the go 忙个不停,四处奔走,跑来跑去 查看更多




1.                   for too long does harm to our health.  (expose) 在太阳下晒太久对我们的健康有害。

2.Unluckily, yesterday I had a case                      stealing something,

which mad me feel extremely terrible.   (accuse) 很不幸,昨天我碰到这种情况:有人指责我偷了东西,这令我感到糟糕透了。

3.It is I                         for the thing.  (blame) 是我应该为这件事负责任。

4.My husband and I are very busy, and only once in a while                to see my parents. (go)


5.Would you come over to my house                            .(if) 如果你方便的话到我家来一下。

6.Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question                       (depend). 同时,你必须须根据那个陌生人所说的来准备下一个问题。

7. The teacher is surprised that he                    in his English study in the past few months.  (progress) 老师很惊讶,在过去的几个月里他在英语学习上取得了很大的进步 。

8.You cannot be too careful, because the more enthusiastic the stranger appears,             he is to take you in. (likely)  你要相当小心,这个陌生人表现得越热情,他就越可能会欺骗你。

9.If your skin                    , it can be very serious. (get) 如果你的皮肤烧伤了,有可能会很严重。

10.It seems that the conflict                              with better communication ,but they were both unwilling to give in. (avoid) 好像这个矛盾通过更好的沟通原本是可以避免的,但是双方都不愿让步。



1. 他所说的话使我对艺术产生兴趣。
    What he said made me _________ art.
2. 他梦想有朝一日能成为一个足球明星。
    He_________ a football star one day.
3. 每天把自己的想法写进日记是个好习惯。
    It's a good habit to __________ a diary every day.
4. 今年夏天我不去旅行。一来我没钱,二来我太忙。 
    I won't go on a trip this summer. __________, I've have no money; and for another I'm too busy.
5. 趁我还没改变主意,你最好带她走。
    You had better take her away before I__________.
6. 他过去只关心自己的家庭,但现在改变了很多。
    He used to __________ only __________ his own family, but now he has changed a lot.
7. 他们还没有决定是走还是留。
    They haven't ___________ whether to go or stay.
8. 他说服我买下这房子,不然的话,现在房价会更高。 
    He _________ me __________ buy the house, or it will cost me more now. 
9. 她是在一年前来山村看望孩子们的。
    __________ was a year ago __________ she came to the mountain village to see the children.
10. 他喜欢那个漂亮的女孩已经很多年了。
     He has __________ the beautiful girl for many years.

