精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Before graduation from college,my son began to seek a job.He targeted a company which planned to__16__only one person.However,there were over 20 candidates,among whom was my son.I__17__him,“It's difficult to get into the company.Don't__18__too much for fear that you would feel disappointed when you fail.”My son said smilingly,“__19__I try,there will be hope!”

Of the 20 candidates,only three could__20__the final round,which would later decide the one to be employed.Everything seemed to__21__quite well and my son__22__the first round and entered the final.Unexpectedly,the final interview was unbelievably__23__,and all of them were asked to go home and wait for the__24__of the interview.

One morning,my son__25__a text from the company that he was not employed.Before I__26__what to say to comfort him,I was told that afternoon that my son received another__27__saying he was employed.__28__the first text was also part of the test in the interview.The three men received the same text that morning and only my son's__29__was satisfying to the company,so he was employed.I asked my son__30__they replied.My son told me that one__31__silent,one said “goodbye” and he said “thank you”.

Only then did I know my son's “__32__” came in that way.That is: don't forget to say “thank you” to those who even__33__you.Saying “thank you” shows your__34__for others' work,therefore,you will get the upper hand in terms of__35__compared with others under the same conditions.

16.A.employ  B.support

C.manage  D.interview

17.A.interrupted  B.promised

C.reminded  D.followed

18.A.spend  B.expect  C.waste  D.wish

19.A.As if  B.As soon as

C.Even if  D.As long as

20.A.enter  B.survive  C.change  D.judge

21.A.move  B.go   C.fit  D.stay

22.A.passed  B.earned  C.left  D.started

23.A.challenging  B.simple

C.perfect  D.secret

24.A.course  B.plan   C.answer  D.result

25.A.prepared  B.received

C.copied  D.wrote

26.A.figured out  B.took up

C.set off  D.worked on

27.A.gift  B.note   C.text  D.rule

28.A.Ridiculously  B.Actually

C.Cleverly  D.Sadly

29.A.reply  B.question   C.reason  D.belief

30.A.when  B.what   C.how  D.whom

31.A.got  B.kept   C.made  D.went

32.A.hope  B.dream   C.plan  D.aim

33.A.cheat  B.hate

C.dislike  D.disappoint

34.A.pity  B.doubt   C.respect  D.desire

35.A.chances  B.skills   C.lessons  D.salaries


16.A 根据下文“which would later decide the one to be employed”可知,公司计划只雇用一个人。employ表示“雇用”;support表示“支持”;manage表示“管理,经营,能应付”;interview表示“面试,采访”。

17.C 根据上下文语境可知,参与应聘的有20人,从中只录取1人,作者认为儿子进入该公司的难度很大,于是提醒儿子。interrupt表示“打断”;promise表示“答应,许诺”;remind表示“提醒,使想起”;follow表示“跟随,听懂”。“reminded”符合语境。

18.B 根据语境可知,此处指作者提醒儿子不要抱太大希望,以免没被雇用后会失望。在四个选项中,“expect”表示“期望,预期,预料”,符合语境。

19.D 句意:儿子笑着说:“只要我尽力就有希望。”四个选项均可引导状语从句,as if用来引导方式状语从句;as soon as引导时间状语从句;even if引导让步状语从句,as long as引导条件状语从句。根据语境可知,空格处表示的是一种条件。

20.A 根据下文“entered the final”可知,在20名应聘人当中,只有3人能够进入最后一轮。enter表示“进入”,故答案选A。

21.B 根据下文语境可知,儿子进入了最后一轮面试,由此推知,此处指一切似乎进展不错。go有“进行”之意,符合语境。故答案选B。

22.A 作者的儿子通过了第一轮面试,进入到最后一轮。根据语境可知,空格处应该使用“passed”。

23.B 句意:出乎意料,最后一轮面试出奇地简单,就是回家等待面试结果。四个选项均为形容词,challenging表示“具有挑战性的”;simple表示“简单的,简朴的”;perfect表示“完美的”;secret表示“秘密的”。B项符合语境。

24.D 根据语境可知,此处指的是回家等待最终的面试结果。result 意为“结果”,符合语境。

25.B 根据下文“The three men received the same text…”可知,应选received。

26.A 句意:在我还没想出该说什么来安慰儿子时…… figure out表示“想出,理解”;take up表示“从事,拿起,占据”;set off表示“出发,动身”;work on表示“继续工作”。由此可知,空格处应该使用“figured out”。

