14.(辽宁省抚顺一中2010届高三9月月考) We went to the Lincoln Memorial yesterday, , not surprisingly, was crowded with visitors from all over the world. A.where B.which C.that D.when 答案 B 查看更多



.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)9.---Isn’t it hard to drive downtown to work?

   --- Yes, that’s why I _______ to work by train.

A. have gone    B. have been going

C. was going    D. will have gone


.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)2.It is said that nowhere else in the world _______such a cheaper hotel ____this one in HK.

A. a man can find ; as            B. a man has found; like

C. will a man find; like           D. can a man find; as


.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)15.Mrs Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,____?

A. is he           B. isn’t he       

C. doesn’t he      D. does he


.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)10.In the past the respect for teachers was driven by the belief         _______ they were reliable sources of knowledge.

A.what        B.that    C.why     D.whether


.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)8.The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they          _______his bag, but found nothing.

A.looked up B.turned in  

C.searched for     D.went through

