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There are times when nothing seems to be working in our favor. We may use complaining as a coping mechanism (办法,途经) when we are truly unhappy. However, there are many times when we don’t try our best and just want things to work our way. We may try to cover our faults by complaining about the unfairness of it all. These are expressive complaints where the complainer just wants to let out his/her anger or frustration, with no real intention of solving the problem. The complainer expects pity and recognition from the listeners although the results often disappoint him/her.

Sometimes, we use complaints as a conversation starter. Conversations that start with a complaint often have a domino effect. It may cause the listener to include his/her complaints in the conversation as well, which makes you think that you are not the only one facing problems. However, your good feeling won’t last long as long as you are always focusing on the negative.

When complaining becomes a habit, you complain to anyone that comes around. Negativity that comes from complaining kills creativity and innovation (创新). Habitual complainers are less likely to come up with new ideas, as they are busy finding faults and discourage others from trying new things by making them feel that they won’t work. When you spend time with people who constantly complain, you are likely to view things in a negative light. This will make things worse. This can affect the way you perceive your own situation, and even the people around you.

Though expressing your feelings may momentarily improve your state of mind, it could sometimes have a bad effect on the listener’s state of mind. A recent study has shown that at social gatherings while people who are unhappy may join you when you play the victim at the beginning, the majority would start avoiding you because of your negativity.

1.Why do people who don’t try their best often complain?

A.They want to get others’ pity.

B.It is the best way to let out their anger.

C.They try to find an excuse for their faults.

D.They hope to get a solution to their problems.

2.According to Paragraph 2, complaints in conversations ________.

A.are easy to deal with

B.can spread to others

C.may help you make friends

D.help focus on the similar unfairness

3.What do we know about habitual complainers?

A.They can hardly influence others in their negative way.

B.They can get momentary comfort by complaining.

C.They have a better understanding of their faults.

D.They are more likely to put forward new ideas.

4.According to the author, complaining at social gatherings is ________.

A.unusual B.acceptable

C.unwelcome D.frustrating


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西康杰中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



要点: 1. 出国旅游很有意义;

2. 开阔眼界,了解国外的风俗和历史;

3. 和来自不同文化背景的人交朋友,学外语;

4. 放松身心,欣赏美景。


Dear Michael,

How are you?




Best wishes!

Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北五校高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



1. 家庭; 2. 工作; 3.业余生活。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好。

I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北四校高一上学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I first arrived in Taiwan to teach English, I had already taken several courses in university on Mandarin Chinese. I had done well in those courses and enjoyed them very much. I thought I would be able to have a conversation with Chinese speakers and improve my Chinese in the process.

However, as soon as I settled in Taiwan I became afraid to speak. Seeing all of the signs written in Chinese, constantly overhearing long streams of spoken Chinese, and seeing the effortless fluency of some foreigners who had been there for a while, I began to doubt my own ability to speak Chinese. It’s proved that things were different outside of the classroom.

What really happened to me was what happens every day to Chinese language learners. I became afraid and nervous at the foreignness of the language. Something happened a few weeks later. I tried to spend a lot of time in public, and the sound of spoken Chinese was becoming more ordinary to me. Despite the fact that I had not been practicing my Chinese and I had not consulted my vocabulary flashcards. I begin to notice some words that I recognized from my courses in university. At first, I heard only one word. “dianhua”- telephone. After that, I begin hearing other words. Sometimes, I would hear a couple of words in one sentence.

More and more words began to stand out to me. I started studying Chinese characters and began to be able to read small blocks of text in the advertisements. When I really began speaking in Chinese to Chinese people I met, I began to learn Chinese fast and the smiles that I received in return were a fantastic reward for the work that I had done in learning the language. It was a great feeling to order food from a restaurant in Chinese, or to make a comment about the weather to the lady who works at the bank.

1.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. The author is sharing his Spoken Chinese experience.

B. The author is a fearful and cautious man.

C. The author didn’t get good grades at university.

D. The author couldn’t adjust to the life of Taiwan.

2.According to the passage we know that_______.

A. Chinese dishes and weather attract the author deeply.

B. the author thought he could talk with Chinese in mandarin before he arrived in Taiwan.

C. the author failed to improve his spoken Chinese.

D. the language in reality is just the same as that taught in classroom.

3. Why does the author doubt his ability to speak Chinese at first?

A. Everything in Taiwan is different from that in America.

B. People often misunderstand the author on purpose.

C. Other foreigners can’t communicate with him.

D. He has difficulty understanding the native language.

4. What do you know about the author in the passage?

A. He only enjoys talking with the local people in Chinese.

B. He can speak fluent Chinese when ordering meals at last.

C. He loves to make a comment on woman.

D. He has been rewarded for speaking Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西祁县中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


“Why is life worth living?” If you ask this question, you will get different answer. __1.__ . But we have put together a few reasons from different people as to why life is worth living.

Learning. This is the reason we heard from school and college-going kids. 2. . Right from studies to games, the eagerness(渴望) to do better and learn more makes their lives worth living.

3. . When we speak to a few office workers and professionals, this is the reason they give. The ability to create things, be it a weekly report or a new document or a painting or composing a new song seemed to make life worthwhile for many.

New Opportunities. This is another reason that is put forth by people in different professions. Both professionally and personally, these people look forward to moving ahead and getting appreciation. They like to catch the new opportunities life throws at them which can make their lives worth living.

