get / be 遇到困难,陷进去,被困住 查看更多




"Everything happens for the best." My mother said whenever I faced disappointment, "If you 36    one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous   37  ."

    Mother was right. After graduating from college I had decided to try for a job in   38  , then work my way up to   39   . I got   40   on the door of every station every time.

    In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations wouldn't   41   hiring an inexperienced person. "Go out in the sticks(边远地区) and find a   42   station that'll give you a chance." she said.

    I thumbed(搭便车) home to Dixon, Illi.   43   there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local   44   to manage   45   sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high-school football, I  46   the post, but I wasn't hired.

    My disappointment must have shown. "Everything happens for the best." Mom   47  me. I drove to Davenport, in Iowa. I   48   WOC Radio there. Peter Macarthur, the program director, told me they had already hired an announcer.

    As I left his office, my frustration(挫折感)   49   over. I asked aloud. "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station ?" I was waiting for the   50   when I heard Macarthur calling. "What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about   51   ?" Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast a(an)   52   game.

    I remembered a game we had won. I did a 15-minute buildup to that play, and Peter told me I would   53   Saturday's game!

On my way home, I thought of my mother's words,   54   I have many times since, "If you … , one day something good will happen...."

I often wonder what my   55   might have been like if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

A. work hard       B. are brave    C. carry on     D. are lucky

A. problems      B. difficulty    C. disappointment  D. unemployment

A. sports      B. radio   C. shops  D. clubs

A. sports announcer    B. sports star   C. shop manager    D. film maker

A. turned away    B. turned down      C. turned in    D. turned off

A. like        B. decide C. stand   D. risk

A. bigger     B. small  C. local   D. private

A. If        B. While C. Unless D. Until

A. businessman    B. college student   C. athlete        D. announcer

A. his        B. her     C. their   D. its

A. applied for    B. accepted     C. considered  D. refused

A. blamed  B. suggested   C. reminded    D. persuade

A. listened to   B. found  C. tried   D. expected

A. became  B. turned C. went   D. boiled

A. lift      B. director      C. result  D. reply

A. radio   B. directing    C. football      D. broadcasting

A. live     B. imaginary   C. exciting      D. lively

A. join in   B. miss    C. broadcast    D. organize

A. as      B. then    C. when  D. though

A. dream    B. aim     C. life     D. failure



With the introduction of family planning policies in the 1970s, most Chinese teenagers have no brothers or sisters.They get to be the beloved(心爱的)__21__child.But they may not realize that they will have to “__22__” the love as their__23__ones grow old.They will have to__24__lots of old people—their parents, grandparents, their_   25  _parents and grandparents.China is becoming__26_  country.

According to the United Nations, an aging society refers to one    27   10 percent or more of the population is over 60, or 7 percent or more is over 65. According to   28   from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2008, Chinese over 60 years old made up 12 percent of the nation’s total population. The    29    for those aged 65 or older was 8.3 percent.

In China, people have a belief that “parents raise children; then the children care for the parents as they get old”.But this__30__is under stress as the market economy puts millions of young Chinese on the road__31__better paying jobs.They are leaving their parents__32_.Now many families are looking more to the government than to their__33__for support when they’re old.China has increased its basic social security(基本社会保险)plan which is__34__protecting those__35__, including the old, the disabled and others.These programs are now broad, __36_they are still not highly developed.

 As more people grow__37__, China will have fewer working people, __38__will slow down economic growth.According to a November 26 report in the Economic Information Daily, an expert said China should __39__its people to have more than one child in the future__40_China should keep its labor population and total population size stable(稳定的).

21.A.only        B.lonely     C. friendly        D.heartily

22.A.take up  B.take back back for

23.A.hated      B.loved       C.tired       D.hearted for    B.bring up   C.look for attention to

25.A.daughter’s or son’s  B.niece’s or nephew’s

    C.wife’s or husband’s        D.aunt’s or uncle’s old aging   C.a developing    D.a developed

27.A.where       B.when      C.which       D.that article email   C.a magazine      D.a report

29.A.conclusion      B.character        C.figure      D.survey

30.A.tradition   B.opinion  C. saying          D.way favor of search of the way of the face of

32.A.out   C.ahead      D.behind

33.A.friends     B.relatives    C.parents     D.children act      B.a case       C.a program       D.a plan danger need desperate disaster

36.A.but    B.or     C.and

37.A.strong     B.realistic   D.old     B.which       C.what  D.that

39.A.forbid      B.promise   C. encourage        D.order that      B.though      C.even if    D.because


The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said , "you get to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."

Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers. Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, "What am I doing with my life?"and they don't know what they're doing because they lack goals.

Goal-setting is a focus of the will to move in a certain direction. Begin with a clear conception of what you want. Write down your goals and date them---putting them into words clarifies them. Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute to goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.

