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                                                             Mapping Your World
       Different forms of maps are appearing.They allow independent travelers to get local knowledge of
places they are visiting, from the official to the unusual.Meanwhile, hitech developments are creating new
ways for us to map the world.Here are two of our favorites: 
      Green Maps
      Green Maps allows people to share with the world their knowledge of environmentally friendly places and attractions in the local areas.Users add information with a set of icons (图标) , making it easy to read any map, whatever the nationalities of those who produce it.At present there are over five hundred map
projects being developed in 54 countries.Green Maps' advertised idea is "think global, map local". It is a
wonderful way of gaining all sorts of information of a place, ranging from community gardens to good
places of birdwatching.
      Green Maps is not specifically intended for travelers.Not all of its maps are online, so it may be
necessary for some users to communicate with the producers through the Green Maps website.
      Map Mashups
      Many people use online maps developed by Google, but not many know about the mashups of them.Working in a similar way to Green Maps, Map Mashups allows people to add icons of their own to
existing maps to express a certain topic.The mashups is so called because it combines all the knowledge
you could ever need.It ranges from the extremely useful, such as where all the World Heritage Sites are, to the most bizarre (古怪的), such as where America's drunkest cities are.With the mashups added to the
basic Google Maps, a multilayered (多层的) map can be created.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is a characteristic of Green Maps?

A. Aiming at environmental protection.
B. Introducing local attractions with icons.
C. Offering advice to independent travelers.
D. Collecting icons worldwide for local maps.

2. Which of the following icons is most probably NOT used in Green Maps?


3. "Map Mashups" is named with the word "mashups" because ________.

A. it is produced by users all over the world
B. it gathers various kinds of information
C. it shares icons with Green Maps
D. it is a branch of Google Maps

4. What do Green Maps and Map Mashups have in common?

A. They are created by local people.
B. They are environmentally friendly.
C. Users can edit maps on the Internet.
D. Users need to communicate with producers.

科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省2010届高考考前调研卷(7 - 5)(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
When you look at a map of the Caribbean, you will see a bunch of little islands surrounded by. Blue waters, which include places that aren't always household names like Montserrat and Anguilla.
While some of the names may not be familiar, the fact is that the Caribbean is a popular vacation region. Those little clots on the map often turn out to be island paradises. There are more than 7,000 islands, islets, and reefs in the area, many of which are lightly populated and stunningly beautiful.
The biggest challenge you might face in planning your trip is choosing where in the Caribbean to go. All of the nations feature excellent weather. Most feature beautiful beaches. You can enjoy the waters in most of the Caribbean nations and as is often the case with island nations, you will be welcomed warmly by the locals. Here are some resources to help you.
Unless you can walk on water or you cruise the Caribbean, the best way to visit is to fly. Some destinations have more frequent and cheaper flights than others. You should do some comparison shopping on flights to the Caribbean. And if you are planning on flying there during the Christmas holiday weeks it's important to book as early as possible because prices will just keep going up as they get closer.
The Caribbean offers a wide variety of accommodation options. Check out the Caribbean hotels that are available to get a better idea of the various options. If you are on a tight budget then, the Caribbean could be challenging, as there are only a few cheap hotels and hostels that might help you save some money.
Many people see the Caribbean from a cruise ship. There is no shortage of cruises that will take you through the region. Cruise and Vacation Travel Packages is the place to go to find the cruise or vacation package that is right for you.
56. The Caribbean is popular with tourists because ________.
A. the area has a small population             B. the area has a long history.
C. there are many beautiful islands there             D. tire area is very developed
57. The underlined word "they" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.
A. prices of air tickets                           B. tourists to the Caribbean
C. flights to the Caribbean                  D. the Christmas holiday weeks
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The weather in all of the Caribbean nations is fine.
B. Most of the Caribbean hotels are cheap.
C. The local people of the Caribbean are very friendly.
D. It is hard to choose a destination in the Caribbean.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试题(英语)附解析 题型:阅读理解

When you look at a map of the Caribbean, you will see a bunch of little islands surrounded by. Blue waters, which include places that aren't always household names like Montserrat and Anguilla.
While some of the names may not be familiar, the fact is that the Caribbean is a popular vacation region. Those little clots on the map often turn out to be island paradises. There are more than 7,000 islands, islets, and reefs in the area, many of which are lightly populated and stunningly beautiful.
The biggest challenge you might face in planning your trip is choosing where in the Caribbean to go. All of the nations feature excellent weather. Most feature beautiful beaches. You can enjoy the waters in most of the Caribbean nations and as is often the case with island nations, you will be welcomed warmly by the locals. Here are some resources to help you.
Unless you can walk on water or you cruise the Caribbean, the best way to visit is to fly. Some destinations have more frequent and cheaper flights than others. You should do some comparison shopping on flights to the Caribbean. And if you are planning on flying there during the Christmas holiday weeks it's important to book as early as possible because prices will just keep going up as they get closer.
The Caribbean offers a wide variety of accommodation options. Check out the Caribbean hotels that are available to get a better idea of the various options. If you are on a tight budget then, the Caribbean could be challenging, as there are only a few cheap hotels and hostels that might help you save some money.
Many people see the Caribbean from a cruise ship. There is no shortage of cruises that will take you through the region. Cruise and Vacation Travel Packages is the place to go to find the cruise or vacation package that is right for you.
56. The Caribbean is popular with tourists because ________.
A. the area has a small population             B. the area has a long history.
C. there are many beautiful islands there        D. tire area is very developed
57. The underlined word "they" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.
A. prices of air tickets                       B. tourists to the Caribbean
C. flights to the Caribbean                  D. the Christmas holiday weeks
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The weather in all of the Caribbean nations is fine.
B. Most of the Caribbean hotels are cheap.
C. The local people of the Caribbean are very friendly.
D. It is hard to choose a destination in the Caribbean.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省三明一中2009-2010学年度高一下学期4月月考 题型:阅读理解

