To play fair is as important as . A. to play well B. play well C. we play well D. playing well 查看更多



To play fair is as important as ______. play well well

C.we play well

D.playing well



To play fair is as important as ______.

  A. to play well   B. play well

  C. we play well   D. playing well



To play fair is as important as ______.

    A. to play well        B. play well           C. we play well        D. playing well


Good sportsmanship occurs when teammates, opponents(对手), coaches, and officials treat each other with respect. Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches. Kids who see adults behaving in a sportsmanlike way gradually come to understand that the real winners in sports are those who know how to keep on trying and to behave well - whether they win or lose a game.

   Parents can help their kids understand that good sportsmanship includes both small gestures and heroic efforts. It starts with something as simple as shaking hands with opponents before a game and includes acknowledging good plays made by others and accepting bad calls gracefully. Showing good sportsmanship isn't always easy: It can be hard to congratulate the opposing team after losing a close or important game. But the kids who learn how to do it will benefit in many ways.

   A child who bullies or laugh at others on the playing field isn't likely to change the behavior when in the classroom or in social situations. In the same way, a child who practices good sportsmanship is likely to carry the respect (尊重) and appreciation of other people into every other aspect of life

The best coaches - and parents - encourage their kids to play fair, to have fun, and to concentrate(专心于) on helping the team while improving their own skills.

1.The most important feature of good sportsmanship is ______.

   A. respecting others.                B. concentrating on winning

   C. improving one’s own skills.        D.beating the opposing team

2.Which of the following is NOT the behavior of good sportsmanship?

   A. Shaking hands with opponents     B. Playing on the field like heroes.

   C. Praising good playing of others    D. Accepting unfriendly viewers’ opinions

3. As a child with good sportsmanship, he / she will ______.

   A. treat winning as the most important thing.

   B. be proud of the success of his / her team

   C. look down on others’ playing skills.

   D. not get discouraged when defeated

4.It can be inferred from the passage ______.

   A. a child who bullies others can’t play well on the field.

   B. the real winners are those who play with best skills.

   C. a child with good sportsmanship behaves well in society

   D. it is simple and easy to show one’s good sportsmanship



Here is a true story about a famous man who worked in the White House and a criminal. They once faced the same thing: their mother gave them apples when they were young.

The criminal said: one day, my mother brought some apples and asked my brother and me: “Which do you want?” “The reddest and biggest one,” my little brother said. My mother stared at him and said to him angrily: “You should learn to give the good things to others; you shouldn’t always think of yourself.” Seeing this, I suddenly changed my idea and then said to my mother: “Mum, please give me the smaller one and give the bigger one to my little brother.” Hearing my words, my mother was very happy. She kissed me on my face and gave the reddest and biggest apple to me as a prize. From then on, I learned to tell lies, fight, steal and rob. In order to get what I wanted, I played hard. As a result, I was sent into prison.

The famous man from the White House said: One day, my mother brought some apples. She said to my brother and me: “You all want the reddest and biggest one, right? Well, let’s have a competition. Now I divide the grassland in front of the gate into two and I will give one to each of you and you must shear(修剪) it well. And I will give the reddest and biggest apple to him who does it the most quickly and best.”

After the competition, I won and I got the biggest apple. In our family, as long as you want to get the best things, you must take part in competition. I think it is fair. No matter what you want, you must pay lots of efforts.

31.The criminal got the reddest and biggest apple because      .

A. he told the truth that he wanted a smaller one

B. his mother loved him more than she loved the younger brother

C. elder brother should of course have the bigger one

D. he knew how to make his mother happy from her answer

32.We can conclude from the passage that      .

A. it’s important to make children aware that no matter what they want, they must pay work

B. it’s wrong to ask children to choose apples when they are not old enough

C. it’s wrong to ask children not to always think of themselves

D. it’s always necessary to have a competition when we give children apple

33.The writer tells the story by      .

A. organizing it in the order of time

B. making a comparison between two men

C. providing some scientific information

D. describing it in the order of space

34. It is implied in the passage that      .

A. we should always try to win competitions which can bring us a lot

B. in order to get what we want, we should play hard

C. giving children apples will lead them to become criminals

D. a mother’s educational method has a great influence on a child’s growing