It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal. While losers visualize the penalties(不利) of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success. I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference. I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly. I had programmed myself, without realizing it ,to stay off planes.

Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort; I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation. So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.

When the day arrived, I was eager to go . To everyone's surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it , and I still use the techniques I employed that day.

1.According to the passage, if you want to be successful ,the first thing for you to do is to         .

A.find the right methods          careful about everything

C.know your ability                        D.have a clear goal

2.The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that        .

A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel

B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal

C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying

D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one

3.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Defining Your Goal                      B.Visualizing Reward of Success

C.Overcoming the Fear of Air Travel           D.Sleepwalking Through life



With the introduction of family planning policies in the 1970s, most Chinese teenagers have no brothers or sisters.They get to be the beloved(心爱的)__36__child.But they may not realize that they will have to “__37__”the love as their__38__ones grow old.They will have to__39__lots of old people—their parents, grandparents, their__40_parents and grandparents.China is being__41__country.
According to the United Nations, an aging society refers to one   42  10 percent or more of the population is over 60, or 7 percent or more is over 65. According to   43  from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2008, Chinese over 60 years old made up 12 percent of the nation’s total population. The   44  for those aged 65 or older was 8.3 percent.
In China, people have a belief that “parents raise children; then the children care for the parents as they get old”.But this__45__is under stress as the market ey puts millions of young Chinese on the road__46__better paying jobs.They are leaving their parents__47 .Now many families are looking more to the government than to their__48__for support when they’re old.China has increased its basic social security(基本社会保险)plan which is__49__protecting those__50__, including the old, the disabled and others.These programs are now broad, __51__they are still not highly developed.
As more people grow__52__, China will have fewer working people, __53__will slow down economic growth. According to a November 26 report in the Economic Information Daily, an expert said China should  54 its people to have more than one child in the future  55 China should keep its labor population and total population size stable(稳定的).

A.take upB.take for
【小题4】 forB.bring upC.look attention to
A.daughter’s or son’sB.niece’s or nephew’s
C.wife’s or husband’sD.aunt’s or uncle’s
【小题6】 agingC.a developingD.a developed
【小题8】 emailC.a magazineD.a report
【小题11】 favor search the way the face of
【小题14】 actB.a caseC.a programD.a plan
【小题15】 disaster
【小题20】 thatB.thoughC.even ifD.because


  The Pillow
At the age of sixteen, I joined a volunteer group with my dad. I went on my first volunteer project in West Virginia. On the night we arrived, we discovered that “our family” was living in a trailer (拖车) that was in poor condition. A crew had been working on it for two weeks, but every time they finished one problem, another surfaced.
We decided the only reasonable solution was to build a new house—something unusual but necessary under these circumstances. The family was overjoyed with their new house that was twenty by thirty feet with three bedrooms, a bath and a kitchen.
On Tuesday of that week, while we ate lunch together, I asked the family’s three boys, Josh, Eric and Ryan, “What do you want for your new room?” Expecting toys and other gadgets that children usually ask for, we were astonished when Josh responded, “I just want a bed.”
The boys had never slept in a bed! They were accustomed to plastic mats. That night we had a meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect gift. On Thursday night, a few adults in our group drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding.
When we saw the delivery truck coming, we told the family about the surprise. We could hardly contain ourselves. It was like watching excited children on Christmas morning.
That afternoon, as we fitted the frames of the beds together, Eric ran into the house to watch us. Too dirty to enter his room, he observed with wide-eyed enthusiasm from the doorway.
As my father slipped a pillowcase onto one of the pillows, Eric asked, “What is that?”
“A pillow,” he replied.
“What do you do with it?” Eric continued to ask.
“When you go to sleep, you put your head on it,” I answered softly. Tears came to my eyes as my father handed Eric the pillow.
“Oh…that’s soft,” he said, hugging it tightly.
Now, when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems urgent, my dad gently asks, “Do you have a pillow?”
We know exactly what he means. [来源:学科网ZXXK]
【小题1】The writer’s first volunteer project was ______.

A.working on a poor trailer B.helping a poor family
C.donating beds and bedding D.dealing with a housing problem
【小题2】On hearing Josh’s answer, the writer was shocked because ______. 
A.the family lived in a trailerB.he expected to get some toys
C.he didn’t know what a bed wasD.the boys had no bed to sleep in
【小题3】From the passage, we can learn that Eric had never seen ______ before.
A.a trailer B.a truck C.a pillow D.a house
【小题4】By saying “Do you have a pillow?”, the writer’s father means that ______.  
A.what they want to get may be unnecessary
B.they should not waste money on small things
C.they should do more volunteer work for the poor
D.what he will buy is not what they want but a pillow

