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MELBOURNE, Australia – A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs. The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old struck the kangaroo in the throat.
Rickard said he was walking his blue dog, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.
When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its back legs and tearing a deep cut into his stomach and across his face.
"I thought I might take action to drag the dog out from under his grasp, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people."
"I was stuck having to hold on to the dog with both hands because it was half drowned and I couldn't really see anything because the kangaroo just attacked me.”
He added, "All I could do was just keep pushing for the bank and he was trying to push me under the water, so at that point I struck him in the throat and that made him back off a little bit.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to — it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”
Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.
Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.
Rickard said he ended the attack by hitting the kangaroo in the throat adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.
小题1:Rickard and his pet dog were attacked when _________.
A.he was teasing a kangarooB.he was walking his dog
C.swimming in the pondD.dragging his dog out from water
小题2:In Australia, kangaroos ________.
A.are only seen in zoos
B.frequently attack people and pets
C.get along rather peacefully with people
D.can be found swimming in ponds
小题3:The kangaroo attacked the man and his dog probably because ________.
A.the man struck it in the throatB.the dog chased it
C.the man wanted to drown itD.it wanted to drown the dog
小题4:As a result of the attack, ________.
A.the dog was drowned dead
B.the kangaroo was killed
C.kangaroos should be under stricter protection
D.Rickard was left a deep impression


小题1:B考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中的A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs.可知,当一个人遛狗的时候,他和他的狗被袋鼠袭击了。故选B。
小题2:C考查推理判断。根据文章中的It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people."和Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.可以推知,袋鼠不伤人除非它感觉受到了威胁。所以,袋鼠和人能和平相处。故选C。
小题3:B考查推理判断。根据文章第二段中的The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.可知,狗追赶袋鼠进入池塘,袋鼠转身将宠物狗撞入水下,人想从水中救狗,结果,袋鼠袭击了人和狗。故选B。
小题4:D考查推理判断。根据文章中倒数第四段中的"I don't think I'll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to — it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”可知,“我”被吓坏,不愿意再看袋鼠的节目,所以选D。这个事件给“我”留下了很深的印象。其他三项与文章内容不符。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the    36   and have made up their minds to ring the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest(抗议)against heavy trucks(卡车) which run    37   through the narrow High Street.
“They not only make it    38   to sleep at night, but they are    39   damage to our houses and shops of historical interest,” said John Norris, one of the protesters.
   40   we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said Jean Lacey, a biology student,“why don’t they build a new road that goes    41   the town?Burlington isn’t much more than a    42   village.Its streets were never meant for heavy traffic.”
Harry Fields also studying    43   said they wanted to make as much    44   as possible to force the    45   to realise what everybody was having to    46  .“Most of them don’t    47   here anyway,” he said,“they come in for meetings and that,and the Town Hall is soundproof(隔音),    48   they Probably don’t    49   the noise all that much.It’s high time they realised the    50  .”
The fourth student,Liza Vernum,said she thought the public were mostly on their side,and even if they weren’t they soon would be.
   51   asked if they were afraid that the police might come to    52   them.
“Not really,” she said,“actually we are    53   bell-ringers.I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church.There is no    54   against practising.”
I    55   the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.
A.now and thenB.day and night
C.up and downD.over and over
A.townspeopleB.other students
C.government officialsD.truck drivers
A.shopB.live C.come D.study
A.butB.soC.or D.for
A.noticeB.mentionC.fear D.control
A.IB.We C.SheD.They
A.leftB.foundC.reached D.passed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A South African farmer is receiving phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to keep tabs on the flock amid recent livestock thefts, according to local press Wednesday.
When the sheep call, it is always bad news for farmer Erard Louw of the Cape Town suburbs, as the phones around their necks are only set to switch on when the sheep start running, a sign that thieves have cut through the fences.
"As they run it gives me a phone call and says 'Sheep One' or 'Sheep Two' and so on, so at least I know where to start looking because the farm is 750 hectares (1,850 acres)," Louw told the Cape Times daily.
Louw attached the phone-like security device to the collars of four sheep in separate flocks after thieves sneaked in and stole 27 sheep and 13 lambs a couple of weeks ago, driving Louw to rack his brains for ways to protect his animals.
