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                  All Change!The charity role-reversal(角色互换) game 

So, what's it all about?

   All Change!is a fantastic,fun-filled,fancy dress festival that will help us to raise money for children in need.

When did it get going?

   The first All Change!role-reversal entertainment took place in 2005 in aid of a local children's charity. Every year since then nearly 100,000 men,women and children have worn the strangest and the most wonderful headgear(头饰) possible to raise money for a growing number of children's charities. This year we are helping a record number of good causes,all aimed to help children in need.

Want to take part?

   Great!We want 100,000 or more people like you to bring a smile to the face of local children. To find out more contact us on our website or phone 502 389 711. And remember,for the sake of children ...

Still want to take part?

   OK!Here's what you have to do. On Friday 15 June,go to work,or to school,or shopping or whatever you normally do,dressed as normal,BUT on your head you must wear the strangest,most unbelievable headgear you can possibly find!Are you a policeman but would really love to be a chef? Are you a secretary with secret desires to be a Hollywood princess? Or a baker who wants to wear the world's largest wig(假发) ?Now is your chance!Be creative!

               IT,S TIME FOR A CHANGE On Friday 15 June 

                      It's ALL CHANGE DAY!!

21. What's the aim of the role-reversal game?

   A. To amuse kids. B. To raise money.

   C. To help sick kids. D. To change the world.

22. According to the text,All Change!is a festival that .

   A. is held around the world

   B. involves mainly the young

   C. has a history of about ten years

   D. falls on different dates each year

23. What are you expected to do on 15 June?

   A. Try your dream job. B. Dress up as children.

   C. Skip work or school. D. Wear creative hats.

21. B 22. C 23. D



21. B.细节理解题。根据第一段的that will help us to raise money for children in need 可知,活动 是为了筹款。

22. C.细节理解题。根据第二段的The first All Change!role-reversal entertainment took place in 2005可知,All Change!自2005年开始己经有约 十年的历史了。

23. D.细节理解题。根据最后一段的BUT on your head you must wear the strangest,most unbelievable headgear可知,参与者需要戴奇特 的头饰或帽子。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第49期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   John has been lived next door to me for years and has left a real impression on me. Disabled as he is,but he is really a man who is full of positive energy. John always appreciates life and inspires me to be a best that I can be. He uses his mind to learn daily and had independence despite our unfavorable situation. Every time I with him,I feel as if the impossible can be achieved if I just believe on myself. John loves life and doesn’t spend any time feel sorry for himself. I am lucky to have so good a neighbor which can pick me up and inspire me when I am in lower spirits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Football players suffer more concussions(脑震荡) than athletes in any other high school sport. Is this beloved game worth the risks — or should schools do away with it?

   YES: Football is a dangerous sport.

   Football is a cruel sport that can have lifelong consequences!When your brain is bashed(猛撞) against your skull,it never fully recover.In fact,scientists are learning that repeated concussions may lead to Alzheimer's disease,Parkinson's disease,and memory loss. We don't let teens ruin their lungs with cigarette smoke 一 so why do we allow them to damage their brains in the name of football?

   Recently,Chris Borland,a promising young San Francisco 49ers player,quit after just one year,because of the risk to his health. That's a strong statement.

   And just look at all the cases of violence in the NFL (National Football League) — clearly brain damage isn't the only problem!Football promotes a culture of violence that rewards aggressive behavior. This culture needs to be stopped.

                     一Vikram Chandramouli,a seventh-grade student from Illinois

  NO: Banning football will not solve the problem.

   I've seen field hockey(曲棍球) teammates get hit in the face with balls and struck in the head with sticks,so I know firsthand: Concussions do not discriminate among sports!Why take away one of the most popular pastimes,then? At many schools,football is the center of student life. Without it,there would be no school spirit.

   I firmly believe that banning football will not solve the concussion problem. Bringing awareness to this issue — so that coaches and players understand how to prevent injuries and provide proper treatment if they occur — just might.

   Sports safety needs to be taught at the beginning of each season,so students understand the risks of playing with symptoms of a brain injury. And that goes for all teams,not just football.

                       —Amanda Vigdor,a high school senior from New Jersey 

29. Chris Borland is mentioned.

   A. to show how important football is

   B. because he is crazy about football

   C. to prove that football is too dangerous

   D. because he is suffering from many diseases

30. From Vikram's point of view,football.

   A. can ruin players’ lungs completely

   B. is bad for the social environment

   C. has some advantages

   D. encourages smoking

31. What does the underlined part mean?

   A. Brain damage can be caused by any sport.

   B. Racial discrimination does not exist in sport.

   C. Discrimination in sport can cause concussions.

   D. Football encourages students to compete fairly.

32. What does Amanda stress in the last paragraph?

   A. The advantages of playing football.

   B. The importance of banning football.

   C. The possibility of preventing injuries in sport.

   D. The necessity of teaching students sports safety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。请你以学生会的名义用英语写一封倡议书,倡议高三 学生与母校完美告别。要点包括:

1. 学校对我们的影响;

2. 倡议内容:搞好学校卫生、和低年级同学分享学习经验、向老师们表示感谢等。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头及结尾己为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear fellow students,

   Before leaving our school,we call on seniors to say goodbye to our school in 及 perfect way.                                                                                                                       

   Come on,everybody!Let’s say goodbye to our school perfectly!