Exploring. Some people just like to say that they want to explore more and discover new horizons. Touring around the world, learning about the world history and visiting the most famous places do make life worth for many people. 4. .

Love. Well, this reason is an evergreen one. Life is worth living for the loved ones around, be it a wife/husband, children or friends. 5. . Being able to love some one and being loved back can certainly makes life worth living.

A.People all look forward to knowing, learning and finding out more about everything.

B. Creating.

C.There is no definite(明确的) or right answer in this case.

D.Get together and share special moments.

E.Such relationships make life worth everything.

F.Getting wiser makes life worth living for many people.

G.Exploring religious(宗教的)and spiritual boundaries also seemed to be another reason.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广西武鸣高级中学高二上段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I have been consistently opposed to feeding a baby regularly. As a doctor, mother and scientist in child development I believe there is nothing to recommend it, from the baby’s point of view.

Mothers, doctors and nurses alike have no idea of where a baby’s blood sugar level lies. All we know is that a low level is harmful to brain development and makes a baby easily annoyed. In this state, the baby is difficult to calm down and sleep is impossible. The baby asks for attention by crying and searching for food with its mouth.

It is not just unkind but also dangerous to say a four-hourly feeding schedule will make a baby satisfied. The first of the experts to advocate a strict clock-watching schedule was Dr Frederic Truby King who was against feeding in the night. I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous. Baby feeding shouldn’t follow a timetable set by the mum. What is important is feeding a baby in the best way, though it may cause some inconvenience in the first few weeks.

Well, at last we have copper-bottomed research that supports demand feeding and points out the weaknesses of strictly timed feeding. The research finds out that babies who are fed on demand do better at school at age 5, 7, 11 and 14, than babies fed according to the clock. By the age of 8, their IQ scores are four to five percent higher than babies fed by a rigid(严格的)timetable. This research comes from Oxford and Essex University using a sample of 10,419 children born in the early 1990s, taking account of parental education, family income, a child’s sex and age, the mother’s health and feeding style. These results don’t surprise me. Feeding according to schedule runs the risk of harming the rapidly growing brain by taking no account of sinking blood sugar levels.

I hope this research will put an end to advocating strictly timed baby feeding practices.

1.What does the author think about Dr King?

A. He is strict.

B. He is unkind.

C. He has the wrong idea.

D. He sets a timetable for mothers

2.The word copper-bottomed in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .

A. basic B. reliable

C. surprising D. interesting

3.What does the research tell us about feeding a baby on demand?

A. The baby will sleep well.

B. The baby will have its brain harmed.

C. The baby will have a low blood sugar level.

D. The baby will grow to be wiser by the age of 8.

4.The author supports feeding the baby .

A. whenever it wants food

B. according to its blood sugar level

C. in the night

D. every four hours


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北冀州中学高一上第三次月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


On Friday, our teacher told us that there would an English corner in front of our teaching building. I set about soon after the last class in the afternoon.

To my joy, the English corner had just been on for a few minute. I joined them on their talk. At first, I was afraid that my English was so poor and limit that I couldn’t follow them or make myself understand. I was also afraid that anyone might laugh at me. But a smiling face here or an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease. Though I speak to them only in simple English that day, I believe in future I will make a greater progress.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西临川第一中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



表达要点:1. 为什么读书 2. 读什么书, 怎样读书 3. 发起倡议


Dear schoolmates,





科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州遵义航天中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There is an old saying about volunteer work that goes like this: “ No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help others. There are a lot of ways to meet other people’s needs. For example, some volunteers provide help after a disaster. Others are happy to get dirty while repairing homes or planting trees or flowers in poor neighborhoods. Young people see suffering and loneliness around them and find ways to help. And history lovers help archeologists(考古学家) search for ancient objects to help deepen our knowledge of the past.

Volunteers work in many areas around the world, including Haiti. More than two years have passed since a 7.0 earthquake shook the nation. The exact number of people who died may never be known. Thousands of survivors of the Haitian earthquakes still live in temporary(临时的) shelters. Last year, former American President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn joined five hundred volunteers in the town of Leogane to build houses.

Organizations do not have to be large to get volunteers. An activist group in Dharamsala, India is a good example, Jodie Underhill from England arrived in northern India several years ago. She planned to volunteer for an environmental project. She could almost not believe how much rubbish was ruining some of the area’s most beautiful sights. Jodie Underhill learned about how to deal with the rubbish while taking part in other volunteer projects. But soon enough she formed her own group, Mountain Cleaners. Jodie Underhill says the work is very hard. But she praises the group’s efforts as a wonderful experience. The young Englishwoman says the Indian media started calling her “Garbage Girl”. And she says she was pleased with the name.

American teenagers also volunteer in many ways .

1.The first paragraph serves as a(n) ___________.

A. explanation B. introduction

C. comment D. background

2.What did former American President Jimmy Carter do as a volunteer?

A. He planted trees and flowers in Haiti.

B. He gave some money to the poor in Haiti.

C. He helped archeologists search for ancient objects.

D. He helped to build houses after the earthquake in Haiti

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. It is difficult for small organizations to get volunteers.

B. The number of people died in Haiti’s earthquake is unclear.

C. Most of the volunteers are good at collecting money.

D. History lovers mainly learn about history from ancient objects.

4.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to join in a volunteer group

B. Why people offer their services to others

C. The benefits that volunteers can gain

D. The volunteer work that American teenagers do.