He said there was no use calling nearby police, as they were stationed too far away and in his experience they either lacked an available car or the vehicle was out of fuel or missing tyres -- also the work of thieves.
According to Louw, the cell phones have already proved their worth, with one sheep-snatcher caught thanks to the device.
Still, with theft attempts currently at their peak, given long winter nights and early nightfall, a few sheep-robbers managed to get away in spite of the device.
"The phone did start ringing that night and I went out," he said, but added that he was too late.
小题1:Why did Erard Louw attach the phone-like device to the sheep he raises?
A.Because he thought it was fun to do.
B.Because the police there didn’t care about animals.
C.Because he liked hi-tech very much.
D.Because he wanted to protect them against thieves.
小题2:What does the underlined expression in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Try very hard to remember or think of something.
B.Have a headache.
C.Make the brain bigger.
D.Shake the brain from side to side.
小题3:You can most probably read this passage______.
A.in a book
B.in a dictionary
C.in a newspaper
D.in a novel


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The video rooms have been open since Jan. 2. If successful, the chain hopes to expand the service to other provinces, or even other countries. In addition to the food, customers pay 200 yuan per hour for using the room.
''The video rooms have been fully booked in February,'' said Chen Yu, manager of the Wangfujing branch. The Video room in Beijing is about 30 square meters and large enough for six customers.
''Many customers prefer to use the room for dinners rather than lunch,'' Chen said, adding the average age of customers who booked the video hotpot(火锅) is about 30.
''The whole process is very smooth. The image and the voice transmission(转换) are as good as those of video conferencing at work, ''said one of Chen's colleagues surnamed Luo.
''I have a lot of friends in Beijing, whom I haven’t met for a long time because of being busy at work,'' said a woman surnamed Yu who is having dinner with her husband at Haidilao.''The new service gives us a chance to have a dinner together without traveling. I would like to give it a try.''
The video hotpot also helped establish a friendship between waitresses in the two cities.
Zhao Huanhuan, in her 20s, who is specially trained for serving in the video room in Shanghai, developed a friendship with a waitress named Lu Ke in the Beijing branch.
Zhao said excitedly: ''It was too amazing to believe. I'm so interested in using the special room and enjoy serving people there. I also talk about some interesting interactive games with Lu before guests come for dinner''.
Although Lu felt a little bit nervous when she first served in front of the screens, she said the new mode of communication also encouraged her to supply better services for customers.
''It's like a service competition. We saw each other through video and I could learn from Zhao's serving,'' Lu said, adding she will visit Zhao if she goes to Shanghai.
It seems that video hotpot doesn't satisfy everyone's taste, however.
小题1:From the passage we know that ______.
A.the video room service has been open for a long time
B.the video room service has been open in many provinces in China
C.using the video room, you have to pay extra 200 yuan per hour
D.the Video room in Beijing is only designed for six people to use
小题2:Haidilao may be the name of ______.
A.a theatreB.a restaurantC.a cinemaD.a hotel
小题3:Why do many customers choose the video room service?
A.Because the service there is excellent.
B.Because they can have dinner with friends without traveling.
C.Because the food there is delicious.
D.Because the room is large enough for six people.
小题4:We can learn from the passage that Zhao Huanhuan ______.
A.enjoys communicating with Lu Ke
B.hasn't met Lu Ke for a long time
C.is twenty years old now
D.learned a lot from Lu Ke
小题5:What do you suppose will be talked about in the paragraph to be followed?
A.Lu's visit to Zhao in Shanghai.
B.Other customers' praise for the service.
C.How to improve the service.
D.Other customers' complaint about the service.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Global financial big dogs are no match for China's "Da Ma", or housewives, who have crowded into gold stores across China, buying up 300 tons of gold over the past two weeks. No wonder gold prices have steadied after taking a dive.
During the May Day holiday, gold stores were crowded with mostly female customers. Most of them are middle-aged "Chinese housewives". This group of buyers has risen to fame recently. They are big spenders and are desperate to get their hands on a bargain. "I bought some gold jewellery and kept them as a gift for my son when he gets married," said a buyer from Shanghai.
