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       I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure th at really struck terror into my heart.

I   36   it was a cold moon - lit night when I was walking home. It was the first night of my whole life that I had been outside   37   at such a late time. There were   38  few people on the road at night. Even during the day, the road was used by only some. On that night, it seemed even   39  . While I was walking, I could hear some   40   made by creatures that love the night world. I moved really fast towards home. It was   41   because I was hungry. More importantly, I was eager to get back home for warmth. All of a sudden, I   42   an old lady in a short distance away. Her   43   was covered with a white cloth. She was   44   to me, I think.

I was a bit   45  . I wanted to know   46   she was there at that time of the late night. I stopped walking for a while. As I   47   there, stories about ghosts (鬼) began to come to my mind one after   48  . I was soon   49   fear and started to run as fast as I could. When I reached home I could   50   speak.

The next day, however, I   51   that place again to make sure that the woman was not a ghost but indeed a real person. But I could find no footprints there   52   a banana plant. I realized then that it was the banana plant with its leaves moving in the gentle wind that   53   like a woman waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of myself; but after the   54   night’s experience, this   55   was small relief to me.

36.A.realized        B.recognized       C.remembered     D.reminded

37.A.alone         B.asleep           C.awake           D.lonely

38.A.never               B.often         C.seldom         D.rarely

39.A.busier           B.noisier          C.quieter          D.wider

40.A.noises           B.quarrels        C.songs         D.voices

41.A.completely       B.mainly          C.obviously      D.partly

42.A.made sense of  B.caught sight of C.got ahead of     D.took hold of

43.A.waist         B.leg            C.head          D.hand

44.A.smiling         B.waiting         C.whispering       D.waving

45.A.mysterious       B.cautious        C.conscious      D.curious

46.A.why          B.when         C.what          D.how

47.A.lay            B.sat             C.stood         D.walked

48.A.another         B.other         C.others           D.the other

49.A.addicted to       B.filled with     C.far from       D.short of

50.A.clearly          B.easily               C.hardly          D.loudly

51.A.traveled        B.visited          C.appreciated      D.went

52.A.over          B.without         C.than          D.except

53.A.felt           B.looked          C.smelt         D .sounded

54.A.previous       B.next          C.last            D.following

55.A.invention      B.achievement   C.contribution     D.discovery

36—40 CABCA   41—45 DBCDD  46—50 ACABC   51—55 BDBAD  


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都航天中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

Learning values and character at home is as important as any schoolwork. We all hope that the very values  36  are important to each of us are 37  along to our children. Often,  38 , that hope is challenged by a great many of pop culture messages, peer pressure (同伴压力), and overscheduled lives.
In the real world of jobs and career, people are 39  by two standards: Their professional skills and their  40  abilities.  41  grade school, high school, and college can teach skills and proficiency, it’s  42  parents to teach children the characters that make for 43  in the real world—a cooperative attitude,  44 , optimism and honesty. So take the work  45 . Send your kids into the world ready to  46  not only the tasks of life but its difficulties with character.
You really can’t start soon enough.  47 , children need personal integrity (个人操守) and morals as much as any adult.  48  the 5 to 10 most important messages you want your children to truly understand. Then think through  49  to teach these lessons. Talking to your kids should be only  50  of the plan. Letting them  51  honesty in action—through your own behaviour, by 52  films about great people together, or even by visiting a courtroom—is the  53  way to pass the message.
By identifying the specific  54  you would like to see in your children, you’re more likely to  55   those characters. So make a point of it.
36. A. which                B. that               C. who             D.  /
37. A. handed                 B. given                C. belonged         D. passed
38. A. therefore              B. however            C. thus            D. besides
39. A. chosen                     B. divided            C. selected        D. judged
40. A. personal               B. outstanding         C. collective         D. genetic
41. A. While                B. When               C. Until           D. Unless
42. A. for                       B. to                C. on to           D. up to 
43. A. work                      B. success             C. grow           D. maturity
44. A. depression            B. encouragement       C. creativity       D. desertion
45. A. quickly                    B. eventually           C. seriously      D. obviously
46. A. face                      B. achieve              C. make              D. handle
47. A. First of all           B. After all             C. In all               D. All in all
48. A. Work out            B. Go over             C. Write down     D. Get through
49. A. how                  B. what               C. where         D. why
50. A. root                B. base                C. all            D. part
51. A. witness              B. stare                  C. gaze         D. scan
52. A. reading                    B. scanning            C. watching     D. examining
53. A. easiest                     B. strongest            C. cruelest        D. simplest
54. A. problems            B. manners            C. wonders       D. characters
55. A. strengthen           B. forget              C. remind            D. tear


