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Gallery Policies

for Visitors to National Gallery of Art, Washington

Visitors must present all carried items for inspection upon entry. After inspection, all bags, backpacks, umbrellas, parcels, and other things as determined by security officers must left at the checkrooms, free of charge, close to each entrance. All oversized bags, backpacks and luggage must be left at the checkrooms near the 4th Street entrance of either the East or West Building. These items will have to be x-rayed before being accepted items of value, such as laptop computers, cameras, and fur coats, may not be left in the checkrooms but may be carried into the galleries.

We regret that we do not have enough space for visitor items larger than 17×26 inches into the Gallery or its checkrooms.

Additional security procedures and checks may be taken according to the decision of the Gallery.

For the safety of the artworks and other visitors, nothing may be carried on a visitor’s back. Soft front baby carriers are allowed, but children may not be carried on shoulders or in a child carrier worn on the back. Pushchairs are available free of charge near each checkroom.

Smoking is prohibited. Food and drink are not permitted outside the food service areas. Unopened bottled water may be carried only in a visitor’s bag. Cell phones may not be used in the galleries.

Animals, other than service animals, are not permitted in the Gallery.

Skateboarding is prohibited.

Picture-taking (including video for personal use is permitted except in special exhibitions and where specifically prohibited. Tripods (三角架) are not allowed.

Please do not touch the works of art.

When people come to visit the Gallery, they should ____________.

   A. leave all their carried items at the checkrooms

   B. have all their carried items x-rayed at the entrance

   C. take all their carried items with them without inspection

D. have all their carried items inspected at the entrance

What does the Gallery feel sorry for?

   A. Visitors have to keep their valuable items in the checkrooms.

   B. The size of visitor items allowed into the Gallery is limited.

   C. It cannot keep oversized visitor items due to limited space.

   D. Visitor items over 17×26 inches must go through additional checks.

Parents with small children visiting the Gallery _____________.

   A. can carry their children in soft front child carriers

   B. can carry their children on their shoulders

   C. can carry their children in child carriers worn on the back

   D. ought to pay if they want to use pushchairs for their children

Visiting photographers should make sure that __________.

   A. pictures and videos are allowed for personal use anywhere in the Gallery

   B. pictures and videos can be taken in some places for personal use

   C. picture-taking and videoing are totally forbidden in the Gallery

   D. tripods are allowed except in some special exhibitions


My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it the very day and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked  31, but I couldn't find one of my husband's socks though I had looked  32 for it.

   The next morning, I got ready for 33 as usual, when the bell rang , the students came in. I greeted them and told them 34 we were going to do that day. .When I 35 back to write on the blackboard, the class burst out 36 . They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was 37the headmaster would come and see all this. I asked the class to stop ,but the more I talked, the more they laughed. 38I thought I had better pay 39attention to them and 40 to write on the blackboard. As I did this, they laughed even harder. Before long, the teacher who had the room next to 41came to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too. "Good Heavens! "I said," Will 42 please tell me what is so 43 ?"  "Oh, God, "said the teacher," You have a brown 44stuck to the back of your shirt." So that's 45 I found my husband's missing sock. "Oh, well," I said to the class, "Let' s just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity (静电)。"

A. hard           B. well             C. fast               D. slowly

A. nowhere        B. somewhere       C. anywhere          D. everywhere

A. breakfast        B. clothes          C. school            D. books

A. that            B. what            C. how              D. why

A. turned          B. looked          C. came              D. walked

A. smiling         B. laughing         C. shouting           D. quarrelling

A. afraid          B. angry            C. sure              D. surprised

A. But            B. And             C. However          D. Finally

A. further          B. more            C. hardly            D. no

A. want           B. continue          C. begin             D. go

A. me             B. mine            C. us                D. his

A. everyone        B. all              C. someone           D. he

A. funny           B. wrong           C. pleasant           D. unforgettable

A. handkerchief     B. sock             C. paper             D. leaf

A. why            B. when            C. how              D. what


一May I have a glass of beer.please?

一Beer?Sorry,there is     left,but would you mind having,some juice instead?

A none one    C nothing   D few


On September 22, 1986, Jay Brunkella, a police-officer in the Rogers Park district in Chicago, was shot during a drug arrest and died. Shortly af terwards, fellow officer Ken Knapcik, a 20-year veteran (老警官) of the force, returned home after work to find a note from his 15-year-old daughter on the dining table.

Dad-This poem came directly from my heart. I love you so much! It scares and amazes me that you go out every day and risk everything to provide us with all that we have. I wrote this to express how much I love you and how much lost I’d be without you-Laura. P.S.: Hey, let’s be careful out there.

Titled “The Ultimate Cop”, Laura’s poem was dedicated “To all the cops in the world who have daughters who love them with all their hearts. And especially to my dad.” It was about a police-officer’s daughter who sees on the night time news that her father has been shot. Part of poem: “Daddy, my Daddy, can you hear me cry? Oh, God, I need my Daddy, please don’t let him die.”

Ken Knapcik stood alone as he read the poem. “It took me several minutes,”he said.“I’d get through part of it and have to stop before I could go on. I was weeping. She had never told me she was scared.” He took the poem to work the next day and showed it to his fellow officers. “I’ve never seen so many grown men cry. Some couldn’t finish it.”

Knapcik keeps Laura’s poem in the pocket of his police jacket. He takes it with him every time he leaves the house for a new shift. “I don’t want to be out there without it.” he said, “I’ll probably carry it with me forever.”

1.Laura wrote the poem ______. memory of her father who was shot in the drug arrest show her great sorrow in losing her father show her respect to all the cops who lost their lives tell officer Ken Knapcik how much she loved him

2.All the officers cried because ______

A.Jay Brunkella was shot and died

B.they were greatly touched by the poem

C.the poem was so sad that they couldn’t hold back their tears

D.they thought of their dangerous life

3.Knapcik keeps Laura’s poem in his pocket ______. treasure her daughter’s love and to value his own life keep it from missing

C.because he can’t go out without it mourn over the death of officer Jay Brunkella

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Poem for a cop                              B.An offier’s death

C.Daughter’s love                             D.Love my job, love my daughter


— I'm afraid I can't finish the book this week.

    — ____. 

A. Please go ahead        B. That's right

C. Not at all                  D. Take your time

