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阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子。

1.______________________________ (种种迹象表明) a new, different south was coming out of its dark past. (sign)

2.He went to the hospital to have here eyes examined, ______________________________ (母亲陪着). (accompany)

3.We hope to have the opportunity of ______________________________ (参加) the English speech competition. (participate)

4.______________________________ (适应) the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected. (adjust)

5.The students like physics classes best because the way their teacher teaches ________________ ____________________(考虑到,顾及到) creativity. (allow)

6.I ________________________ (已遵守我方的协议) and I expect him to keep his. (bargain)

7.Archaeologists in England found a grave of a man ______________________________ (追溯到) around 2300 B.C. (date)

8.The king of Stonehenge ______________________________ (很可能参与了) planning the monument. (hand)

9.Antonio likes helping others, so Antonio is ______________________________ (值得显示仁意) mercy to. (worthy)

10.I ______________________________ (本该坚持要求) your taking a thorough rest before you left London. (insist)


1. It was for this reason ________ (他定居) in the small mountain village. (settle)
2. The problem is ______(谁来接替) my job while I am away. (take)
3. As was reported, the taxi driver as well as the three boys crossing the street _______ (应该承担责任)
   the traffic accident last night. (blame)
4.Victor apologized for ________ (未能告诉我) the change of the plan. (inform)
5. It was strongly suggested that the injured passenger _______ (动手术) as soon as possible. (operate)
6. Probably the problem _________ (已经被解决) by the time you come next time. (deal)
7. The witness ________ (被指控) offering false information to the court when questioned. (accuse)
8. Mary ________ (无法忍受被取笑) like that before the whole class, so she went home angrily. (bear, laugh)
9. When you made the decision, you _______ (本该顾及) the interests of most members. (allow)
10. ________ (由于身边没有其他人), I had to do the task all on my own. (being, hand)