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(二) 题型:完型填空

A couple of years ago, I went to a lady's house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I  36  that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand, leaning   37  the wall. Being a piano music lover and   38 , I asked if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been  39  lessons--at age 54! I told her that it was very   40  that she was pursuing (追求) her   41  to play the piano.
Then she asked me the same question.  
"I have been playing for 8 years now," I answered.
"Then you must play a song for me before you leave," she requested.
I    42  she was kidding and I simply smiled. At the end of the   43  of the vitamins, she 44    me of our musical "  45 ". She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room and asked me to play a song for her. I thought    46   and decided to play David Lanz's "Return to the Heart", since she had so much passion for    47  , and it was my soul-searching song.
I played the song to the best of my    48 , and with my emotions pouring into it as possible. She loved it.   49  I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling out, "Young man!"
I turned around. And there was an old lady    50   one little step at a time with the help of another woman. "I wanted to come out to   51  you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and it's very hard for me to    52   my bed, but I really wanted to thank you for the song. It made me feel good..." she said. With that, she turned around and walked   53  back to her room.
I was deeply touched by her   54  and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to one's   55   for peace and joy.
36. A. observed            B. watched           C. noticed           D. caught
37. A. on                B. at                      C. over              D. against
38. A. player             B. learner                  C. composer         D. starter
39. A. giving             B. attending                C. teaching          D. learning
40. A. interesting         B. exciting            C. aggressive        D. impressive
41. A. passion           B. interest             C. hobbies            D. emotions
42. A. found            B. felt                 C. hoped            D. thought
43. A. charge           B. purchase              C. bargain            D. obtaining
44. A. warned          B. required              C. asked             D. reminded
45. A. deal            B. contract              C. discussion          D. debate
46. A. for the moment    B. at the moment        C. for a moment       D. at a moment
47. A. music           B. me                   C. the piano          D. vitamins
48. A. knowledge       B. attitude                 C. mind              D. ability
49. A. Since           B. As                    C. While            D. Because
50. A. taking          B. making                C. having            D. moving
51. A. thank           B. praise                 C. admire            D. respect
52. A. get on          B. get up                         C. get off              D. get down
53. A. quickly         B. calmly                        C. happily           D. slowly
54. A. approval        B. appreciation             C. joy               D. thanks
55. A. heart          B. world                C. soul              D. Dream


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市2010届高三下学期4月调研测试英语 题型:完型填空

A very little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him a plastic pail(桶) and a shiny, red plastic shovel(铲). In the31of creating roads and tunnels in the sand, be32a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.
The boy dug around the rock,33to move it off the dirt. At first, he wanted to carry it out of the sandbox with his hands; however, it was too heavy. Later, with much34, he pushed the rock across the sandbox by35his hands. When the boy got the rock to the36of the sandbox, he found that he couldn’t roll it up and37the little wall.38, the little boy pushed, but every time he thought he had made some39, the rock tipped(翻滚) and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy pushed and pushed, but his only40was to have the rock roll back.
Finally he41tears. All this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window42the drama was unfolded. The moment the tears fell, a large43appeared across the sandbox. It was the boy’s father. Gently but44, he said,“Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?”
Defeated, the boy45back,“I did! I did! I used all the strength that I had!”
“No, you didn’t. You didn’t ask me for help.” The father46down, picked up the rock and dropped it off the sandbox.
Do you have “rocks” in your life that need to be47? Are you discovering that you don’t have48it takes to lift them? There is someone who is willing to give us the49we need. Maybe, it’s sometimes a good idea to ask others for50when we meet difficulties we can’t overcome.
31.A.method          B.step            C.practice              D.process
32.A.created          B.set              C.discovered          D.brought
33.A.trying            B.managing    C.deciding             D.competing
34.A.thought         B.struggle       C.movement          D.worry
35.A.touching        B.shaking       C.using                 D.controlling
36.A.bottom          B.center         C.edge                  D.front
37.A.over                     B.down          C.through              D.into
38.A.Doubted        B.Surprised    C.Pleased                     D.Determined
39.A.attempt          B.progress      C.effort                 D.decision
40.A.hope             B.reward        C.point                  D.purpose
41.A.made out              B.broke out    C.hurst into           D.rushed into
42.A.so                 B.as               C.until                  D.before
43.A.rock                     B.picture        C.figure                D.shade
44.A.surprisingly   B.doubtfully   C.kindly                D.firmly
45.A.shouted         B.smiled         C.called                 D.asked
46.A.reached         B.looked        C.fell                    D.put
47.A.pushed          B.dropped      C.carried               D.removed
48.A.who                     B.what           C.which                D.where
49.A.minds            B.spirits         C.force                  D.strength
50.A.help                     B.tips             C.advice                D.ideas


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省齐河县2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完形填空


第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

The train stopped and a girl got on. As I had become   36   by then, I could not tell what the girl looked like, but I could say she was a pretty girl.