27.C 根据上文中的“a text”及“another”可知,空格处应该选“text”,表示又收到了一份通知。

28.B ridiculously表示“荒唐地”;actually表示“实际上”;cleverly表示“伶俐地,聪明地”;sadly表示“伤心地”。根据语境可知,实际上,第一份通知也是面试测试的一部分,B项符合文意。

29.A 根据下文“I asked my son…they replied.”可知,在参加最后一轮面试的三个人当中,只有作者儿子的答复令公司满意。reply表示“回答,答复”,符合文意。

30.C 根据下文“My son told me that one…silent,one said‘good­bye’and he said‘thank you’.”可知此处指作者问儿子他们是如何答复公司的,故答案选C。

31.B keep silent为固定短语,意为“保持沉默”,符合语境。

32.A 只有那时,作者才知道儿子的希望是以这种方式获得的。hope符合文意,并和上文“I try,there will be hope!”相呼应。

33.D 句意:不要忘记对即使是令你失望的那些人说声谢谢。cheat表示“欺骗,作弊”;hate表示“憎恨,不喜欢”;dislike表示“不喜欢”;disappoint表示“使失望”。由此可知,disappoint符合文意。

34.C 句意:说声谢谢能显示你对别人工作的尊重。pity表示“怜悯,同情”;doubt表示“怀疑”;respect表示“尊敬,尊重”;desire表示“愿望”。C项符合文意。

35.A 作者认为,尊重别人的工作就会在同等条件下比别人有更多的机会。chance意为“机会”,符合文意。


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省高考模拟冲刺(提优)测试一英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

NEW YORK (AP) — The investigation into the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz has gone through decades and countries, from basements to rooftops and seemingly everywhere in between.
No one has ever been charged criminally — and the little boy with sandy brown hair and a toothy grin was declared dead in 2001.
This week, the six-year-old boy who went missing from the Soho area of New York City in 1979 is back in the news. Police and the FBI are investigating a possible lead into the 33-year-old case of Etan Patz, the first missing child to appear on the side of a milk box.
The child disappeared on the way to school on the morning of May 25, 1979. It was the first time he was allowed to walk the two blocks to the bus stop alone.
A tip seemed to have led officials to the basement of a building on the corner of Prince and Wooster streets, about a block and a half from where Etan had lived with his family.
The name Etan Patz has become a hot topic on Twitter as people weigh in on the case. Shirley Brady noted: “As mom to a 6 years old in Soho, it’s still held out by locals as cautionary tale (警示故事).” Another wrote, “Boy who disappeared on his way to school in 1979 has been REOPENED! Crazy.” One wondered, “Why is FBI and NYPD searching for a kid that disappeared in 1979?”
Good question. This is a case that Stuart Gra Bois, as an assistant U.S. lawyer under Rudolph Giuliani, followed for years. It became the most famous missing-person case in New York City, turned a nationwide spotlight on missing children, and created headlines around the globe. No one was ever stated guilty of the crime.
The case led to the creation of National Missing Children’s Day, marked on May 25, the day the blond-haired, blue-eyed child went missing.
The case has even pointed to a suspect, charged with child molester (猥亵者) Julio Antonio Ramos, who is currently in prison. Patz’s babysitter had been dating the man, and Ramos did know the kid, but has denied taking him away.
New evidence in the case suggests another suspect who lived in the apartment at the time: a local handyman named Othniel Miller, who gave Etan $1 for helping him the night before the disappearance.
The man’s name had come up in an earlier investigation, but he was a friend of the Patz family, and the NYPD did not follow the lead.
Investigators plan to be at the site, 127 B Prince St., which is now a Lucky Brand jeans store, for the next two to three days to search for human remains. The Associated Press reports that the excavation (挖掘) has been the result of a recently ordered review of the case by Manhattan’s police. 
【小题1】We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ________.

