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United Nations Climate Change Conference
The U.N. Climate Change conference opened in Copenhagen, Denmark on Dec.7th with some 15,000 delegates and observers from nearly 200 countries attending what is called the last best chance for an agreement to combat(与……战斗) global warming.
Their aim is to find common ground, including on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promotion and transfer of new more eco-friendly technology and the necessary funding to make this possible, especially for the less developed and poorer nations.  It also means coming up with long term vision and cooperation for the future.
Most scientists believe the warming trend is mainly caused by human activity, especially the use of fossil fuels(矿物燃料) and the cutting down of forests. Skeptics(怀疑论者) say global warming is part of a natural cycle of climate change.
In Copenhagen, experts and officials alike are putting the emphasis on what people and governments can do to cut the emission of greenhouse gases.
Scientists say a 25 to 40 percent cut in carbon-dioxide emissions is needed to control global warming. The European Union, China, and India have already pledged(保证) reductions. The United States is waiting for Congressional(国会的) approval for a proposal put forward by the Obama administration.
Barack Obama, President of the United States said, “Each of us must do what we can when we can to grow our economies without endangering our planet -- and we must all do it together. We must seize the opportunity to make Copenhagen a significant step forward in the global fight against climate change..”
Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of South Africa said, “Worldwide, we have the chance to start turning the tide of climate change, but only if all governments commit themselves to a fair, binding(有约束力的) and sustainable climate agreement in Copenhagen.”
56. From the first paragraph we can infer that___________.
people think that this conference is of no use
this conference is the last one to be held about the climate change
before this conference some countries fight against each other.
people expect a final agreement will be achieved
57. Which is NOT included in the aim of this conference?
A. To reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.
B. To develop the agriculture and industry of the developed countries.
C. To cooperate with each other for the future.
D. To transfer new more eco-friendly technology.
58. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The United States refuses to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
B. The European Union is waiting for a proposal put forward by Obama.
C. China and India have already agreed to cut carbon-dioxide emissions.
D. South Africa doesn’t think much of this conference.
59. What is Obama’s attitude according to his words?
A. Doubtful.                          B. Positive.     C. Negative.                    D. Regretful.
60. _________is the reason of global warming according to the skeptics.
A. Human activity                  B. Fossil fuels  
C. The cutting down of trees           D. Natural climate change


提示词:tutor vt. & n. 家教         Loving Heart Club 爱心俱乐部

A Voluntary Activity
In the winter vacation
5 Volunteers Wanted
As English teachers
At S.O.S Children’s Village
Purposes for applying
Those who are interested in taking part in the activity, please send an email to studentunion@bjsz.cn before Jan. 24th, 2008.
Student Union


Dear Student Union,
I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English teachers of the five.Now I’m writing here to apply for this opportunity.
I’d appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. I’m looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua@ 163.com,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua



注意:1.词数:100左右。2.邮件开关和结尾已为你写好。3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。4.参考词汇:tutor vi. & n.家教 
Dear Student union,
I am Li Hua, a girl of 17. I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and
I’m looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua@ yahoo.com.cn. 
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua



solar eclipse (日蚀) brought darkness to many places along the upper reaches of China’s

longest river, the Yangtze, at 9:15 am Wednesday. The moon’s shadow blocked out the sun, leaving only the solar corona (日冕) visible in west China’s Chongqing Municipality and Guang ’an City in neighboring Sichuan Province. The cities turned off many street lights to allow the public to better observe the total eclipse, which lasted about four minutes.

The July 22 eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st Century. It is expected to pass across China from Tibet to the coastal city of Shanghai, where 300 million people live. Millions of eclipse-watchers crowded to the banks of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers early Wednesday to observe the spectacle. However, the weather in many Chinese cities along the full solar eclipse path is not favorable for observing the phenomenon, according to the China Meteorological Administration’s (气象局) forecast at 8 am.

