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The Donkey Mobile Library

It is a bright morning in the Ethiopian countryside. Yohannes walks beside a pair of donkeys that are pulling a two-wheeled cart. They arrive at the agricultural town of Awassa where Yohannes opens the sides of the cart to display, not the usual vegetables or tools, but children’s books. This is the Donkey Mobile Library, the first of its kind in Ethiopia and one of only a few in the world.

Yohannes was born in Ethiopia, North Africa, but trained to be a librarian in the USA and returned to Ethiopia years ago. The cart is full of picture books donated by American libraries, teachers and school children.

Yohannes arranges small painted benches in the shade of the trees, and suddenly Ethiopian children come shouting and racing down every road and path. It’s mobile library day! They circle the bookshelves with great excitement. Until the Donkey Mobile Library began its regular two-monthly visits, many of these children had never seen a book.

“Without books, education is very dull, like food without salt. You can survive but you can’t really come alive,” says Yohannes. “The ability to read is the basis for greater productivity, better health and longer life. Even though the children lack material goods, with books they can imagine a world of possibilities.”

Yohannes first worked in the children’s section of the main library in America. Surrounded by books he had never seen before, he realized how joyful and imaginative children’s literature is. He says, “I always thought of Ethiopia. But how could I bring children’s books to my home country when it had almost no libraries to keep the books in?”

He contacted Jane Kurtz, a writer born in America but brought up in Ethiopia, and together they created the Donkey Mobile Library. The children say that the Library has given them ideas about what they might do in the future. A child called Dareje wants to be a scientist and find a cure for life-threatening diseases. An eleven year-old girl, Fikerte, wants to do research about the moon and discover new facts about outer space. Tamrat, aged 10, comes every time.

“What brings you back here time and time again?” the librarian asks him.

“The stories,” Tamrat replies instantly. 

1.How do the children feel when they see the Donkey Mobile Library?

A.Excited.           B.Surprised.         C.Interested.        D.Curious

2.We can conclude from the passage that      .

A.Ethiopian children have no idea about their future

B.Yohannes and Kurtz share similar life experiences

C.most books in the Donkey Mobile Library were bought in America

D.donkey carts in Awassa usually carry vegetables and tools

3.According to the passage, the Donkey Mobile Library      .

A.visits the countryside every day            B.was created by Yohannes himself

C.benefits Ethiopian children a lot            D.was the first of its kind in the world

4.Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

A.A book review..     B.A news report      C.A historical story.    D.An advertisement.









1.根据They circle the bookshelves with great excitement.故选A。

2.根据not the usual vegetables or tools, but children’s books.故选D。

3.根据The children say that the Library has given them ideas about what they might do in the future,故选C。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

  阅读下面 短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项ABCD中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

The Mullah couldn’t break his word. That would be    1   for an important person in the village. He certainly    2   to sell his donkey for a dollar. So he said, “    3   me at the donkey fair (集市) on   4   . I shall sell her at that time. I shall    5   my donkey to the one who will treat her most    6   .

Everybody was kind to animals in the village. So the Mullah    7   out a plan. He wanted to   8  his word and also to keep his donkey.

On the night before the donkey fair, the Mullah bought a piece of     9   .No one had any idea why the Mullah should want that.

On Saturday, man and boy in the village came to the donkey fair.

They found a    10   tied with a piece of rope   11  the tail of the Mullah’s donkey! Beside them stood the Mullah, who looked   12   .

“It is    13   , I’ll sell my donkey for a dollar,” said the Mullah. “Just one    14   , though, my donkey and my cat are very good friends. They must not be   15   . The kind man who    16   my donkey must buy my cat also.”

“How much is your cat?” asked many    17   .

“Oh, my cat is a very    18   animal,” said the Mullah. “Her father    19   a mouse for a king. Her mother caught a mouse for   10  .She is one of the finest cats. For such a great cat I want one hundred dollars”.

The men laughed, and gave up the idea of owning the donkey.