A.The 6-year-old missing boy was found by the side of a milk box
B.Police and the FBI have not been following the case of Etan Patz for 33 years
C.The investigation into the disappearance of boy has worked fruitlessly for decades
D.Etan Patz went missing from the Soho area of New York city in 1979 and died in 2001
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “weigh in on the case” mean?
A.ignore the case B.feel stressed on the case
C.reopen the case D.begin to discuss the case
【小题3】What was a possible cause of reopening the case of Etan Patz?
A.Local lawyers strongly demanded the reopening of the case.
B.The Associated Press reported the result of the review of the case.
C.New evidence appeared which led officials to the basement of a building.
D.Local people realized the importance of the case without criminal being charged.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true in the text?
A.The National Missing Children’s Day was created on May 25, 1979.
B.The search for human remains will be carried out at 127 B Prince Street.
C.The NYPD didn’t follow the lead of Julio Antonio for he had been dating Patz’ babysitter.
D.Othniel Miller, a local handyman assisted Etan and gave him $1 before the disappearance.
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.People air the same view about the case on the Internet
B.People reject the reopening of the case of the missing boy
C.The missing-person case still has a long-lasting influence on people
D.Twitter is the only place for people to discuss about missing-person cases


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省高考模拟冲刺(提优)测试一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

NEW YORK (AP) — The investigation into the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz has gone through decades and countries, from basements to rooftops and seemingly everywhere in between.

No one has ever been charged criminally — and the little boy with sandy brown hair and a toothy grin was declared dead in 2001.

This week, the six-year-old boy who went missing from the Soho area of New York City in 1979 is back in the news. Police and the FBI are investigating a possible lead into the 33-year-old case of Etan Patz, the first missing child to appear on the side of a milk box.

The child disappeared on the way to school on the morning of May 25, 1979. It was the first time he was allowed to walk the two blocks to the bus stop alone.

A tip seemed to have led officials to the basement of a building on the corner of Prince and Wooster streets, about a block and a half from where Etan had lived with his family.

The name Etan Patz has become a hot topic on Twitter as people weigh in on the case. Shirley Brady noted: “As mom to a 6 years old in Soho, it’s still held out by locals as cautionary tale (警示故事).” Another wrote, “Boy who disappeared on his way to school in 1979 has been REOPENED! Crazy.” One wondered, “Why is FBI and NYPD searching for a kid that disappeared in 1979?”

Good question. This is a case that Stuart Gra Bois, as an assistant U.S. lawyer under Rudolph Giuliani, followed for years. It became the most famous missing-person case in New York City, turned a nationwide spotlight on missing children, and created headlines around the globe. No one was ever stated guilty of the crime.

The case led to the creation of National Missing Children’s Day, marked on May 25, the day the blond-haired, blue-eyed child went missing.

The case has even pointed to a suspect, charged with child molester (猥亵者) Julio Antonio Ramos, who is currently in prison. Patz’s babysitter had been dating the man, and Ramos did know the kid, but has denied taking him away.

New evidence in the case suggests another suspect who lived in the apartment at the time: a local handyman named Othniel Miller, who gave Etan $1 for helping him the night before the disappearance.

The man’s name had come up in an earlier investigation, but he was a friend of the Patz family, and the NYPD did not follow the lead.

Investigators plan to be at the site, 127 B Prince St., which is now a Lucky Brand jeans store, for the next two to three days to search for human remains. The Associated Press reports that the excavation (挖掘) has been the result of a recently ordered review of the case by Manhattan’s police. 

1.We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ________.

A.The 6-year-old missing boy was found by the side of a milk box

B.Police and the FBI have not been following the case of Etan Patz for 33 years

C.The investigation into the disappearance of boy has worked fruitlessly for decades

D.Etan Patz went missing from the Soho area of New York city in 1979 and died in 2001

2.What does the underlined phrase “weigh in on the case” mean?

A.ignore the case                         B.feel stressed on the case

C.reopen the case                        D.begin to discuss the case

3.What was a possible cause of reopening the case of Etan Patz?

A.Local lawyers strongly demanded the reopening of the case.

B.The Associated Press reported the result of the review of the case.

C.New evidence appeared which led officials to the basement of a building.

D.Local people realized the importance of the case without criminal being charged.

4.Which of the following statements is true in the text?

A.The National Missing Children’s Day was created on May 25, 1979.

B.The search for human remains will be carried out at 127 B Prince Street.

