Where dirt, there are flies. A. there has B. is C. there is D. has there 查看更多




  The Three Gorges (三峡) Dam, the largest dam in the world, is also the largest engineering project on the face of the earth. It aims to make the mother of all floods, the Changjiang River, into a tame fiver and it will be the largest power source for much of eastern and central China. It will create a huge, deep-water lake, and make it possible for 10,000 ton ocean-going ships to sail 1,5000 miles inland from the Pacific to the city of Chongqing with its 30 million people, making it the world's largest river port.

  Construction has already started. The dam will be about 6860 feet long and 611 feet high, at a spot called Sandouping near Yichang.

  After many years of investigation (调研) experts have drawn a conclusion that this grand project will do a great deal of good. The most important thing is flood control. By building a dam instead of new coal plants to meet its growing demand for electricity, China will give off much less poisonous gases into the dir.

  However, some scientists don't agree to the project. They say that Chongqing and dozens of other cities along the river will put much waste into the reservoir (水库), which can do harm to people, fish and other living things that depend on the river. Sedimentation (沉积) and damage of abreach (决口) are problems, too.

  The Three Gorges Dam could be considered, when it is finished in 2009, a new eighth wonder of the world as to the size alone.

1.Which is not the purpose to build such a huge dam?

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A.To make electricity.

B.To prevent floods.

C.To improve navigation (运输)

D.To make it a wonder.

2.Where does the dam lie?

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A.Near Chongqing.
B.Near Yichang.
C.In the Three Gorges.
D.In Wuhan.

3.It will take about ________ to complete the dam.

[  ]

A.eight years
B.more than ten years
C.half a century
D.more than twenty years

4.Some scientists fear that ________.

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A.when the dam is built, the balance of nature may be destroyed

B.sedimentation may occur

C.abreach may cause millions of people to die or to be homeless

D.electricity will not be as much as expected

5.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT right?

[  ]

A.When finished, the dam will be one of the main bases of power source of China.

B.People have different ideas about the setting up of the dam.

C.It will take many years to build the darn because people want to see whether it will be safe and strong enough.

D.Chongqing will become the largest river port in the world when the dam is finished.