                                                    Student Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                Summer survival guide

   Finally ... the season of sun,fun,and freedom!36 Follow these steps to keep yourself healthy and safe.

   Don’t rely on sunscreen. Yes,you need to slather(大量地涂抹) sunscreen on exposed skin,but other precautions are just as important. Seek shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and protect your skin and face with clothing,a hat,and shades.

   37 If you feel thirsty,you’re already dehydrated (脱水的) —that puts you at an increased risk of hot weather-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke ( 中暑).

   Know the signs of heat stroke. When its hot or humid,it becomes harder for your body to release the heat generated during exercise. If your core temperature becomes too high,heat stroke can set in. Avoid ending up in the emergency room by starting slower than normal,then gradually increasing the intensity of your workout over two full weeks. 38 

   Turn down the car radio. Here's a scary fact: 39 So cut out any distractions(分心的事物) while driving 一 from exciting music to texting — that can raise your risk of having an accident.

   Learn these lifesaving swim moves. Drowning is the second-most-common cause of accidental injury or death in adolescents. 40 Stick to zones with a lifeguard present,never swim alone,and learn these simple swimming skills — even if you never plan on getting wet. 1. Turn yourself around in a flill circle while in the water. 2. Float on your back. 3. Tread(踩) water. 4. Swim 25 yards (the length of a standard swimming pool) .

   A. Try to reduce the risk of brain injury.

   B. Float on your back if your arms get tired.

   C. Don’t wait until you’ re thirsty to drink up.

   D. Luckily,there are easy ways to cut this risk.

   E. Try and aim to be back at your usual activity level by day 14.

   F. Dont waste a minute of it feeling anything less than awesome.

   G. The period between May and September is the deadliest time for teen drivers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Six months ago I made a rash(轻率的) promise. The leader of the youth 41 in our village rang me in March saying, “We’ re thinking of running a children's play program for a 42 in October half-term. Would you be prepared to 43 ?” My response was, “Sure,why not?” 44 I was a little flattered(荣幸的) to be asked,even though working as a care assistant with old people hardly 45 me for the role. Still,I put the date in my diary. Time flew and 46 I knew it,the day finally came.

   I arrived at the youth centre that morning feeling full of 47 . There were 12 helpers including me and each pair had been allocated(分配) a particular 48 group. Mine was the 10 to 11 year olds.

  All too quickly the children began 49 . A handful of them were already members of the club but the other forty-five were from the local primary schools. 50 I asked myself why I had decided to spend a day with all these “little monsters” 51 when I have two of my own!I needn't have 52 of course as it turned out to be a 53 day. We learned “action” songs,decorated biscuits and played memory games. I say because I rediscovered my inner 54 and joined in all the activities.

   The most 55 was the final performance of “He's got the whole world in his hands” in the 56 part of the day. The children knew the words and actions off by heart and sang so 57 it was almost enough to bring the roof down. It made you 58 to witness something so magical.

   There was one 59 for the children and that was that the play program was only running for a day,and not the whole week. As I said goodbye to my group,one of the children 60 and said “Can we do it again in the next holiday,Miss?” My response was, “Sure,why not?”

41. A. team   B. organization   C. club   D. movement

42. A. morning   B. day   C. week   D. month

43. A. try   B. play   C. enter   D. help

44. A. In truth   B. After all   C. Above all   D. In short

45. A. considered   B. qualified   C. selected   D. wanted

46. A. before   B. as   C. until   D. since

47. A. anger   B. shame   C. anxiety   D. pain

48. A. age   B. interest   C. study   D. dance

49. A. arriving   B. acting   C. crying   D. changing

50. A. Instead   B. Again   C. Later   D. Besides

51. A. probably   B. certainly   C. exactly   D. especially

52. A. waited   B. worried   C. promised   D. joined

53. A. free   B. tiring   C. common   D. wonderful

54. A. world   B. voice   C. child   D. feeling

55. A. impressive   B. difficult   C. important   D. mysterious

56. A. starting   B. closing   C. early   D. middle

57. A. beautifully   B. sweetly   C. loudly   D. clearly

58. A. excited   B. confused   C. crazy   D. brave

59. A. failure   B. surprise   C. puzzle   D. disappointment

60. A. turned   B. passed   C. refused   D. shared


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I live in Minnesota,which is unfairly famous for terrible winters. Buffalo is far more wintry,whereas Seattle's winters are more bitter. Our winters tend to be brilliantly sunny and cheerful. But,of course,s different for a visitor.

