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              On Monday,I was riding my bicycle to school. I was worried I'd be late for school because the heavy traffic. Suddenly,a car came towards me and passes very close to me at high speed. This caused me to lose my balance,that resulted in me fall off the bicycle. As a result,I injured in my ankle quite badly. I didn't know a speed at which the vehicle was traveling but obvious it appeared to me that it passed by me very quickly.

              As I was falling onto the grounds,I saw the car crash into a white car. Therefore,the driver didn't stop and check what he had done. He just drove away. I really hope the driver could realize her fault and shoulder his responsibilities.

71. ... because the heavy traffic.         becauseºó¼Óof 

72. ... passes very close to me ....       passes ¡ú passed 

73. ... that resulted in ...               that ¡ú which 

74. ... fall off the bicycle.              fall ¡ú falling 

75. ... I injured in my ankle ...          È¥µôin 

76. ... a speed at which ...                a ¡ú the 

77. ... but obvious ...                     obvious ¡ú obviously 

78. ... falling onto the grounds ...        grounds ¡ú ground 

79. Therefore ...                          Therefore ¡ú However 

80. ... realize her fault...               her ¡ú his 

ÌâÄ¿À´Ô´£º2016ÄêÓ¢ÓïÖܱ¨¸ß¶þпαê > µÚ41ÆÚ 2015-2016ѧÄê¸ß¶þ¿Î±ê


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            If you and I met at a party,you would probably ask me what I do for a living,what town I live in ¡ª the kind of questions that would help you to build a picture of who I am. I might ask the same of you,but I probably wouldn£¬t be listening. It's more likely i¡¯d be looking at the label on your jeans,glancing at your shoes,and eyeing up your mobile phone. These are the things that really tell me who you are. In fact,I sincerely hope you would notice the same things about me. Well,that's the way it was a year ago.

            I began to behave like this at a very early age. I remember the first day of junior school,standing alone in the playground,desperately wanting to make friends. I headed straight for what seemed be the most promising group of boys. They were talking to girls,trading football cards,eating green sweets Ò»all the things I wanted to do. As I attempted to talk with them,one boy asked me, ¡°Do you support Manchester United Football Club?¡± Another asked, ¡°Are you into Michael Jackson?¡± I answered yes to them all,even though the truthful answer was no.

            Things seemed to be going well until one of the boys caught sight of my trainers. I'd  never thought too much about them before. They were just plain blue sports shoes that Mum had bought,for playing in the back garden. At once,the group laughed very loudly, ^Where did you get those from? A charitable organization?¡±

             Looking at the boys in bewilderment I noticed for the first time that they all had similar shapes on the sides of their trainers,like the ones on footballers¡¯ boots on television. It wasn£¬t just their shoes: crocodiles,eagles and tigers sat on the breasts of their T-shirts,and every single boy seemed to have the same school bag,a blue plastic bag with a leaping puma in silver on the side. I walked away quietly,depressed. From that day on,I was determined to be like them,if not more so.

21. What was the author like one year ago?

   A. He was very interested in figure paintings.

   B. He was crazy about holding different parties.

   C. He used to judge others by their appearances.

   D. He had some difficulty communicating with others.

22. How did the author react when asked about his favorite football team?

   A. He told a lie.

   B. He kept silent.

   C. He replied proudly.

   D. He refused to answer.

23. Why did the group suddenly burst out laughing?

   A. Because they played a joke on the author.

   B. Because they were attracted by the author.

   C. Because they welcomed the author warmly.

   D. Because they looked down upon the author.

24. After the first day of junior school,the author began to

   A. be addicted to television

   B. concern himself with animals

   C. follow faixious football players

   D. spend more money on branded goods


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                Valcamonica has one of the largest collections of rock drawings in the world. There have been about 200,000 figures and symbols carved into the rocks over a time period of approximately 8,000 years. Valcamonica£¬s pictures show various scenes and are connected through common themes like magic,war, navigation and agriculture.

                 The rock drawings discovered in Valcamonica were the first prehistoric symbols of their kind recognized anywhere in the world. UNESCO first recognized the drawings in 1979 when about 140,000 were discovered,however,since then many more have been uncovered.

                  These drawings are spread all across the valley. The carvings began to taper off during the Iron Age and fewer appeared after that. The last period has been attributed to£¨¹é¹¦ÓÚ¡­) the Camunni people. Still there are drawings that have been identified as being from the 19th century. Many of these were created using the technique of engraving (µñ¿Ì) .

                  Some of the figures discovered in Valcamonica have been superimposed (µþÓ¡) without any order,but in most cases they appear in logical orders and also explain the relationship between each picture or symbol to tell a story.

                  The first known modem report of the rock carvings was in 1909 when Walther Laeng happened upon two decorated rocks in Capo di Ponte. Scholars only took interest in the drawings in the 1920s. More rocks with engravings were soon found in the areas nearby and research into their history began. In the 1930s comprehensive study campaigns were undertaken.

                  It was after the Second World War that the cataloging and mapping of the engravings began. This task was taken up by various teams of experts from Italy and other countries that were led by Laeng. In 1955 preservation work on the rocks began. 

                  In 1968,a large series of conferences were held where scholars from all over the world met to discuss the rock drawings,which give us some idea of what various societies of the past might have been like.

28.What do we know about Valcamonica's pictures?

   A. They tell a long whole story.

   B. They are interrelated in some ways.

   C. They were carved 8,000 years ago.

   D. They were first discovered in 1979.

29. The underlined part ¡°taper off¡¯ in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by ¡°¡±.

   A. turn up   B. go up

   C. die out   D. stand out

30.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

   A. The history of the rock drawings.

   B. The features of the rock drawings.

   C. The discovery of the rock drawings.

   D. The formation of the rock drawings.

31.Studies of the rock drawings .

   A. show us the development of art

   B. started after the Second World War

   C. were conducted by scholars from UNESCO

   D. help us know something about societies of the past


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Dear Rosemary,

          I teach in a bush school made of bamboo with a grass 1. (Îݶ¥) .Ittakes me only a few minutes to get there down a(n) 2. (mud) track,but some of the boys I teach have to walk for up to two hours. There's no electricity,water or books,so I need to be imaginative. And my students have no 3. (¸ÅÄî) of doing experiments.One day another teacher and I walked over a mountain with fantastic views to visit one of the boys¡¯ village. It was a(n) 4. (ƫƧµÄ) one. The boy,Tombe,and his family lived in a round bamboo hut with no windows. Tombe's father made local food for us,which was really delicious. Do you know how they dealt with the leftover food? They put it in a can and dried it 5. over the fire before throwing it away.We left the village the next morning, feeling it was a(n) 6. (ÌØȨ) to have spent a day with the boy's family.




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3.     (¾ÍÎÒ¶øÑÔ) £¬you can do what you like.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

5. If you,re going to rent out your house while you¡¯re abroad,you' 11 need someone to act as your a  here.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

2. His artistic were wasted in his boring job.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

9. She complained to the company about its awful service and they sent her a written.


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2. The island is experiencing a(n) (·±ÈÙ) in tourism.