C.The NYPD didn’t follow the lead of Julio Antonio for he had been dating Patz’ babysitter.

D.Othniel Miller, a local handyman assisted Etan and gave him $1 before the disappearance.

5.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.People air the same view about the case on the Internet

B.People reject the reopening of the case of the missing boy

C.The missing-person case still has a long-lasting influence on people

D.Twitter is the only place for people to discuss about missing-person cases



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

NEW YORK (AP) — The investigation into the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz has gone through decades and countries, from basements to rooftops and seemingly everywhere in between.
No one has ever been charged criminally — and the little boy with sandy brown hair and a toothy grin was declared dead in 2001.
This week, the six-year-old boy who went missing from the Soho area of New York City in 1979 is back in the news. Police and the FBI are investigating a possible lead into the 33-year-old case of Etan Patz, the first missing child to appear on the side of a milk box.
The child disappeared on the way to school on the morning of May 25, 1979. It was the first time he was allowed to walk the two blocks to the bus stop alone.
A tip seemed to have led officials to the basement of a building on the corner of Prince and Wooster streets, about a block and a half from where Etan had lived with his family.
The name Etan Patz has become a hot topic on Twitter as people weigh in on the case. Shirley Brady noted: “As mom to a 6 years old in Soho, it’s still held out by locals as cautionary tale (警示故事).” Another wrote, “Boy who disappeared on his way to school in 1979 has been REOPENED! Crazy.” One wondered, “Why is FBI and NYPD searching for a kid that disappeared in 1979?”
Good question. This is a case that Stuart Gra Bois, as an assistant U.S. lawyer under Rudolph Giuliani, followed for years. It became the most famous missing-person case in New York City, turned a nationwide spotlight on missing children, and created headlines around the globe. No one was ever stated guilty of the crime.
The case led to the creation of National Missing Children’s Day, marked on May 25, the day the blond-haired, blue-eyed child went missing.
The case has even pointed to a suspect, charged with child molester (猥亵者) Julio Antonio Ramos, who is currently in prison. Patz’s babysitter had been dating the man, and Ramos did know the kid, but has denied taking him away.
New evidence in the case suggests another suspect who lived in the apartment at the time: a local handyman named Othniel Miller, who gave Etan $1 for helping him the night before the disappearance.
The man’s name had come up in an earlier investigation, but he was a friend of the Patz family, and the NYPD did not follow the lead.
Investigators plan to be at the site, 127 B Prince St., which is now a Lucky Brand jeans store, for the next two to three days to search for human remains. The Associated Press reports that the excavation (挖掘) has been the result of a recently ordered review of the case by Manhattan’s police

  1. 1.

    We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ________

    1. A.
      The 6-year-old missing boy was found by the side of a milk box
    2. B.
      Police and the FBI have not been following the case of Etan Patz for 33 years
    3. C.
      The investigation into the disappearance of boy has worked fruitlessly for decades
    4. D.
      Etan Patz went missing from the Soho area of New York city in 1979 and died in 2001
  2. 2.

    What does the underlined phrase “weigh in on the case” mean?

    1. A.
      ignore the case
    2. B.
      feel stressed on the case
    3. C.
      reopen the case
    4. D.
      begin to discuss the case
  3. 3.

    What was a possible cause of reopening the case of Etan Patz?

    1. A.
      Local lawyers strongly demanded the reopening of the case
    2. B.
      The Associated Press reported the result of the review of the case
    3. C.
      New evidence appeared which led officials to the basement of a building
    4. D.
      Local people realized the importance of the case without criminal being charged
  4. 4.

    Which of the following statements is true in the text?

    1. A.
      The National Missing Children’s Day was created on May 25, 1979
    2. B.
      The search for human remains will be carried out at 127 B Prince Street
    3. C.
      The NYPD didn’t follow the lead of Julio Antonio for he had been dating Patz’ babysitter
    4. D.
      Othniel Miller, a local handyman assisted Etan and gave him $1 before the disappearance
  5. 5.

    We can learn from the passage that ________

    1. A.
      People air the same view about the case on the Internet
    2. B.
      People reject the reopening of the case of the missing boy
    3. C.
      The missing-person case still has a long-lasting influence on people
    4. D.
      Twitter is the only place for people to discuss about missing-person cases