The gold business is skyrocketing. "Our sales are growing by the day. Yesterday we sold more than ten million yuan of gold products," a gold store salesperson said. The gold rush in China started about two weeks ago thanks to a decline in global gold prices. Media reports suggest that Chinese housewives have spent about 100 billion yuan, or about 16 billion US dollars, purchasing 300 tons of gold since mid-April. That has helped support gold prices.
"Gold prices depressed since the middle of last month but have risen gradually. That is mainly due to the strong demand from Asian markets," said foreign trader Zhang Chen from Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. "Some people even joked that Chinese housewives have beaten Wall Street analysts." For Chinese people, with limited investment options, the only thing better than buying gold is buying gold at discount prices.
小题1:What does the author indicate in the first sentence of the 1st paragraph?
A.The global big dogs can’t match with Chinese housewives.
B.China's "Da Ma" help a lot to support the global economic crisis .
C.Chinese housewives spend a great deal of money on gold
D.Chinese housewives have a better consumption idea than global financial big dogs
小题2:The whole passage mainly developed_______ ?
A.by comparison B.by contrast
C.by quotation D.by time order
小题3:We can infer about the gold rush in China from the passage?
A.The Chinese housewives are most willing to spend money in buying gold ..
B.China's "Da Ma" crowded into stores to get gold as the best gifts for sons when they get married.
C.China's "Da Ma" are bigger spenders and cleverer than global financial big dogs.
D.China’s "Da Ma" become the largest gold buyers due to a decline in global gold prices.
小题4:In the writer’s view, Chinese housewives are desperate to get their hands on a bargain because_____.
A. it is worthy to buy gold.
B .they have a strong demand
C. they have unlimited investment options
D it is at discount prices.
小题5:The author’s description about the passage is ______.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

JINTAN, JIANGSU: The 20 students — 18 boys and 2 girls —had a thousand reasons to be proud of themselves. They had just climbed their way to the top rung(阶梯)out of 4 million students taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest(竞赛)on Tuesday evening. The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14. ‘Many of the problems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out. It is just unbelievable!’said a teacher from Guangdong province. Named after China's most famous mathematician, Hua Luogeng, the contest started in 1986,one year after his death. In less than 10 years, it has been recognized by the State Education Commission(国家教委) as the country's biggest and best contest of its kind.
小题1:This news story is mainly about________ .
A.when the contest started
B.how the contest got its name
C.the 20 pupils who have won gold medals in the contest
D.the 5th National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest
小题2:This news story most probably appeared in a newspaper in ________.
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that the teacher from Guangdong province ________.
A.felt proud of the gold medal winners
B.wondered if the students were honest
C.thought that the problems were too difficult for the students
D.believed that the twenty winners could go to study at university
小题4:The underlined phrase ‘figure out’ in the text means_________.
A.work outB.add upC.guessD.study


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many French teachers and parents complain that their kids are less bright than they were. They say young people visit museums less often and spend too much time on the Internet. They only read comics and listen to music, and like American culture more than their own. But is this true?  A recent survey shows that many French kids spend their time as other kids always have.
Most French teens love music, with 86% putting it as their top hobby, above the cinema, sport and television. French kids read a lot and like different things, from Japanese cartoons to American novels. Many French people worry that their children watch too many American films and listen to too much American music. But the results of this survey show that French young people like their own culture.
As Silvia Berlin, a student from Paris, says, "I love watching American TV, but I watch more French programmes. I love being French!"
小题1:Many French teachers and parents        
A.think their kids are as clever as they were
B.don' t think their kids are as clever as they were
C.think their kids are more clever than they were
D.don' t think their kids are clever at all
小题2:Most French teens' top hobby is       
A.going to the moviesB.doing sport
C.watching TVD.listening to music
小题3:The French kids like all of the following except _________ .
A.Japanese historyB.Japanese cartoons
C.American filmsD.American music
小题4:This passage is mainly about a survey of______.
A.French parents' complaint
B.French kids' study
C.French kids' interests
D.French teachers' complaint


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

These days, many passers-by always spot a beggar on the Jiaochangkou Street in Yuzhong District of Chongqing in southwest China.
