例1.No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of . A. others B. the other C. either D. another 答案:B [解析] 根据上文neither的提示可以看出所指的应该是两者中的另外一个.所以用the other.这句的意思是:贸易谈判没有取得进展.因为双方都不愿意接受对方的条件. 例2.Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we've decided to stay for two weeks. A. another B. other C. the other D. other's 答案为A. [解析] another意为“又一.再一 .后面如接two, three等数词或few等时.可与复数形式连用.我们可以把two weeks看作一个整体.在原来的基础上再待两星期.而 other.the other用于两者之间的另一个.other's是other的所有格形式.故B.C.D都不可选. 例3.The Parkers bought a new house but will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which 答案为B. [解析] it指代前面提到的单数名词.指同一个事物.此句中指a new house,而one指“同名异物 ,which引导定语从句.但题干中有连词but.并非主从句.which不妥,A为复数.更易排除. 例4.In fact is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. A. this B. that C. there D. it 答案为D. [解析] it在句子中作形式主语.真正的主语是to keep order in an important football match.由于空格出现在fact的后面.所以一些考生把它当成了同位语从句.而选了that.而实际上.in fact是介词短语作状语.后不能接同位语从句.译文:实际上.在一次重大的足球赛中.对警察来说.维持秩序是一项很难的工作. 例5.Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about ? A. another B. the other C. others D. the rest 答案为D. [解析] wheat是不可数名词.不能用others代替.the rest既可代可数名词.也可代不可数名词.此处指the rest of the wheat. 例6.If this dictionary is not yours, can it be? A. what else B. who else C. which elses D. who else’s 答案为D. [解析] 考查关系代词所有格的用法.who else“其他什么人 .用于主格.宾格.who else's“其他什么人 .用于所有格. 例7.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and . A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white 答案为C. [解析] 木板一般只有两面.把一面染成黄色的,另一面染成白色的.考查one-the other结构.由此排除B.D,原句结构为“-the otherwhite.为避免重复可省略. 例8.-He was nearly drowned once. -When was ? - was in 1998 when he was in middle school. A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This 答案为A. [解析] 用that指代上文提到的事.避免了重复,it指代时间. 例9.-Your coffee smells great! -It's from Mexico. Would you like ? A. it B. some C. this D. little 答案为B. [解析] some相当于some of this coffee. 例10.Few pleasures can equal of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 答案为C. [解析] 这句话的意思是“在炎热的夏天几乎没有任何乐趣能和饮一杯冷饮的乐趣相比. that在句子中代表the pleasure.一些考生只注意到Few pleasures是复数.而没有注意到这里指的是饮一杯冷饮的乐趣.误填了those.注意:使用代词时一定要弄清楚指代关系. 第三节 巩固练习 Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence. 1. I like in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. one 查看更多



Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She felt   1  as no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood.

But everything  2 on National Friendship Day. On that day in class everyone had to make three presents to give to their three best friends. Fiona   3  the task of choosing three from all the dozens of her friends. However, she was the only one in her class who did not  4 a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours  5 . Everyone came and comforted her for a while.But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving.This was   6  what Fiona had done so many times to others.

She   7  that she was a good companion and acquaintance (泛泛之交), but she had not been a true friend to anyone. She had tried to be close to everyone, but now she found that was not enough to create   8  friendships.

When she got home that night, Fiona told her mother about the whole thing. Her mother said,  "You can't be a close friend to everybody.It's only   9  to have a few true friends.The others will just be playmates or acquaintances.”

Hearing this, Fiona decided to change her way so that she could finally have some true friends. That night, in   10  , she thought about what she could do to get them. She thought about her mother. Her mother was always willing to  11 her, she put up with all of Fiona's dislikes and   12  , she always forgave her, she loved her a great deal ... That was what makes a   13  

And Fiona  14 , realizing that she already had the best friend that anyone could   15  .She fell asleep and had a good dream.

1.                A.tired           B.lucky           C.strange   D.surprised


2.                A.mattered       B.developed       C.changed  D.appeared


3.                A.enjoyed        B.improved       C.failed D.ruined


4.                A.receive         B.show           C.complete D.make


5.                A.remaking       B.thinking         C.crying    D.checking


6.                A.especially       B.gradually        C.briefly    D.exactly


7.                A.forgot          B.realized         C.doubted  D.complained


8.                A.new           B.true           C.long D.smart


9.                A.possible        B.fair            C.important D.natural


10.               A.chair          B.bed           C.school D.table


11.               A.correct         B.follow          C.help  D.find


12.               A.dreams         B.ideas          C.stories    D.problems


13.               A.playmate       B.parent         C.friend D.mother


14.               A.smiled         B.suffered        C.screamed  D.hesitated(犹豫)


15.               A.compare       B.protect         C.remember D.want




The publication of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" gladdens booksellers across China.The British and American editions were No.1 and No.3 respectively on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week.The book's poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.

