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For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self-regulation.
  Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.
  One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other’s rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the “regulation” themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.
  In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA’s rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.
Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort---and the new technology will also make it easier for them to complain noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the advent of cyberspace may argue for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.
【小题1】According to the author, what will be the best policy for electronic commerce?

A.Self – regulation by the business.B.Strict consumer protection laws.
C.Close international cooperation.D.Government protection.
【小题2】In case an electronic shopper bought faulty goods from a foreign country, what could he do?
A.Refuse to pay for the purchase.B.Go to the seller and ask for a refund.
C.Appeal to consumer protection law.D.Complain about it on the Internet.
【小题3】In the author’s view, businesses would place a high emphasis on honest dealing because in the electronic world         .
A.international cooperation would be much more frequent
B.consumers could easily seek government protection
C.a good reputation is a great advantage in competition
D.it would be easy for consumers to complain
【小题4】We can infer from the passage that in licensing new drugs the FDA in the United States is    .
A.very quickB.very cautiousC.very slowD.rather careless
【小题5】If a customer buys something that does not meet his expectation, what is the advantage of dealing through electronic commerce over the present normal one?
A.It will be easier for him to return the goods he is not satisfied with.
B.It will be easier for him to attain the refund from the seller.
C.It will be easier for him to get his complaints heard by other consumers.
D.It will be easier for him to complain about this to the government.


For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self-regulation.

  Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.

  One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other’s rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the “regulation” themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.

  In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA’s rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.

Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort---and the new technology will also make it easier for them to complain noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the advent of cyberspace may argue for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.

According to the author, what will be the best policy for electronic commerce?

       A.Self – regulation by the business.   B.Strict consumer protection laws.

       C.Close international cooperation.     D.Government protection.

In case an electronic shopper bought faulty goods from a foreign country, what could he do?

       A.Refuse to pay for the purchase.      B.Go to the seller and ask for a refund.

       C.Appeal to consumer protection law.       D.Complain about it on the Internet.

In the author’s view, businesses would place a high emphasis on honest dealing because in the electronic world         .

       A.international cooperation would be much more frequent

       B.consumers could easily seek government protection

       C.a good reputation is a great advantage in competition

       D.it would be easy for consumers to complain

We can infer from the passage that in licensing new drugs the FDA in the United States is    .

       A.very quick       B.very cautious    C.very slow  D.rather careless

If a customer buys something that does not meet his expectation, what is the advantage of dealing through electronic commerce over the present normal one?

       A.It will be easier for him to return the goods he is not satisfied with.

       B.It will be easier for him to attain the refund from the seller.

C.It will be easier for him to get his complaints heard by other consumers.

D.It will be easier for him to complain about this to the government.



Need to lower your cholesterol(胆固醇)?We strongly recommend CholestrolblockTM. This really works, and now is the best time to buy,because of a special offer for the first 250 customers only for a limited time.

    * Takes cholesterol out of food,no matter what you eat.

    * Clinically demonstrated effective in university and hospital testing.

    * Lowers cholesterol absorption up to 42% or more.

* “NO SIDE EFFECTS unlike Liptor??, Zocor??,Crests??&other commonly prescribed(处方的) medications-safe and effective.

    * “Outsells all other brands on Internet every month.

LIMITED TIME ONLY一Try Cholesterol Watchers free with purchase.     

If you happen to be the 200th customer to buy Cholestrolblock, you will           .

A. be able to buy it at a low price               B. be the luckiest one online

C. try it free of charge                               D. change your diet

Liptor??,Zocor??,Crestor?? are             .

A. diseases             B. side effects        C. medicines          D. cholesterol

Where can you most probably read this passage?

    A. In a travel guide book.                 B. On a university bulletin board.

C. In a health magazine.                     D. In a doctor's prescription.


For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self-regulation.

  Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.

  One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other’s rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the “regulation” themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.

  In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA’s rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.

Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort---and the new technology will also make it easier for them to complain noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the advent of cyberspace may argue for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.

1.According to the author, what will be the best policy for electronic commerce?

         A.Self – regulation by the business.      B.Strict consumer protection laws.

         C.Close international cooperation.       D.Government protection.

2.In case an electronic shopper bought faulty goods from a foreign country, what could he do?

         A.Refuse to pay for the purchase.        B.Go to the seller and ask for a refund.

         C.Appeal to consumer protection law.          D.Complain about it on the Internet.

3.In the author’s view, businesses would place a high emphasis on honest dealing because in the electronic world         .

         A.international cooperation would be much more frequent

         B.consumers could easily seek government protection

         C.a good reputation is a great advantage in competition

         D.it would be easy for consumers to complain

4.We can infer from the passage that in licensing new drugs the FDA in the United States is    .

         A.very quick  B.very cautious     C.very slow   D.rather careless

5.If a customer buys something that does not meet his expectation, what is the advantage of dealing through electronic commerce over the present normal one?

         A.It will be easier for him to return the goods he is not satisfied with.

         B.It will be easier for him to attain the refund from the seller.

C.It will be easier for him to get his complaints heard by other consumers.

D.It will be easier for him to complain about this to the government.



One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.I was looking forward to a quiet 36  of the splendid artwork.

    A young 37 viewing the paintings ahead of me 38 nonstop between themselves.I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking.I admired the man's  39 for putting up with her 40  stream of words. 41  by their noise, I moved on.

    I met them several times as I moved 42  the various rooms of art.Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 43  .

    I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a  44 when the couple approached the 45 .Before they left, the man  46  into his pocket and pulled out a white object.He 47  it into a long stick and then  48  his way into the coatroom to get his wife's jacket.

    "He's a 49  man, " the clerk at the counter said." Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age.During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn't change.So, as before, he and his wife come in 50  there is a new art show."

    "But what does he get out of the art?" I asked."He can't see."

    "Can't see! You're 51 .He sees a lot.More than you and I do," the clerk said."His wife 52  each painting so he can see it in his head."

    I learned something about patience,  53  and love that day.I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without  54  and the courage of a'' husband who would not 55  blindness to change his life.And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined.

36.A.view       B.touch    C.wander       D.stare

37.A.lady     B.couple      C.man        D.clerk

38.A.yelled      B.argued     C.screamed     D.chatted

39.A.attempt     B.independence C.patience      D.wisdom

40.A.constant    B.vivid    C.casual        D.vague

41.A.Adopted     B.Adapted    C.Disturbed     D.Conducted

42.A.from      B.to       C.towards       D.through

43.A.anxiously    B.quickly     C.urgently      D.sensibly

44.A.comment       B.purchase    C.decision      D.profit

45.A.exit      B.entrance   C.front         D.queue

46.A.plugged   B.reached   C.held        D.bent

47.A.lengthened  B.made      C.brought      D.broadened

48.A.led      B.found     C.tapped       D.forced

49.A.generous    B.rough      C.smart       D.brave

50.A.wherever    B.whatever   C.whenever      D.whichever

51.A.unique     B.silly     C.equal        D.wrong

52.A.decorates    B.draws      C.shoves     D.describes

53.A.kindness     B.pride       C.courage       D.enthusiasm

54.A.sight      B.support     C.expectation     D.confidence

55.A.get     B.allow    C.hope         D.cause