1A. right      B. wrong       C. impossible       D. strange

2. A. didn’t want                    B. wanted

C. hadn’t decided                  D. intended

3. A. Meet       B. Pay        C. Talk        D. Help

4. A. tomorrow afternoon

B. the day after tomorrow

C. the evening

D. Saturday

5. A. give       B. take       C. sell            D. show

6. A. cruelly     B. warmly      C. kindly        D. carefully.

7. A. put       B. thought        C. carried       D. made

8A. say       B. keep         C. break         D. send

9A. bread       B. paper         C. cloth         D. rope

10A. cat        B. dog          C. cock        D. rope

11A. with       B. on         C. to         D. around

12A sad         B happy       C tired          D fine

13A. a lie       B. true         C. real          D. a pity

14A. matter     B. problem       C. thing         D. question

15A. killed      B. sold        C. beaten        D. parted

16A. sees        B. buys         C. likes        D. wants

17A. voices       B. sounds       C. noises         D. cries

18A. pretty       B. cruel        C. strong         D. important

19A. looked after     B. caught       C. drove         D. grasped

20A. me       B. her father        C. the Queen       D. her



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2010届高考英语语法填空题专项训练七十五篇 题型:填空题


There were once a goat and a donkey   1.              lived on a farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer fed it the most   2.             . Sometimes the donkey was given more food   3.             it could eat. This made the goat so jealous   4.             it began plotting against(谋划对付) the donkey. “Hey, donkey,” the goat said one day. ”I think you do too much work on this farm. You carry such heavy things from morning to night. Why don’t you pretend   5.            (get) sick so you can take a day   6.            ?” The donkey thought the goat had a great idea. So the next morning, the donkey lay in the stable(畜栏) on its side with its eyes   7.           (close). Right away, the farmer called in a doctor.  8.            looking at the donkey, the doctor said it needed a special medicine made  9.            the heart of a goat. So the farmer killed   10.             goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.



科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省巢湖市2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


The Story of the Farmer and His Donkey (驴子)

    One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried pitifully for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway and it just wasn’t worth to save the donkey. So, he decided to bury(埋) it!

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all took shovel(铲子)and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly, then slowly he quieted down till nothing more was heard.

A few shovels later, the farmer finally looked down into the well, and was surprised at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something wonderful—he would shake it off and take a step up!

As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and went off quickly!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up, shaking it off, and taking a step up!

1. The donkey quieted down, because ________.

  A. it was dead                           B. it was tired

 C. it had given up trying                   D. it had a good way to survive

2. We know from the story that ________.

  A. all the donkeys in the world are clever         

B. it is easy for donkeys to fall into a well

  C. the neighbors helped bury the donkey

D. the owner pushed the donkey into the well

3. The writer of the passage is most probably ________.

  A. an optimistic person                  B. a pet lover

   C. an animal protector                   D. a cold-hearted man

4. The writer wants to tell us “________”.

   A. A cat has 9 lives                    B. Facing difficulties, never give up

   C. A friend in need is a friend indeed       D. No pains, no gains



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届度广东省高一11月月考英语题 题型:完型填空


In a small village, there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil from the ___1___ to his house. Since the field was quite far off, the potter would ___2___ under a tree midway, tying(拴) his donkey nearby.

One day, the potter __3__ to take the rope with which he tied the donkey every day. When he reached the __4__, he became worried and didn’t know what to do. At that time, a saint(圣人) __5__ to be passing by. When the potter told the saint what his __6__ was, he said, “Take the __7__ to the place where you tie him every day. __8__ to tie him using an imaginary rope. He won’t run away.” The potter did what the saint had said.

When he woke up, to his __9__ and relief, he found the donkey standing in the __10__ place. But to his frustration, when he prepared to leave for __11__, the donkey did not move. __12__, the potter saw the wise saint again and told him about the donkey’s __13__ behavior. The saint said, “Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter __14__ the saint’s advice.

Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter thanked the wise saint and went home __15__ his donkey.

1. A. factory      B. garden           C. field             D. village

2. A. stand        B. rest             C. sing             D. dance

3. A. forgot       B. decided          C. expected         D. agreed

4. A. stone        B. tree             C. bridge           D. house

5. A. failed        B. attempted        C. happened        D. managed

6. A. animal       B. plant            C. problem         D. result

7. A. bird         B. flower           C. donkey          D. rope

8. A. Believe      B. Learn            C. Wish           D. Pretend

9. A. surprise      B. disappointment    C. anger           D. regret

10. A. similar      B. special           C. same           D. wrong

11. A. field        B. school           C. home           D. hospital

12. A. Quickly     B. Luckily           C. Unfortunately    D. Badly

13. A. funny       B. foolish           C. proper          D. strange

14. A offered       B. followed         C. refused         D. received

15. A. happily      B. sadly            C. seriously        D. casually