The beggar’s name is Xia Haibo, and he was born in Meihe Village, Tianmen City of Hubei Province. Being 25 years old, he is quite a special beggar in some ways — he doesn’t beg on his knees, as other beggars do when begging. Rather, he often stands in the crowded street, either reading a book or thinking about something carefully. He also started a blog on the Internet which has been clicked more than 500,000 times. He likes reading — he has read many classical Chinese poems. He has kept writing and recently, he has planned to publish his writings.
In 1998, Xia entered Tianmen Middle School as the best student in his town. However, a year before he took the college entrance examination, he came down with a high fever and was later diagnosed (诊断) as having rheumatoid arthritis (类风湿性关节炎). In order to treat his disease, his father borrowed 60,000 yuan from relatives and friends. However, with this money, he didn’t recover from the disease. He did not want to become a burden (负担) to his family any more. So in July, 2006, he left his hometown and went to Wuhan to make a living by begging.
Begging has become a job to Xia now. However, he doesn’t plan to go on living like this. “By July 24, 2008, when I have been begging for two years, I will stop my begging life. I promise,” he said.
It is his plan that by using the money he “earns”, he will rent a small shop in his hometown and keep on writing in his spare time.
Right now, he is trying to finish a book of his own. The book, called Love Is With Me, tells about the people who helped him during his begging life.
小题1:The underlined word “spot” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to “______”.
A.forgiveB.record C.beatD.notice
小题2:When did Xia Haibo get the serious illness?
A.In 1998.B.In 2001.C.In 2000.D.In 2006.
小题3:How does Xia beg in the street?
A.He begs on his knees in the street.
B.He writes Chinese poems for those who like poems.
C.He reads or thinks while standing in the street.
D.He teaches people how to surf the Internet.
小题4: Which of the following is NOT true about Xia Haibo?
A.His dream is to have his book published.
B.He will not stop begging until he earns enough money for his future life.
C.He is writing a book to express his thanks to those who helped him.
D.He will keep writing while running a small business.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Worried about how many calories you will get in that piece of pizza, chocolate cake or bag of chips? A new iphone application Mealsnap may help. Users just need to take a picture of the meal with the phone, and it will give a calorie read-out almost immediately.
Mealsnap was developed by DailyBurn, a health social network that focuses on helping its users lead healthier lifestyles. It has created several other health and diet-related iphone applications. The applications gives users a quick reply. To do that, it matches the taken picture to a databank containing the calorie information of nearly 500,000 kinds of food. Users then get the range of calories for the meal that is photographed.
We started with something simple — an apple. A couple of minutes later the application replied that it was an apple and between 64 and 96 calories. More impressive was the reply we received after sending a photo of mixed salad bowl. Mealsnap replied that the bowl contained “yellow rice with corn, boiled eggs and beans” and that the food was between 532 and 798 calories.
Mr. Smith, director of DailyBurn, said that usual calorie counting needed a long time, but that the application made it easier to know the calories in food. That’s why it is so popular among those who are trying hard to lose weight.
In addition, Mealsnap can serve as a food diary. No need to write down what they’ve eaten, the photos will be stored. Then users can keep a visual log (记录). Mr. Smith said: “It’s like a food journal, but easier. All you do is to take the picture. The simple act of recording something can cause a psychological change that can help people on their health journey. Knowing the calorie range makes me think more about what I’m eating.
60. 小题1:The purpose of DailyBurn is to _______.
A.help people have a healthy life
B.make iphone more popular
C.help people find ways to lose weight
D.persuade people to buy iphone products
61. 小题2: We can know from the passage that Mealsnap is ________.
A.a cameraB.a phoneC.a calculatorD.an application
62. 小题3:What can be learned from the third paragraph?
A.Mealsnap can also tell what the food is.
B.Mealsnap is only useful for simple things.
C.The result of Mealsnap isn’t always right.
D.Mealsnap needs a long time to show the calorie range.
63. 小题4:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Mealsnap iphones work as a health signal
B.Mealsnap iphones offer you a health signal
C.Mealsnap iphones — the best-selling phones
D.Mealsnap iphones count your calories

