It is wise t0 have some money for old age. A. put away B. kept up C. given away D. laid up [解析]选A 本题考查四个短语动词的词义区别. put away意为“储蓄 . 查看更多



     A wise and understanding heart does not repay a hurt with a hurt. In doing    1  , the heart is diminished.
Gaps form. Love leaks out. Every pain   2   (give)in return for one received changes the contents of the heart.
It is no   3   defined (下定义)by love,wis- dom and understanding. It is redefined by the bearers of hurt and
hate, pain and prejudice, meanness and madness,    4   (sorry) and sadness. You give away control of your
very own heart.
     The    5   (hope) of being hurt is cured by overcoming it, not clinging to the hurt and inflicting more of it
on the world. When darkness is   6   (add) to darkness, no one can see, no one can love. Everyone loses.
     Love is not always warm and unclear.    7    it's the honesty we hold on to that persuades us to strike back.
Sometimes it's the honor   8   keeps us from exchanging the valuable contents of our heart for the cruel
       No, the way of love is not always easy, but   9   night falls, dawn is certain. The   10   and honor of a
wise and understanding heart, rises with the sun of a new day.



  The World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is to be staged in Shanghai from May1 to October 31, 2010.If you plan to visit the Shanghai Expo this summer,theChina Pavilion is a must-see area for you.

  The China Pavilion,which is called Oriental Crown(东方之冠),is locatedat the center of the Expo site.Standing 63 meters tall,the China Pavilion takesthe shape of an emperor’s crown,with the upper layers larger than the lower ones.Coveting 160,000 square meters in floor space, the pavilion consists of a national hall and a regional hall.Construction on the China Pavilion began on Dec.18,2007.The design of the China Pavilion was picked from a total of 344 de-signs put forward by Chinese from around the world.The pavilion possesses both traditional and modern fea-tures,which helps develop the theme of the 2010 Expo “Better City,Better Life”.For example,it is red in appearance, which contains the elements of traditional Chinese culture, and it is green indoors, with the use of energy-saving techniques.The Shanghai World Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors from across the globe.It is estimated that 400,000 people will visit the Expo and its 140 pavilions every day during the period.but the China Pavilion is only able to receive about one tenth of the total.How to accommodate so many people in the pavilion remains a tough task.Luckily, the China Pavilion is built as a permanent land-mark.

  During the Expo.the main structure will be used tor an exhibition based on the theme of “Chinese wis-dom in urban development “by explaining the values of harmony,nature and spirit.The three-story pavilion has three sections.The top floor’s “Footprint of the East” will show some of the changes in Chinese cities.There,you can see a film which shows how Chinese cities have changed,especially in the past 30 years.According to Lu Chuan,director of the film,the scenery is like something from The lord of the Rings.On the second floor,“Journey of Wisdom” will explain China’s four great inventions.And the ground’s “Blos-soming City “will display scenes from cities of the future.


Which of the following words can be used to describe the China Pavilion?

[  ]










The China Pavilion can receive _________ visitors at most per day.

[  ]










We can infer that _________.

[  ]


the China Pavilion will be pulled down after the World Expo 2010 is over


the China Pavilion will probably continue to be open to visitors after the Expo is over


you can continue to visit the Japanese Pavilion alter the Expo is over


some foreign friends took part in the designs of the China Pavilion


On the second floor of the China Pavilion, you can ________.

[  ]


enjoy a film about the changes of cities in China


1earn what Shanghai looked like in the 1920 s


find out how paper was invented


see how Chinese cities will look like in the future



Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or un­finished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked with A, S, C and D, Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida (脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now as a member of University of Wis­consin -Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championships, and hats' recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time. The 23 ― year 一 old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. "My mother was always great. Whenever I felt giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have," Scott says.

It was Scott' s independent nature and strong will, along with his on - the - court skills, that at­tracted the attention of America's most influential sports apparel (衣服)company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its "Just Do It " trademark. A handful of super­star athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role, but the company picked Scott to star in the 30 一 second commercial.

"I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me," Scott jokes about the selection process.

After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar - winning docu­mentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity (名人)status in the community of disabled athletes. He's been asked to speak at a number of disability - related events, and feels it's his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. "I've been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level," Scott says.

56.When Scott was young,   ?

A.he only played basketball with other disabled children

B.he became disabled during a basketball match

C.his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches

D.his mother didn't give him special treatment

57.Nike chose Scott to star in its commercial for his   ________.

a. pretty appearance       b. independent nature

c. strong will  d. excellent basketball skills

e. status in the community of disabled athletes

A. bee     B. ade     C. abd     D. bed

58.The underlined phrase "audition for " in the second paragraph means " ".

