The young man spent as much time as he over his lessons. A. went B. can go C. could going D. could to go 答案解析:此题除考查理解句子结构的能力外.还考查了动词短语spend some time(in)doing sth的用法.所以答案为C. 45 is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 答案解析: 此题很容易误选A.认为此处应填一个形式主语.况且It is known to ...也是一个常用句型.读起来也很上口.但是选A错了.同学们仔细想想看.假若选A.横线处填一个形式主语(it).那么其后就应有一个真正的主语.但事实上没有.但是若将句中的逗号改成that.则只能选A.因为这样一来.that便成为一个引导主语从句的引导词.此题的最佳答案是B.as引导的是一个非限制性定语从句.可置于主句前或主句后.句意为“正如大家所知.月球每月绕地球转一周 . 查看更多



The young man spent as much time as he ______ over his lessons.

A. went  B. can go  C. could going  D. could to go


The young man spent as much time as he _____ over his lessons.

A. went    B. can go   C. could going  D. could to go


The young man spent as much time as he _____ over his lessons.

A. went    B. can go   C. could going  D. could to go

