He can hardly drive a car, . A. so can’t I B. can’t I either C. I can’t too D. neither can I 查看更多



He can hardly drive a car, ________.

[  ]

A.so can't I
B.can't either
C.I can't too
D.neither can I


He can hardly drive a car, ________.

[  ]

A.so can't I
B.can't either
C.I can't too
D.neither can I


Earlier this week I was at a store after the holiday season. While waiting in line, I  31 a Dad who was stressed out with his two sons waiting in line to buy a car seat for the younger child.

  The father asked if he could buy the display model because it would be  32 than the others. The cashier  33  that he could buy the display model  34 that there was no box for it. He said that was just  35 with him.

  Then he asked if there were any additional coupons (优惠券) to bring the  36 down just a little bit more. The cashier was doing her best to  37 some coupons for this young father, but wasn’t  38 much of anything in her drawer.

  I used to be a people-watcher, but as I  39 this for about five minutes, I was beyond  40 to help. Before I could really think about it, I found myself digging through my 41  for the 10 to 15 dollars in coupons.

  But I found nothing. I gave him $20 cash. The father said he couldn’t  42  it, but appreciated my offer. The cashier was  43 in the same mode as I was in, wanting to help this young family and took the money toward his  44 with a smile on her face. The seat 45 coming to around $50 instead of the original $90.

  As the Dad collected his small children and began to  46 , he looked at me and said, “You really shouldn’t have done that but I thank you so much---you just made certain that we will all get to eat today.”

  My reply was simple. Be it  47 or years from now, simply do the same or something extra for someone else you don’t know, and that would  48 me tenfold (十倍地).

  The whole experience made me realize that such a small thing can have a huge  49 in the long run, as long as the chain isn’t  50 .

31. A. believed

B. noticed

C. heard

D. followed

32. A. bigger

B. taller

C. nicer

D. cheaper

33. A. expected

B. thought

C. replied

D. disagreed

34. A. if

B. but

C. until

D. unless

35. A. fine

B. wrong

C. hopeful

D. kind

36. A. profit

B. cost

C. product

D. business

37. A. find

B. print

C. save

D. borrow

38. A. arranging for

B. looking forward to

C. referring to

D. coming up with

39. A. reported

B. recorded

C. observed

D. felt

40. A. sad

B. moved

C. excited

D. surprised

41. A. model

B. books

C. pockets

D. gifts

42. A. appreciate

B. offer

C. receive

D. accept

43. A. hardly

B. obviously

C. fortunately

D. occasionally

44. A. order

B. attitude

C. appearance

D. method

45. A. lacked in

B. ended up

C. went on

D. came on

46. A. drive back

B. turn down

C. walk away

D. wake up

47. A. tomorrow

B. yesterday

C. afternoon

D. morning

48. A. praise

B. encourage

C. impress

D. repay

49. A. room

B. point

C. impact

D. shock

50. A. valuable

B. broken

C. tight

D. strong



Earlier this week I was at a store after the holiday season. While waiting in line, I  31 a Dad who was stressed out with his two sons waiting in line to buy a car seat for the younger child.

  The father asked if he could buy the display model because it would be  32 than the others. The cashier  33  that he could buy the display model  34 that there was no box for it. He said that was just  35 with him.

  Then he asked if there were any additional coupons (优惠券) to bring the  36 down just a little bit more. The cashier was doing her best to  37 some coupons for this young father, but wasn’t  38 much of anything in her drawer.

  I used to be a people-watcher, but as I  39 this for about five minutes, I was beyond  40 to help. Before I could really think about it, I found myself digging through my 41  for the 10 to 15 dollars in coupons.

  But I found nothing. I gave him $20 cash. The father said he couldn’t  42  it, but appreciated my offer. The cashier was  43 in the same mode as I was in, wanting to help this young family and took the money toward his  44 with a smile on her face. The seat 45 coming to around $50 instead of the original $90.

  As the Dad collected his small children and began to  46 , he looked at me and said, “You really shouldn’t have done that but I thank you so much---you just made certain that we will all get to eat today.”

  My reply was simple. Be it  47 or years from now, simply do the same or something extra for someone else you don’t know, and that would  48 me tenfold (十倍地).

  The whole experience made me realize that such a small thing can have a huge  49 in the long run, as long as the chain isn’t  50 .

31. A. believed

B. noticed

C. heard

D. followed

32. A. bigger

B. taller

C. nicer

D. cheaper

33. A. expected

B. thought

C. replied

D. disagreed

34. A. if

B. but

C. until

D. unless

35. A. fine

B. wrong

C. hopeful

D. kind

36. A. profit

B. cost

C. product

D. business

37. A. find

B. print

C. save

D. borrow

38. A. arranging for

B. looking forward to

C. referring to

D. coming up with

39. A. reported

B. recorded

C. observed

D. felt

40. A. sad

B. moved

C. excited

D. surprised

41. A. model

B. books

C. pockets

D. gifts

42. A. appreciate

B. offer

C. receive

D. accept

43. A. hardly

B. obviously

C. fortunately

D. occasionally

44. A. order

B. attitude

C. appearance

D. method

45. A. lacked in

B. ended up

C. went on

D. came on

46. A. drive back

B. turn down

C. walk away

D. wake up

47. A. tomorrow

B. yesterday

C. afternoon

D. morning

48. A. praise

B. encourage

C. impress

D. repay

49. A. room

B. point

C. impact

D. shock

50. A. valuable

B. broken

C. tight

D. strong


完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分30分 )

The car, running along the well-lit road, now sank in darkness. I broke the _____36_____ on purpose, ______37_____ that the driver was too tired to drive. ''When do you go back home in the evening?“9 o’clock after this _____38_____.”Then when do you come out in the morning?“I _____39______ another question.”9 o'clock, too——just as if I worked at an office.” His ____40____ surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I _____41____ from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it's hard to earn money, they're often _____42____ by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazy, ____43____ the fruits. But this driver told me,”I find it ____44____ to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for _____45_____. Its fortunate that I hardly drive ____46____ a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand Yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never _____47_____ an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a _____48_____, I turn into a narrow street…”

  His words showed his ______49_____ with his life and the pride he _____50_____ in his job. Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high _____51_____. As an ancient saying goes,”Neither joy in material _____52_____ nor grieve over personal setbacks.” How many people nowadays can show high ideals by _____53_____ living and go far with a calm mind? I couldn't help feeling _____54_____ when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold _____55_____.

A. window     B. stillness    C. silence D. quietness

A. on condition B. for fear   C. in belief    D. in order

A. night B. trip     C. cycle    D. process

A. threw out   B. gave away    C. made up D. led to

A. character   B. confidence   C. explanation D. easiness

A. suffer B. request C. benefit D. hear

A. detected   B. ordered C. fined    D. seized

A. keeping    B. tasting C. enjoying     D. choosing

A. exciting    B. disappointing C. tiring D. amazing

A. freedom    B. pleasure     C. hobby    D. company

A. without     B. with     C. behind   D. beside

A. follow     B. admire   C. envy     D. meet

A. route B. path     C. railway D. highway

A. intelligence B. satisfaction C. competition    D. honesty

A. made   B. held     C. caught   D. took

A. buildings B. mountains    C. standard     D. heaven

A. gains B. concerns     C. supports     D. loss

A. special    B. happy    C. simple   D. original

A. angry B. content C. dangerous    D. curious

A. morning    B. night    C. moment   D. season

