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As Apple tries to maintain its growth and success in China, the world's largest smart-phone market is becoming even more critical. Apple's shares(股份) fell sharply as the company's earnings for the holiday quarter through December disappointed investors.

The sales of the iPhone, which include both the iPhone 5 and older models, came in at the low end of analysts' expectations, while the company's income plan for the second quarter was below analysts' forecasts, though Apple is known to give conservative (保守的) forecasts.

Some analysts have said that for Apple to regain its growth, the company needs a more aggressive strategy(进攻型策略) for markets, or more specifically for China, where the market for smart phones has been expanding more rapidly than anywhere else. In China, demand is particularly great for inexpensive phones that run on Android(安卓) operating system, sold by many Chinese phone makers as well as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co.

But Apple says it's already enjoying strong growth in China. "We saw big growth in iPhones," Chief Executive Tim Cook said. He said that the company has been quickly expanding its sales channels in China, including the number of Apple stores. "This isn't nearly what we need, we're not even close to that, but we're making great progress.” he said.

In China, a big missing piece for Apple is China Mobile Ltd. , the biggest local telecom carrier that doesn't yet sell the iPhone. Earlier this month, Mr. Cook met China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua in Beijing and discussed cooperation, stirring hopes that the world's largest mobile carrier may soon start offering the iPhone.

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is working on a lower-end iPhone that could launch as early as this year. But one possible challenge for Apple in China is that low-priced Android-based phones are getting better in terms of quality. A report from CLSA in late November showed that many smart-phones sold at about1,000 yuan ($160) came with higher- resolution screens, better cameras and more powerful processors than phones at that price did a year earlier.

1.Apple's shares dropped sharply because in December______________.

A.the iPhone wasn't popular in China

B.its product quality was widely criticized

C.the earnings for the holiday quarter was disappointing

D.the investors were not satisfied with Apple's management

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Apple tends to offer a lower sales forecast.

B.China Mobile Ltd began to team up with Apple.

C.Cook is pessimistic about what Apple did in China.

D.Apple didn't take measures to develop Chinese market.

3.The author uses the report from CLSA to prove         _____.

A.their prices are actually lower than a year earlier

B.Apple in China has ability to deal with any problem

C.low-ended Android-based phones are progressing fast

D.the promotion of lower-end iPhone will face a challenge

4.The main purpose of the passage is to show the readers ______________.

A.Apple's high popularity in China

B.the challenge Apple faces in China

C.the approaching failure Apple will suffer in China

D.Apple's aggressive strategy in its market expansion





Dear Patti,

I’m writing to you for some advice on my studies.As you know, football is a very popular sport in the world and I am attracted to it and I have fallen in love with it, which makes me feel so crazy.I have been spending lots of time doing many things related to it, like watching football matches, reading newspapers and magazines, and searching the Web for more information about football.As a result, it has certainly disturbed my normal study.Though I know to be a football fan is my hobby and my major objective is to learn more knowledge in school, I can’t concentrate on my lessons and gradually I am tired of them.I am still a senior two middle school student, and I’ll have my own business even when I grow up, so I am not likely to do a job in the field of football.But now I can’t stop myself from getting involved further with football.So I feel very depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction (矛盾) between my studies and hobbies.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming










3.围绕提示写,内容充实,有建设性。 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

Dear Li Ming,

Thank you for your letter.From your letter, I’ve known something about your situation.





Dear Patti
I’m writing to you for some advice on my studies. As you know, football is a very popular sport in the world and I am attracted to it and I have fallen in love with it, which makes me feel so crazy. I have spending lots of time doing many things related to it, like watching football matches, reading newspapers and magazines, and searching the Web for more information about football. As a result, it has certainly disturbed my normal study. Though I know to be a football fan is my hobby and my major adjective is to learn more knowledge in school, I can’t concentrate on my lessons and gradually I am tired of them. I am still a senior middle school student, and I’ll have my own business even when I grow up, so I am not likely to do a job in the field of football. But now I can’t stop myself from getting involved further with football. So I feel very depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction .
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
Dear Li Hua,
Thank you for your letter. From your letter, I’ve known something about your situation.                                                                              


Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products that are no longer usable. This can include TVs, cell phones and computers and other office electronics, electronic toys and videos machines. Today, the average turnover(更换)rate for a computer in the United States is every two years, according to the environmental group, Greenpeace.
The group's Dai Yun says e-waste is a global problem. "The electronic industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The high speed of growth in this industry means more and more electronic products are being wasted and thrown away. If no one decides to retrieve the old products and process them properly, the electronic waste will sweep over the earth like the huge wave behind me and pollute the Earth seriously."
Greenpeace works out that 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are produced globally each year. The components(部件)in many electronic products contain harmful chemicals that pollute ground water and the environment.
At present , the U.S. has no federal law for the disposal (处理) of e-waste although a few states have e-waste recycling programs in place, but there is no law. The U.S. exports much of its e-waste to third world countries, such as India and China, where workers took apart computers for valuable parts, hoping to sell them for money. But harmful wastes expert, Dr. Bakul Rao, says that's a dangerous practice. "From now on, the recyclers are not very educated. All they know is they can retrieve copper or gold out of it. So, the easiest way to do that is leach (过滤) it out in an acid or burn it off to retrieve it. So, that's where they don't know how to deal with it, neither do they have any health systems in place. So, their exposure is more."
【小题1】What does the underlined word "retrieve" (paragraph 2) probably mean?

A.look intoB.take apartC.get backD.throw away
【小题2】What of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The U.S. has strict national laws for dealing with e-waste.
B.Third world countries import e-waste to get valuable parts, which is a safe and easy way to make money.
C.The way uneducated workers deal with old computers does great harm to the environment as well as to their own health.
D.More and more electronic waste is being wasted and thrown away mainly because of people's bad habits.
【小题3】 What is the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To attract more people's attention to e-waste.
B.To call on people not to throw away e-waste anywhere.
C.To tell people what e-waste is and how to deal with it well.
D.To warn people to break away from the electronic industry.
【小题4】The next paragraph probably concerns ___. to deal with e-waste properly to protect ourselves from harm by e-waste
C.How to slow down the development in the electronic industry to make full use of e-waste



第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)

在世界环保日到来前夕,联合国教科文组织就如何处理垃圾问题向全世界中学生征文。请你以Saving Our City为题,写一篇110词左右的短文。文章的第一句已给出,但不计入总词数。


1. 城市垃圾的危害:①污染环境;②有害健康。

2. 处理垃圾的措施有:①垃圾分类;②报纸、玻璃的再利用;③有害垃圾的处理;④废水处理;⑤制定法律。

Saving Our City

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities...