A. try out for  B. look out for        C. take on      D. pick out

59.Which of the following about Scott is TRUE?

A.He has graduated from the University of Wisconsin ― Whitewater.

B.He thinks it's unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.

C.He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.

D.He thinks it's important to have many goals.

60.To Scott, the most important result of the ad was that    . made people realize the athletic talent of the disabled gave him a chance to show his basketball skills

C.he could do more for disabled athletes

D.he was selected to the Paralympic team again



HARTLAND, Wis. (AP) — Lauren Panos was surprised when she walked into her ninth-grade English class in the fall and saw there were no boys.

Her parents had not told her they had enrolled her in a new all-girls class at Arrowhead High School in Hartland. Panos still isn't sold on the idea.

"All the girls there, they can talk out of turn," the 14-year-old said. "We are bored of tasks and it's really upsetting."

More public school systems are looking at separating boys and girls, whether for certain classes or by total schools, after the federal government opened the door last fall. Supporters say separating students by sex helps them learn better and allows boys and girls to explore subjects they may not otherwise take.

"Boys just make a bigger trouble in the class," Panos' classmate, Alyson Douglas, 15, said “I likes not worrying about boys causing disruptions.”

Presently, nationwide, at least 253 public schools offer single-sex classes and 51 schools are entirely single sex, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education. In1995, just three public schools offered single-sex classes.

Critics of same-sex classrooms argue that proven methods of improving education should be carried out instead of one that divides boys and girls.

"Too many schools feel they can carry out a social experiment with students' education with really the weakest of theories," said Emily Martin, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Women's Rights Project.

Single-sex schools are an "illusionary(错觉的) silver bullet," said Lisa Maatz, director of public policy and government relations for the American Association of University Women. They distract(分散) from real problems and do not offer proven solutions such as lower class sizes and enough funding, she said.

"I would suggest that for many of our kids and families, especially in Milwaukee, it's a question of choice," Spence said. "We have a series of choices in Milwaukee and I just think this should be one additional choice."

66.What surprised Lauren Panos was that_______ when she walked into the class.

       A.her classmates were all boys.           B.her classmates were all girls.

       C.the boys were all absent from class.      D.she went into the wrong class.

67.From what Panos said we can learn that ______.

       A.Panos thinks that the idea is very good for they can talk freely.

       B.Panos doesn’t accept the fact that girls in her class have to finish many tasks.

       C.Panos doesn’t like the idea that boys and girls are in separate classes.

       D.Panos prefers to study in a class in which there are only boys.

68.The underlined word “disruptions” in the fifth paragraph most probably means ______.

       A.trouble          B.danger   C.interest         D.happiness

69.Critics don’t support the idea of single-sex schooling mainly because_______.

      A.boys will cause more trouble and girls will hate studying.

      B.single-sex schooling that is not a proven idea can leave out key problems doesn’t help students develop fully and healthily can excite students to explore the unknown

70.The passage is probably taken from_________.

      A.a newspaper                     B.a magazine   

       C.a book of education           D.A TV programme


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or un­finished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked with A, S, C and D, Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida (脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now as a member of University of Wis­consin -Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championships, and hats' recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time. The 23 ― year 一 old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. "My mother was always great. Whenever I felt giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have," Scott says.
It was Scott' s independent nature and strong will, along with his on - the - court skills, that at­tracted the attention of America's most influential sports apparel (衣服)company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its "Just Do It " trademark. A handful of super­star athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role, but the company picked Scott to star in the 30 一 second commercial.
"I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me," Scott jokes about the selection process.
After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar - winning docu­mentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity (名人)status in the community of disabled athletes. He's been asked to speak at a number of disability - related events, and feels it's his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. "I've been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level," Scott says.
56.When Scott was young,   ?
A.he only played basketball with other disabled children
B.he became disabled during a basketball match
C.his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches
D.his mother didn't give him special treatment
57.Nike chose Scott to star in its commercial for his   ________.
a. pretty appearance       b. independent nature
c. strong will  d. excellent basketball skills
e. status in the community of disabled athletes
A. bee     B. ade     C. abd     D. bed
58.The underlined phrase "audition for " in the second paragraph means " ".
A. try out for  B. look out for        C. take on      D. pick out
59.Which of the following about Scott is TRUE?
A.He has graduated from the University of Wisconsin ― Whitewater.
B.He thinks it's unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.
C.He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.
D.He thinks it's important to have many goals.
60.To Scott, the most important result of the ad was that    . made people realize the athletic talent of the disabled gave him a chance to show his basketball skills
C.he could do more for disabled athletes
D.he was selected to the Paralympic team again