   Lightweight thermal (保暖的) wear is good. Back in the day,we wore layers and layers of heavy woolens. A boy of 13 carrying 35 pounds of wet wool on his back does not feel very cold. Today you can buy outfits filled with goose feathers as well as thermal boots and caps to keep you warm.

When I was a youth,there was no such phrase as global warming. We never got warm,not even at night,when we slept under piles of blankets because Dad believed that if you couldn,t see your breath ' when you talked,then the thermostat was turned up too high and you were wasting fuel. So 45 degrees was room temperature,and we wore long woolens to bed.

   We arose in the cold,dark dawn,and walked forth into the snowstorm to catch the school bus. We huddled(蜷缩) by the highway,praying for the bus to come,while wolves moved around eyeballing us for signs of sleepiness. When you have survived wolves,then the winters of today are a walk in the park.

   Enduring winter is only a start — embracing(拥抱) winter is what you should struggle for. Winter gives a sense of purpose and saves one from a life of self-gratification,lying down and posting photos on Facebook. You have promises to keep. A sidewalk to clear. Two inches of snow over a layer of ice — you may as well set a leg trap for the elderly as leave the walk unswept.

   You have children to raise. Remove their fingers from their smart phones,and lead them outdoors so they can absorb the wisdom of winter. We are animals. Life is not mainly about self-expression. It is about finding food and clothing and shelter,about sticking with the pack and not wandering off. Everyone,is just as cold as you. No complaining.

32. What are Minnesota's winters like in the author's eyes?

   A. They are wonderful.

   B. They are unbearable.

   C. They are colder than Buffalo’ s.

   D. They are comfortable for visitors.

33. When the author was young, .

   A. he kept talking to keep warm

   B. he suffered from winters’ nights

   C. his dad tried his best to warm him

   D. his room was always at a high temperature

34. The underlined part “the winters of today are a walk in the park” in Paragraph 4 implies that today's winters are.

   A. warm   B. quiet

   C. short   D. pleasant

35. The author suggests that people .

   A. store enough food for cold winters

   B. lend the neighbors a helping hand

   C. step outside and appreciate winters

   D. say goodbye to modem technology


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Try to imagine a world without noodles and you may begin to realize just how widespread this thin,tasty food has become. Discoveries in archaeology have proven it to be a surprisingly ancient food,dating back at least to 4000 B. C. Not surprisingly,however,given the noodle's widespread appeal and high status in more than a few culinary(烹任的) traditions,the claim to its invention is often a hotly contested subject.

   Many peoples have laid claim to its origination. Historically,both Italy and the Middle East have particularly battled for the title. Italian cooking is closely connected with the pasta noodle,but surprisingly the oldest recorded use of noodles in Italy only dates back to the 8th century,during the Arab conquest of Sicily,an island of Italy. This fact,along with the appearance of wheat flour in the Middle East around 5000 B. C., has led some to favor the Arab world as the more likely candidate to have first created noodles. However,recent evidence has cast some doubt on this theory,when the oldest known bowl of noodles was discovered in northwestern China.

   In 2002,a sealed bowl was unearthed from beneath ten feet of soil at the Lajia archaeological site,and found to contain a bowl of amazingly well-preserved noodles. After examination,scientists considered them to be about 4,000 years old. It was also determined that the noodles were not made of the wheat flour known at that time throughout the Middle East,but instead of two types of millet grain,which was widely grown tliroughout China as far back as 7,000 years ago.

   One of the most remarkable aspects of the find,however,as archaeochemist Patrick McGovern at the University of Pennsylvania points out,is the degree of skill required to fashion long,thin noodles like those found at Lajia. “This shows a fairly high level of food processing and culinary techniques,” he said.

   Although the Lajia discovery makes China home to the oldest known noodles,the origin of the noodle itself remains one of ancient history's many secrets.

29. There has been a worldwide debate over.

   A. what food is the oldest

   B. where the noodle was invented

   C. when the oldest food was discovered

   D. whether the noodle is the world's most popular food 

30. What can we conclude from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Wheat flour may come from Sicily Island.

   B. People in the Arab world first made noodles.

   C. The first noodles were made in the 8th century.

   D. Italy is less likely to be the noodle's birthplace.

31. What can we learn about the noodles found in 2002?

   A. They were in good condition.

   B. They were made of wheat flour.

   C. They were made 7,000 years ago.

   D. They were discovered in the Middle East.

32. What did Patrick McGovern wonder at?

   A. The long history of the noodles.

   B. The unique way of storing food.

   C. The way the noodles were made.

   D. The value of the archaeological find.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   I had an argument with my friend Ben yesterday because his favorite movie,which I thought was not interested. After the argument,he went off without say goodbye to me. I was so angry on him. In the afternoon I started to feel sad because he is my best friend. After school,I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usually. He gave me a strange look and turned away. But,this time,he does say goodbye to me quietly. Later,while I was watching TV at home,the phone rang. This was Ben and he said he was sorry for that he did. He felt like childish. I said never mind. Now I feel much better since we are still good friend.

