1.The gorge n to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two­mile­high mountain. 查看更多





He __________ to have seen a round black creature __________ quickly through the water yesterday.


They say that the __________ lake is __________ to be able to __________ such large living creatures.


The gorge __________ __________ 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.


Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the river __________ its legend, and every hill was __________ __________ the past.


On a distant mountain was a sign __________ 20-foot __________. “Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it __________.


You can never imagine the difficulty she had __________ up five children all by herself.


It has also __________ __________ lots of American words and structures __________ into British English.


For Americans things are a little bit easier, __________ __________ the work of Noah Webster, a teacher who __________ from Yale University in 1778.


Gorge Bernard Shaw made the famous __________ __________ the British and The Americans are two nations divided by a common language.


There is probably __________ much __________ of pronunciation __________ the two countries as __________ them.


There is a saying in the travel trade __________ all tourists are __________ __________.


The Elementary Spelling Book suggested __________ the spelling of English words.




1. 尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。

Although these are very important, we communicate with ________(71) ________(72) just spoken and written words.

2. 所有的食物都被吃光了,所以我们必须得走了。

Since all the food has ________(73) ________(74), we have to leave.

3. 所有的票都是由慈善机构免费提供的。

All the tickets are provided ________(75) ________(76) ________(77) by the charity.

4. 由于准备不足,这次考试他又没通过。

He failed again in this exam ________(78) ________(79) ________(80) ________(81) lack of preparation.

5. 当急流穿过两英里高的峡谷时,峡谷变窄了,只有350英尺。

The gorge ________ (82) to 350 feet as the river rushes ________ (83) the two-mile-high mountains.

6. 本来是个惊喜,可孩子们把计划泄露了。

It was supposed to be a surprise but the children ________ (84) the plan ________ (85).

7. 无论这辆自行车多便宜,我都一样的珍惜它,因为他是我爸爸送给我的礼物。

________(86) ________(87) ________(88) ________(89) ________(90), I cherish it all the same, for it’s a present from my father.


In 1972 a twenty-year-old medical student, Mike Jones, led a five-man canoeing expedition down the upper part of the Blue Nile. The other members of the team were Mike Hopkinson, Glen Green, Steve Nash and Dave Buikingshaw.

On 3rd September they started out and at first everything went well, but then Glen capsized. He survived ,but the canoe was badly 21___. The next day at the Tississat Falls there was a team crisis(危机). Dave and Steve didn’t think it was 22      enough to continue. There was a long 23   and in the end the two Mikes continued in their canoes while the other three carried their equipment on land. The team 24     to meet at the second Portuguese bridge. The water in the gorge(峡谷)was very 25     and dangerous, but luckily both canoes were 26    enough to get through . Just before they reached the bridge, Mike Jones had got caught in a whirlpool(漩涡) and it had taken him several minutes to get out.

     The team met at the bridge. The canoeing was easier now, but there were other 27   . Bandits(强盗) shot at them once, but they were moving too fast. Crocodiles  were a real danger,  and one day Dave had to   28  his canoe to escape. Fortunately Steve had his 29    ready, so he shot the crocodile and got Dave’s canoe back.

   They 30   arrived at the Shafartak Bridge, tired and very tense, on 12th September.


21. A. hurt

B. destroyed

C. damaged  

D. mined

22. A. safe 

B. clear

C. dangerous 

D. harmful

23. A. quarrel

B. silence 

C. argument

D. conflict

24. A. agreed

B. wanted

C. hoped  

D. arranged

25. A. deep 

B. fast

C. clear

D. quiet

26. A. brave

B. fortunate

C. happy  

D. experienced

27. A. excitements 

B. lucks 

C. problems

D. things

28. A. destroy 

B. abandon 

C. rebuild 

D. block

29. A. gun 

B. sword

C. stick

D. stone

30.A. luckily

B. angrily  

C. eventually

D. happily


    Robinson Diaz lives in a small cottage high in the Andes Mountains of South America. Diaz is a “cable racer”, and every morning he faces the difficult task of taking the local teacher to her school. To do this, he first walks for an hour up to a place the locals call Los Pinos, right at the edge of the 400-foot deep gorge of the Negro valley. Here, one end of a thick metal cable has been fixed to a wooden post. The cable stretches right across the deep valley to the other side, a kilometer away.

A metal hook is fixed to the cable, with leather straps hanging from it. Diaz fastens the straps around his shoulders and waist, does a quick safety check and then, without hesitating, throws himself off the edge of the mountain. Attached to the cable by only the metal hook, he rapidly picks up speed and soon he is racing through the air. Crossing the valley by wire takes him 30 seconds, instead of the two hours it would take him to walk down through the rain forest and climb up the steep muddy slopes on the other side.

As Diaz begins his trip, Diana Rios, a 23-year-old elementary teacher, is waiting on the other side of the gorge for the moment when he will come racing through the mist towards her at 100 mph. She will then return with him, hanging on to him as he goes back along the cable. Diana had no idea when she took the teaching job that just getting to work in the village school would be dangerous. "At first I wanted to cry," she says, clutching her hook as the metal cable starts to rattle  violently at Diaz’s approach. “But I soon got used to it.” She still prefers to go with Diaz, though, rather than making the frightening and dangerous crossing on her own.

For the inhabitants of Los Pinos, the wire cable is a lifeline. For more than 50 years, it has served the community as a form of transport to and from the rest of the world. Everything that comes arrives via the cable----bricks and wood for building, sacks of rice and corn. Pregnant mothers, who must get to the nearest clinic, cross the wire during the darkness of the night, returning with their newborn babies. It is dangerous, but they have no choice.

This time Robinson Diaz makes a perfect landing on Diana’s side of the gorge. For him, the dangers of this daily journey are insignificant. “What I’m really scared of are snakes,” he says. “This is nothing in comparison.” Then Dianna straps herself into her harness and hooks herself up to the wire behind Diaz, holding on to him tightly. He turns, flashes her a smile, releases the brake and kicks away. Within seconds, the teacher and the cable-racer have disappeared back into the mist.


60.Robinson Diaz has a difficult task every morning because he has to________.

       A.climb a long way up a mountain            B.get to the edge of a valley

       C.walk through a dangerous area              D.help someone get to work

61.In the second paragraph, the writer suggests that Diaz is________.

       A.confident about what he is doing           B.unaware of the danger he faces

       C.careless about his own safety                D.uncertain of what he is doing

62.What is Diana's opinion about the journey now?

       A.She enjoys it.                                      B.She no longer finds it a problem.

       C.It makes her feel very frightened.          D.It would be impossible without Diaz.

63.What does Diaz say about using the cable?

       A.He does not find it as frightening as other things.

       B.He does not think there is any risk.

       C.He is happy that he can help the teacher.

       D.He is worried about the danger of snakes




The gorge ________ to 350 feet as the river rushes ________ the two-mile-high mountains.

