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1.He has been out of ____________ (联系) for 10 years.

2.Tom is a b___________ boy and he can learn something quickly.

3.I hear many famous actors will be p___________ at the party.

4.Children are always c___________ about almost everything around them.

5.In children's eyes, soldiers and firemen are always regarded as b___________ persons.

6.Since you can not see clearly, you'd better go to ask a doctor to e___________ your eyes.

7.The government has taken so many measures to ___________ (保护) wild animals.

8.With ___________ (科学的) methods, we can do anything better in less time.

9.If you want to learn English well, you must take every chance to ___________ (表达) yourself.

10.It is good for one's health to go out to breathe the ___________ (新鲜) air.



1.contact  2.bright  3.present  4.curious  5.brave  6.examine

7.preserve  8.scientific  9.express  10.fresh




科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写


Part A 单词拼写

1. On New Year’s Eve, many people g_____ under the town clock to welcome the coming year.

2. Many a________ (奖品) will be given to the winners in the following music ceremony.

3. You can’t leave without the teacher’s p___________(允许).

4. Try to achieve a better ________ (平衡) between work and play.

5. After Mary bought a new house, she was deeply in d______.

6. Do you think the new credit cards will be of great b________ (好处) to our customers.

7. The policeman was the first person on the s_______ (出事地点).

8. He is not stupid; on the c__________, he is very intelligent.

9. Even though he is in r_______, he keeps his dignity.

10. Too much sugar can be h__________(有害的) to children’s teeth.

11. Mary was in low spirit. His boyfriend took her to the concert to c________ her up.

12. Few people can e_________ without water for more than a week.

13. Chinese people have the fine__________ (传统) of respecting teachers.

14. The lake is __________ (环绕) by trees.

15. The girl referred to just now has a g________ for playing the violin.



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2010届高三下学期模拟考试Ⅰ试卷(英语) 题型:单词拼写



 第一节 单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分;满分10分)


66. 1. I wonder why Jack hasn’t w_____ to us recently. We should have heard from him by now.

67.There was no lift and we had to climb six f_______(一段楼梯)of stairs.

68.People should wash ______(定期)to ensure personal health.

69.I think you o ____ us an apology for not informing us of the important news in time.

70. He told us that the _______(北部)part of his country had many mountains.

71.We reached our destination, tired and _______(饥饿).

72.Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining w_____.

73.The whole day we unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards and tidied, until we were _____(极其)tired.

74. The house is h_______by trees, so it is hard for us to find it .

75. He left his village school and _____(教)himself while working in a factory.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省09-10学年度高一下学期模快练习(二) 题型:单词拼写


1. H___________ the Olympic Games is a great honour to us Chinese people.

2. An a_____________ is a person who does a sport.

3. Bank of China has b____________ all over the country.

4. I’m d_____________ at your success in the final exam.

5. What’s the s______________ of the symbol “♀”?

6. The burning coals started to f___________ yellow and orange.

7. Some p_____________ gathered around the victim to try to help him while others directed the traffic.

8. We drove two hours to attend the opening c______________ of the final festival.

9. We shouldn’t look down on those who do p_____________ labour.

10. We should take measures to meet the increasing r______________ of the people.

11. He is always watching CCTV news broadcast on c________________ affairs.

12. Nowadays, many places have been developed into tourist a________________.

13. This story just happened on the p______________ evening .

14. Mr Johnson, a member of the I________________ Olympic Committee will visit a

high school in Beijing.

15. What’s your f________________ sport of the five?

16. There are 12 _______________ (选手) in the two-hundred-metre dash.

17. The main _______________ (体育馆) for 2008 Olympic Games will be completed by 2006.

18. He was given a _________________(奖章)for his bravery in the accident.

19. E____________ a new sport into the Olympics can be a long process.

20. U____________ women were allowed to compete in honour of the wife of Zeus.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. H___________ the Olympic Games is a great honour to us Chinese people.

2. An a_____________ is a person who does a sport.

3. Bank of China has b____________ all over the country.

4. I’m d_____________ at your success in the final exam.

5. What’s the s______________ of the symbol “♀”?

6. The burning coals started to f___________ yellow and orange.

7. Some p_____________ gathered around the victim to try to help him while others directed the traffic.

8. We drove two hours to attend the opening c______________ of the final festival.

9. We shouldn’t look down on those who do p_____________ labour.

10. We should take measures to meet the increasing r______________ of the people.

11. He is always watching CCTV news broadcast on c________________ affairs.

12. Nowadays, many places have been developed into tourist a________________.

13. This story just happened on the p______________ evening .

14. Mr Johnson, a member of the I________________ Olympic Committee will visit a

high school in Beijing.

15. What’s your f________________ sport of the five?

16. There are 12 _______________ (选手) in the two-hundred-metre dash.

17. The main _______________ (体育馆) for 2008 Olympic Games will be completed by 2006.

18. He was given a _________________(奖章)for his bravery in the accident.

19. E____________ a new sport into the Olympics can be a long process.

20. U____________ women were allowed to compete in honour of the wife of Zeus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.词汇运用(每空限填一词,每词0.5分, 满分20分)

Part A 单词拼写

1. On New Year’s Eve, many people g_____ under the town clock to welcome the coming year.

2. Many a________ (奖品) will be given to the winners in the following music ceremony.

3. You can’t leave without the teacher’s p___________(允许).

4. Try to achieve a better ________ (平衡) between work and play.

5. After Mary bought a new house, she was deeply in d______.

6. Do you think the new credit cards will be of great b________ (好处) to our customers.

7. The policeman was the first person on the s_______ (出事地点).

8. He is not stupid; on the c__________, he is very intelligent.

9. Even though he is in r_______, he keeps his dignity.

10. Too much sugar can be h__________(有害的) to children’s teeth.

11. Mary was in low spirit. His boyfriend took her to the concert to c________ her up.

12. Few people can e_________ without water for more than a week.

13. Chinese people have the fine__________ (传统) of respecting teachers.

14. The lake is __________ (环绕) by trees.

15. The girl referred to just now has a g________ for playing the violin.

