
A.the stage of its being tested
B.the rough time of its being released
C.the wide variety of its color
D.the function to be improved
小题3:What’s Colin Gibbs ,attitude towards the next iPhone?
小题4:This passage is presented in the form of______.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Clyde, a small-clawed otter, was moved from Auckland Zoo to Wellington Zoo two months ago. The zookeepers hoped he and the other otter Bonnie might start a family together.
But only two days after he arrived, Clyde went missing. He had dug his way under one of the walls and was nowhere to be seen.
The zookeepers set up cages inside the zoo, with plates of Clyde’s favorite fish in them, hoping to catch him.
Two days went by and still there was no sign of Clyde.
At last a couple saw Clyde at their house --- a whole kilometer away in Newtown. Clyde was hiding in an out-of-reach hole outside their laundry.
The zookeepers arrived and set up some more traps to try to catch him. But Clyde is a pretty smart otter. Twice he managed to get the fish out of a trap without being caught.
Five days after he’d escaped, Clyde’s days on the run came to an end when he was finally caught in one of the traps.
It was no good putting Clyde back in his old home---he’d only dig his way out again. So he and Bonnie were put into the zoo hospital. There was no chance of their escaping from there.
Meanwhile, the zookeepers were working hard to make Clyde’s old home safer. They put an iron barrier underground to stop him digging their way out. Then Bonnie and Clyde went home again.
But a month after his first escape, Clyde was out again. Once more the zookeepers came
hurrying to catch Clyde. They found him by following the bubbles he made in the river nearby.
Nobody knew how Clyde had escaped. But this time he was only out for an hour. So---back he went to the hospital again.
Poor Clyde. It seemed that he wasn’t happy at Wellington Zoo, even though he and Bonnie were getting on well together. The keepers didn’t like seeing him unhappy, so they planned to look for a home for him somewhere else. 
小题1:Where was Clyde found after his first escape?
A.Back in Auckland Zoo.B.In a river nearby.
C.At a house a kilometer away.D.In the zoo hospital.
小题2:How did zookeepers catch Clyde after his second escape?
A.They set up cages in the zoo.
B.They attracted Clyde with fish.
C.They dug a hole outside his home.
D.They followed the bubbles in the water.
小题3:What do we know about Clyde?
A.He often gets ill.
B.He is good at digging.
C.He likes hiding in a hole.
D.He escaped to meet Bonnie.
小题4:Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?
A.A news report.B.An advertisement.
C.A book review.D.A research paper.