    “Are you going to Dehra Dun?” I asked her as the train   37  . Maybe my voice   38   her. She screamed in a low voice and said, “I don’t know anyone else here.” Well, it often    39  that people with good   40   fail to see what is right in front of them. “I didn’t see you either at first,” I said. “But I   41   you come in.” I wondered if I would be able to   42   her from discovering that I couldn’t see. I thought,   43   I kept to my seat, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

    She was silent. Then I made a   44  . “What is it like outside?” I asked. She seemed to find something   45   in the question. Had she already noticed that I could not see? But her next question   46   my doubts. “Why don’t you look out of the window?” she asked quite   47  . I smiled, “You have an interesting face.” I thought it was a   48   remark as few girls could be tired of hearing that.

She laughed pleasantly. “It’s   49   to be told that,” she said. “But I’m so tired of people telling me that I have a   50   face.” Oh, so you did have a pretty face, thought I, and aloud I said, “Well, an interesting face   51   also be pretty.” “You are a good   52  ,” she said. “But why are you so serious?” Just then, the train   53   slowly into the next station, and the girl said goodbye to me.

    “She was an interesting girl,” I said to a new   54   and then I asked him, “Did she keep her hair long or short?” “I don’t remember,” he replied, sounding   55  . “But she was completely blind. Didn’t you notice?”

36. A. sleepy    B. blind     C. hungry D. dull

37. A. pulled out                         B. pulled in                 C. left off                    D. sent out

38. A. annoyed         B. cheered        C. shocked        D. touched

39. A. appears B. turns    C. proves D. happens

40. A. intension        B. eyesight       C. power  D. ability

41. A. watched         B. heard   C. observed      D. forgot

42. A. prevent B. cheat   C. protect         D. hold

43. A. unless    B. until     C. if           D. though

44. A. promise B. plan      C. trick     D. mistake

45. A. interesting          B. difficult                 C. strange               D. unfamiliar

46. A. removed              B. canceled           C. disappeared                    D. added

47. A. simply                       B. naturally           C. nervously       D. calmly

48. A. special   B. popular         C. safe      D. familiar

49. A. boring                       B. fortunate     C. confusing          D. nice

50. A. pretty    B. common       C. similar D. blind

51. A. must      B. should        C. can       D. shall

52. A. liar          B. talker   C. neighbor      D. passer-by

53. A. dragged          B. slipped          C. entered        D. drew

54. A. conductor        B. passenger             C. waiter            D. policeman

55. A. excited       B. disappointed           C. puzzled           D. indifferent



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届黑龙江双鸭山一中高三上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空



"How did you do it, Dad? How have you  36  to not take a drink for almost 20 years?" It took me almost 20 years to have the___ 37___to even ask my father this very personal question. When Dad first   38    drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles every time he 39   a situation that, in the past, would have   40   him drinking again. For a few years we were afraid to bring it up   41   the drinking would begin again.

"I had this little poem that I   42  recite to myself at least four to five times a day," was Dad's reply to my 18-year-old   43   question. "The words were an instant relief and constant 44   to me that things were never so   45   that I could not handle them," Dad said. And then he 46   the poem with me. The poem's simple, yet profound words immediately became part of my daily 47   as well.

About a month after this talk with my father, I   48   a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. It was a book of daily affirmations (誓词)with one affirmation   49   for each day of the year.

It has been my experience that when you get   50   with days of the year on it, you automatically turn to the   51   that lists your own birthday.

I   52   opened the book to November 10 to   53   what words of wisdom this book had in store for me. I did a double-take and tears of   54   and appreciation rolled down my face. There, on my birthday, was the   55   same poem that had helped my father for all these years! It is called the Serenity (安详)Prayer:

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.

36. A. prepared       B. promised       C. managed     D. performed

37. A. courage        B. opportunity     C. inspiration     D. reason

38. A. began         B. avoided        C. permitted      D. quit

39. A. got away with   B. got into        C. got down to    D. got through

40. A. forbade        B. started         C. attracted       D. caused

41. A. for fear        B. for sure        C. so that         D. otherwise

42. A. should         B. might         C. would         D. had to

43. A. unanswered     B.unasked        C. unexpected     D. unwelcome

44. A. prayer         B. performer      C. inspector       D. reminder

45. A. rough         B. severe          C. tough         D. urgent

46. A. created        B. explained       C. spared         D. shared

47. A. schedule       B. routine         C. habits        D. customs

48. A. mistook       B. posted          C. accepted       D. received

49. A. copied        B. presented        C. listed          D. printed

50. A. something     B. anything        C. everything      D. nothing

51. A. date          B. page           C. matters         D. problems

52. A. doubtedly      B. eventually       C. patiently        D. hurriedly

53. A. see           B. recite           C. repeat          D. forecast

54. A. sadness        B. loneliness       C. disbelief        D. belief

55. A. exact          B. correct         C. almost          D. much