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
I travel a lot, and I find out different “styles”(风格) of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”
Foreign tourists are often confused(困惑) in Japan because most streets there don’t have names; in Japan, people use landmarks(地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”
In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”
People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “it’s about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They don’t know.
It’s true that a person doesn’t know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I don’t know.” People in Yucatan believe that “I don’t know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!
56. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place, they usually ______.
A. describe the place carefully               B. show him a map of the place
C. tell him the names of the streets         D. refer to recognizable buildings and places
57. What is the place where people measure distance in time?
A. New York.          B. Los Angeles.      C. Kansas.                    D. Iowa.
58. People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer ______.
A. in order to save time                        B. Los Angeles.
C. so as to be polite                              D. for fun
59. What can we infer from the text?
A. It’s important for travelers to understand cultural differences.
B. It’s useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.
C. People have similar understandings of politeness.
D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省绍兴市2010届高三下学期教学质量调测 题型:阅读理解

The angry locals of an English village blocked the driver of a Google Street View car who was
filming the neighborhood, saying they feared he world encourage thieves, a report said Friday.
One local, Paul Jacobs, told the BBC he had warned his neighbors after spotting the car from
his window in Broughton, Buckinghamshire, southern England, on Wednesday.
“I don’t have a problem with Google wanting to promote villages. What I have a problem with
is the invasion (侵犯)of privacy, taking pictures directly into the home,” Jacobs said.
“We’ve already had three homes broken into locally in the past six weeks. If our houses are
made noticeable all over Google, it’s an invitation for more criminals to strike. I was determined to
make a stand, so I called the police.”
After his call, a police car arrived in Broughton in response to an argument between a crowd of people and a Google Street View contractor.
“They felt his presence was a threat to their privacy. When police arrived at the scene, the car had moved on,” explained a spokeswoman for Thames Valley Police.
The Google Street View project, set up last month in Britain, aims to provide detailed 360-degree views online of streets all over Britain.
The project has already been strongly criticized by associations like Privacy International, a pressure group which has launched legal action against the IT company.
Google is confident that their new mapping project is within the law.
“Before launching Street View we sought the guidance and approval of the Information Commissioner’s Office. The ICO has repeatedly made clear that it believes that Street View includes the safeguards necessary to protect people’s privacy,” a Google spokesman said.
“The Metropolitan Police (in London) told us they saw no significant security risk, that thieves are likely to make use of the opportunities, and that mapping products can be useful in solving and mapping crime in an area.”
He added: “Engaged in new projects, we sometimes meet unexpected challenges, and Street View has been no exception.”
41.When the police car arrived at the village,__________
A.the villagers were angrily arguing with the Google car driver.
B.the map car was stopped from leaving the village.
C.The map car had stopped its working and gone on its way.
D.The map car was surrounded by the angry villagers.
42.The underlined phrase “make a stand” in Paragraph 4 means       .
A.stand there all the time whole waiting for the police
B.show full support to Google’s filming the neighborhood
C.attempt to defend locals by stopping Google’s filming the neighborhood
D.stand in the way to stop the car moving on
43.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.Google’s mapping project has not been officially approved.
B.Three homes had been visited by thieves with the help of Google pictures.
C.The police rushed to stop a fight between locals and Google contractors.
D.It was not the first time that the Google map project had been criticized.
44.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Google’s Mapping Project Promotes the Neighobrohood.
B.Angry British Villagers Stop Google Maps Car.
C.Google Goes On With its Plan to Film the Streets.
D.New Project Meets Challenges Again.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试课标全国卷1英语 题型:阅读理解





Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare’s World

  Welcome to the world—famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and

where he grew up The property(房产)remained in the ownership of Shakespeare’s family until

1806 .The House has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world ,for over 250 years.


  ◆Enter through the Visitors’ Centre and see the highly—

praised exhibition Shakespeare's World,a lively and full

introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare

  ◆Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up

  ◆Discover examples of furniture and needlework from

 Shakespeare’s period

  ◆Enjoy the traditional(传统的)English garden,planted

 with trees and flower mentioned in the poet’s works




⊙The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car

parks shown on the map;nearest is Windsor Street(3 minutes’


⊙The House may present difficulties but the Visitors’ Centre,

its exhibition.and the garden are accessible (可进入的)to

wheelchair users

⊙The Shakespeare Coffee House(opposite the Birthplace)


1.How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?

A.£9.80.       B.£12.00.        C.£14.20.        D.£16.40.

2.Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?

    A.Behind the exhibition hall.

    B.Opposite the Visiturs’Centre.

    C.At Windsor Street.

    D.Near the Coffee House.

3.A wheelchair user may need help to enter__________.

    A.the House       B.the garden     C.the Visitors’Centne      D.the exhibition hall


