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1.If you want to catch the first bus you’d better_______ ____(出发)for the bus station immediately.

2.She_______ ______ ____________(谋生)by singing in a night club one year ago..

3.Don’t look at me in such way; I don’t like being_______ ________(盯着看)

4.You are looking slim.Have you _____ _______?(减肥)

5.His illness______ ________her absence from school the other day.(导致)

6.The policeman are_____ ________(监视)the three men in the room next the door.

7.I am heavily____ ________(负债)and that’s why I’m selling the house.



1.set off 

2.earned one’s living 或made a living  

3.stared at

4.lost weight

5.accounted for 

6.spying on  

7.in debt



1.set off 固定搭配set off出发,引起,使…发生,引爆;本句set off for…出发去某地。

2.earned one’s living 或made a living 考察固定搭配make/earn one’s living谋生。根据后面的one year ago说明使用过去式。

3.stared at  固定搭配stare at…盯着…看;要注意该词的近义词组glare at怒目而视….;

4.lost weight 本句考察的是固定搭配lose weight减肥。

5.accounted for 本句考察的是固定搭配account for解释…的原因;占据…的比例;还可以作为“带来,导致”。

6.spying on  固定搭配spy on…监视;本句使用现在进行时的时态。

7.in debt固定搭配in debt欠债;本句中的debt是抽象名词,单独使用,不需要冠词。





科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年新疆兵团农三师第一中学高一下学期3月月考英语卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】If you want to catch the first bus you’d better_______ ____(出发)for the bus station immediately.
【小题2】She_______ ______ ____________(谋生)by singing in a night club one year ago..
【小题3】Don’t look at me in such way; I don’t like being_______ ________(盯着看)
【小题4】You are looking slim.Have you _____ _______?(减肥)
【小题5】His illness______ ________her absence from school the other day.(导致)
【小题6】The policeman are_____ ________(监视)the three men in the room next the door.
【小题7】I am heavily____ ________(负债)and that’s why I’m selling the house.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1. The children _________ their _________(摒住呼吸) when the magician opened the box.

2. Nobody likes someone who doesn’t ____________ his ____________(履行诺言).

3.__________  __________(至于) your salary, we can talk about it over a coffee.

4.Great changes have __________  __________ (发生) in the countryside since the 1990s.

5.Why are you looking for a new job __________  __________ (既然) you have such a good one.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省分校高一第二次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1. I am ______ _______ (喜爱,喜欢) pop music .

2. He has ____ ____ _____ ______(下定决心) to kick his bad habits.

3. We should ______ _____ _______ (利用) this opportunity to learn more about the U.S.A.

4. Whether we can go hiking tomorrow _____ _____ (依靠;取决于) the weather.

5. They ____ _____ (搭起,建造) their tent at dawn .



科目:高中英语 来源:西藏拉萨中学2009-2010学年高二第二次月考试题(英语) 题型:填空题



1.This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really ­_______off.      (成功,腾飞)

2.Books are made _______ paper and paper is made _______ wood.  (由……制成的)

3.The house where he once lived has been turned ______a museum and is visited by thousands of people every year.                                        (变成)

4.If we reuse something, it will not end up ______waste.              (以……告终)

5.Keep in ______                                               (保持联系)

6.the  other  way  _______                                         (相反)

7.They will ______ down the old building .                              (拆毁)

8.a _______graduate student                            (一个有前途的研究生)

9.What does the UK______ ______ ?                                   (代表 )

10.A storm  is  just ______ the corner .                   (就在附近,即将来临)

11. keep up with the high ______of modern life      (跟上现代生活的快节奏 )

12.The twins have a lot  in ________ with  each other.       (与……有相同之处)

13.come to _______ with                                        (甘心忍受)

14.________ one’s goals.                                   (达到自己目标)

15. He ______ about  to lock the door when the telephone rang .            (正要)

16.We tie the  boat _____a tree.                             (把……拴在……)

17.Share happiness  and _______                                (同甘共苦)

18.­­­­____ number of the  sdudents in our class is 56.                 (……的数量)

19.learn from  the best _______ in the world                  (向世界顶尖人物学习)

20.The weather turned _____to be fine.                            (结果是……)