Zhu Jin, head of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory (天文观测台), said although overcast (阴天) conditions blocked the view along the lower stream of Yangtze, the shadow of the moon was visible moving behind the clouds. The full solar blackout could be seen at 9:30 am from an observatory site in Anji, east China’s Zhejiang Province, a site chosen by Jay Pasachoff, head of the Solar Eclipse Working Group of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), and more 200 astronomers from more than 20 countries. “The weather is clear enough to observe the complete duration of the solar eclipse here in Anji. The forecast of the time of the eclipse proved to be accurate, ” said Zhang Hongqi, chief researcher of the National Astronomical Observatories.

It was raining in Shanghai, when the eclipse occurred at 9:35 am. The city put extra police on streets, and more than 30 police ships patrolled (巡逻) the coast. Only street lamps were left on, as the city turned off all landscape lighting to allow people to watch the solar eclipse.

1. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. More than 20 foreign astronomers observed the eclipse.

B. The eclipse is the longest one in the history.

C. The eclipse brought darkness to many places in China.

D. The weather was clear enough for people to observe the eclipse.

2. The best place to observe the full solar blackout at 9:30 am could be in___________.

A. Chongqing    B. Sichuan

C. Zhejiang   D. Shanghai

3. The following has the same meaning as the underlined word EXCEPT____________.

A. went somewhere in large numbers

B. moved in a large crowd

C. gathered together

D. talked with each other excitedly

4. You can see the passage in a (n)__________.

A. newspaper      B. guidebook

C. advertisement    D. magazine

5. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Many cities turned off the lights on the streets to observe better.

B. The weather in some places isn’t favorable to observe the eclipse.

C. Shanghai sent out the police to observe the eclipse.

D. The eclipse attracted many astronomers from all over the world.



III, Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The world was sharply separated into men and women, because that was the way we believed it should be.  We hold this firm belief and made efforts to keep this ___50___.  When a baby came to the world, he or she was expected to play different roles—boys were portrayed as noisy and naughty ones who people were more likely to ___51___ while girls were bound by strict social requirements to be lovely and ___52___.  People became the product of their sex.  Their social roles were determined when they were ___53___.  Males were the producers of cool reasoning and were capable of ___54___.  And being emotional was considered as the feature of females and their main activity location was ___55___.

___56___, with the development of civilization and women’s self-consciousness, more and more women have realized that such natural and physical differences between man and woman have no ___57___ with the differences between male and female excellence.  Women are now confident to ___58___ the concepts as “male leadership” and “male power”, which are only terms invented by men and serve in men’s ___59___.

Such remarkable change in people’s viewpoint may well explain the gradual ___60___ of single-sex schools.  The aim of education is to stimulate imagination, encourage free thinking and keep alive various interests.  But the single-sex school follows the same regulations and ___61___ a set of separate subjects for males or females.  In single-sex schools, instead of being offered a rich expansion of experience, students have access to ___62___ knowledge.  Such education harms individual freedom and kills the possibility for a young person to develop into a(n) ___63___ human.  Furthermore, such sexual distinction is also dangerous as it breaks up the sense of community by ___64___ people into two sex groups, which eventually damages the development of human civilization.

50.   A. regret     B. division            C. union          D. step

51.   A. spoil            B. control             C. teach          D. face

52.   A. active          B. humorous       C. famous            D. gentle

53. A. born              B. grown         C. praised            D. retired

54.   A. friendship       B. failure     C. leadership        D. relationship

55.   A. at home          B. at work place       C. in politics        D. in education

56.   A. In particular         B. Furthermore        C. In addition   D. However

57.   A. contact            B. attempt          C. connection  D. excuse

58.   A. reject          B. reflect     C. pardon             D. measure

59.   A. truth           B. sex              C. interest           D. belief

60.   A. extinction       B. prospect         C. foundation   D. definition

61.   A. sets up            B. brings down         C. sticks to          D. gives up

62.   A. objective         B. wrong         C. vivid            D. limited

63.   A. complete        B. simple     C. domestic         D. ordinary

64.   A. guiding            B. uniting     C. isolating          D. transporting


