treat 对待 treat sb as treat sb well treat sb badly 医治 treat sb for sth, cure sb of sth treatment 治疗 free treatment be under medical treatment 在治疗中 He got three treatments a month. 查看更多



  Mrs.Thompson noticed Teddy didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy(脏乱的),and that he constantly need a bath.And Teddy could be unpleasant.

  At the school where Mrs.Thompson taught, she was required to review each child’s past records(记录)and she put Teddy’s off until last.However, when she reviewed his file, she was shocked.

  Teddy’s first grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh.He does his work neatly and has good manners…”

  His second grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness…”

  His third grade teacher wrote,“His mother’s death had been hard on him…”

  Teddy’s fourth grade teacher wrote,“Teddy is withdrawn and doesn’t show much interest in school…”

  A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

  Several years later, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he’d stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors.

  The story doesn’t end there.You see, there was yet another letter one spring.Teddy said he’d met this girl and was going to be married.He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs.Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom(新郎).


A student from a college:I think, a good teacher should show passion to his students first.That is, he must be active enough in his class, thus his students will give him great responses so that he will feel his students are enthusiastic about his way of teaching.Of course this will drive him to work harder for his students, because of his passion to work and his students’ passion to his work…So I think, I would like to have a teacher who is passionate.

A young student from a city:I think a good teacher should be knowledgeable, and teach us not only his own subject, but also something else.He should also be amusing, energetic, and not be very strict.

A student:I think a good teacher should know how to encourage his students to study hard and also care his students a lot, just like a mom.Of course, at first, he should be intelligent, kind, patient and knowledgeable.

An official:I think, first of all, a good teacher should be eloquent and make his class well organized, make knowledge clear; mark and return homework quickly.Second, he should love his teaching career, meanwhile love his students and treat every one equally.

My view:________________________________



  NetSmartz advises using the following “Internet Safety Pledge(誓言)” to make sure of kids’ safety on the Internet.Here is the safety pledge for middle and high school students.

  1.I will set up some rules with my parents for going online, including the time of day I may be online, the length of time I may be online and whom I may communicate with.I will not do anything against the rules.

  2.I will keep my identity(身份)secret from people online.I will never give away personal information such as my full name, my mailing address, my telephone number, the name of my school, or any other information that could help someone know my actual identity.I won't give away any personal information about my friends or family, either.

  3.If I come across some information that is rude or makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused, I won't respond(应答)to it, and I will show the message to a trusted adult right away so that he or she can decide if it is necessary to contact the online service or other authorities(机构).

  4.Since the biggest danger to my safety is getting together with someone I have first “met” online, I won't meet in person with anyone unless my parents agree.If they agree, I will ask them to go with me and the meeting will be in a public place.

  5.I will respect others’ rights while I am online- I will always treat others the way I would like to be treated and I will respect copyright laws.I will not do anything that hurts others’ feelings or anything that goes against the law.


1.It is ________ to meet someone you have first “met” online.

2.I will never ________ people online any personal information about myself, my friends or my family.

3.Who should you ask for help when coming across rude scary, uncomfortable or confusing information.?



  Some think that people are not so polite as they used to beOf course customs change, but the most important thing about politeness is that you should do nothing to make other people uncomfortable

  Here is a story about two soldiers and a boy

  The two soldiers who had just finished a long journey were on the way to their villageThey decided to have a few drinks in the bar near a market-placeHaving drunk enough, they came out into the street to look for something funny to doBut it was a very quiet placeNothing interesting ever happened thereBut at last, while standing in the market-place, they saw a village boy coming slowly with a donkey() by a rope(绳子), so the two soldiers decided to play a joke on him

  “Hello,” one of the soldiers said to the boy,“Why does your brother have to rope round his neck when he goes for a walk with you?”

  “To stop him joining the nave(海军)” the boy answered at once

  What do you think of the story?Whensomeone does something impolite to you, do you think it correct to treat(对待) him in the same way? Can two wrongs make a right?

1The writer says that______

[  ]

Apeople are less polite now because custom have changed

Bpoliteness in more important than anything else

Cthe change of custom makes people uncomfortable

Dto be polite, one shouldn't make others uncomfortable

2When they had drunk enough, the two soldiers______

[  ]

Awent on their journey

Bwanted to find something to enjoy themselves

Clooked for a place to have a rest

Dleft the market for their village

3The two soldiers saw a village boy______

[  ]

Awalking slowly on his donkey's back

Bwalking together with his donkey

Ccoming to the bar with his donkey

Dand wanted to know if he was clever or not

4The writer ends the article with a question“Can two wrongs make a right?” This means that______

[  ]

Aone should be polite even if he is treated impolitely

Bthe two soldiers were wrong and they made the boy do them right

Cthe boy's answer served the two soldiers right

Done should be polite to others when they are polite to him

5The best title for this article is______

[  ]

AWhat is Politeness    BWas the Boy Right?

CA Clever Village Boy   DThe Two Impolite Soldiers

