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14. When a boat is going , its speed becomes much higher.

   A. forward   B. downward

   C. upstream   D. downstream

14. D

14. D解析:句意:当船顺流而下时,它的速 度变得快得多。

downstream意为“顺流而 下”,符合句意。

forward意为“向前”; downward意为“向下”;upstream意为“逆 流而上”。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷6 Module 5综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Simon要来你们学 校学习半年。他来信请你对他上学期间的交通方式提 出建议。请根据以下提示用英语给他回信。

1. 建议骑自行车上学;

2. 自行车是学生常用的交通工具;

3. 自行车价格便宜,停放容易;

4. 骑自行车有益健康,利于环境保护。

注意:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数100左右;

3. 信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。

Dear Simon,

I am very glad to hear from you and you are welcome to study in our school for half a year.   



Yours,Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. To our relief,some laws and regulations

to punish those who drive after drinking alcohol.

   A. have worked out   B. worked out

   C. have been worked out   D. were worked out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. They are trying to the waste for profit thrown by the chemical factory.

   A. exchange   B. exhaust   C. expand   D. exploit


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. —Excuse me. Is this the way to the Summer Palace?

—Sorry,I am not sure. But it be.

   A. must   B. will   C. might   D. can


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Planning a trip to Japan? No doubt you’ve planned visits to key attractions in Tokyo,Osaka,or other major cities. Any major city can offer more enjoyable sites than you’ll have time to see. A number of travel agencies can provide lists of hotspots for shopping,nightlife and fine dining unlike any other place on earth.

Having travelled in large cities,and the countryside,I feel like sharing a few thoughts with first-time visitors to Japan. If you wish to have a true cultural experience then nothing beats visiting the countryside,where there are rental (出租) car companies specialising in serving tourists though no tour buses stop. Don’t worry about running on the “wrong side” as you’ll quickly become used to it.

Precautions (告诫) :YouMl need to take a ^personal adventure level” reading before starting this trip. Unless you speak some Japanese,communication will be very limited. Most Japanese do not speak conversational English. This is especially true once you leave the cities behind. Lodging,dining and even getting gas will take more effort. It was challenging but just as rewarding;I do suggest that others learn some Japanese first,though.

Benefits: Even if you travel for a short time in the rural country,you will have many exciting stories unmatched by any friends who stayed on guided city tours. The best part is --Ican't tell you what they’ll be. Do make an effort to communicate with those around you. You will find that as a whole the Japanese are very welcoming to foreign visitors. Along your country journey you’ll find people who have never met a foreigner and have many questions for you,shops selling items you have never seen and restaurants with short menus serving delicious Japanese food. It's these simple people you’ll meet that you’ll most remember.

46. For whom is the passage written?

   A. Visitors who want to do shopping in Japan.

   B. Visitors who want to enjoy nightlife in Japan.

   C. Visitors who want to learn about Japanese culture.

   D. Visitors who want to enjoy natural beauty in Japan.

47. How can you visit small towns in Japan?

   A. By tour bus. B. By car.

   C. On foot. D. By bike.

48. To make your visits to small towns pleasant,you are advised to .

   A. choose a better travel agency

   B. read as many books about Japan as possible

   C. learn about some rules for lodging and dining

   D. learn some Japanese to make communication easier

49. The underlined sentence suggests that the travel in the rural country .

   A. will bring you many unexpected surprises

   B. will be interesting with a guide leading you

   C. is often well planned and organised

   D. will make sure you get the best service

50. Which word can NOT be used to describe the Japanese people in the countryside?

   A. Friendly. B. Curious.

   C. Badly-educated. D. Simple.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The new colleague that he had worked in several big companies before he joined ours.

   A. predicted   B. disagreed

   C. claimed   D. adopted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) Our Fun Ways to Explore the Garden Ecosystem with Children

A garden is full of wildlife such as insects,worms,and birds that delight kids. 51 Dig Digging in the garden dirt will unearth many small creatures for your children to explore. Equipped with small spades and curious fingers,we routinely find earthworms,centipedes (蜈蚣) and beetles in our garden. CXir raised beds are full of rich composted (施过肥的) soil which is a wonderful environment for these animals,but if your dirt needs some nourishment here is a fun activity: dig in a bit of chopped up banana peels,dried leaves and coffee grounds,and water it well. In a few days to a week you may discover lots of creepy erawlies (小爬虫) under that composting humus (腐殖质) for your children to observe.


Plant a variety of fruits,vegetables and flowers to attract wildlife. Bees,butterflies,moths (飞蛾) , even ladybugs find nourishment from the nectar (花蜜) and pollen (花粉) in flowers. 53 Our garden is an ever-changing ecosystem playground for my kids. And at ages two and four,they love seeing and learning about all of these animals.

Add a Bird Feeder or Two Adding bird feeders to your garden will interest the birds and your children. We recycled an old metal mailbox,with little holes for the seeds,painted it a bright colour and filled it with birdseed (鸟食籽) .Then we hung it on a part of the fence safe for the birds. We can even see it from our dining-room window. 54 As my daughter began to learn more about birds in pre-school,we were able to name some of the different species with her.

Use Bug Viewers and Microscopes My kids were given two bug viewers this year and those,along with our oversized,kid-friendly microscope,have enriched our fun with creatures in the garden. 55 Children are thrilled by the outdoor world,especially the animals living in it. These activities provide endless ways for exploration and inquiry in the garden ecosystem.

   A. Snails and slugs (缓步虫;蛞蝓) consistently munch (用力阻嚼) on most of our plants,and spiders often hide in the leaves waiting to lure prey into their webs.

   B. Plant a Variety

   C. In a few days to a week you may discover lots of creepy crawlies under that composting humus for your children to observe.

   D. Children can examine the differences between insects and spiders,see up close the patterns on butterfly and moth wings,and count the spots on ladybugs.

   E. Here are four fun ways to explore the garden ecosystem with children.

   F. You can search for bug viewers and microscopes on the Internet or at your local toy store.

   G. Watching birds visit and eat the seeds while we eat breakfast has become a lovely ritual for our family.

51.  52.  53.

54.  55.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. He doesn’t like (都市的) life,so he will go to the country after he retires.