Why is the book so attractive to children? With curious mood, the author got a copy of "Harry Potter".Originally, I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms.But, out of expectation, the author has been deeply attracted by the magic world.On the other hand, one cannot help asking: where is our own "Harry Potter"?

The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, which cannot be regarded as short and its culture as not profound.With a vast market of youngsters, China did publish many books popular among children.However, why are the present works not as good as those imported?

There come two major reasons: Firstly, quite a number of children's books are of strong sense of teaching, and lack interest and entertainment.Children often have a feeling of being "educated".No wonder they don't like them.Secondly, children's reading materials involving "idiom stories" and "Chinese talents' stories", though always in different covers, are usually much the same or plagiarized.One knows the ending as early as in the beginning.In final analysis, the authors of the books seldom take children's requirements into consideration.

As a matter of fact, each child has his own wonderful imagination.They long to understand the world and nature.Similarly they have their own choices.They dislike similar stories, even if the stories are excellent.First-class reading for children should be very interesting, which contains knowledge and the essence of national culture, which are presented in children's language.

Market is a touchstone for products.The theory also holds true for cultural products.It is hoped that the authors of children's books can learn something from the good market of "Harry Potter" and write out more and better books loved by children.

1.The disadvantages of our books are the following except____

A.they have little sense of interest and entertainment

B.many of our books are of the same

C.the authors didn’t pay much attention to the children’s tastes.

D.Our authors never know what our children need.

2.The reason why the imported book is so popular is that _____.

A.it has no sense of teaching                                                                           

B.it opens a wonderful world for children to explore

C.it is only written in children’s language  

D.it is advertised more on TV or poster.

3.What’s the feeling of the writer when he finishes reading “Harry Potter”?

A.He is so angry that he wants to criticize the book

B.He is also attracted by the book

C.He is shocked by the book, meanwhile he is worried about our books.

D.He can’t help looking for Harry Potter.

4.What does the writer mean by writing “where’s our own Harry Potter”?

A.We are short of books for children

B.We Chinese must produce books as popular as “Harry Potter”.

C.Authors should write books in the same way as “Harry Potter”

D.Our authors are hoped to make the market of our books for children take off



第二节 情景作文(共1小题,满分15分)


(1) 短文必须包括表中所有信息;

(2) 词数在100左右;

(3) 将短文写在答题卡上。

Basic facts

Jiang Yi; boy;16; Class 5,Senior High 1


No.1 Primary School in Jianghai City

Favorite subjects

Maths, Science, Computer and English

The competition

Jianghai Web Page Design Competition

356 people from all walks of life took part in the competition


Football, Chinese chess


Attend the best university, work in the IT industry



--The plane is late, isn’t it?
--Yes,it is
--No, I don’t.I ‘m just a tourist.
--Yes.I have been here twice before.
--Mount Gu,Xichan Temple,Jiangbin Park and so on.
--What do you think of Fuzhou?
--It’s beautiful.______ 【小题4】______ That’s why I am here again.
--How do you like food in Fuzhou
--Very much._____ 【小题5】____I must go now
--Wish you a happy journey!
--Thanks. Bye!

A.I don’t think so.
B.Do you work here in Fuzhou?
C.Oh,here’s my plane at last.
D.What places have you been to?
E.How long have you stayed in Fuzhou?
F.Have you everr been here before?
G.Great changes have taken place these years.



The publication of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" gladdens booksellers across China. The British and American editions were No. 1 and No. 3 respectively on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week. The book's poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.

Why is the book so attractive to children? With curious mood, the author got a copy of "Harry Potter". Originally, I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms. But, out of expectation, the author has been deeply attracted by the magic world. On the other hand, one cannot help asking: where is  our own "Harry Potter"?

The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, which cannot be regarded as short and its culture as not profound. With a vast market of youngsters, China did publish many books popular among children. However, why are the present works not as good as those imported?

There come two major reasons: Firstly, quite a number of children's books are of strong sense of teaching, and lack interest and entertainment. Children often have a feeling of being "educated". No wonder they don't like them. Secondly, children's reading materials involving "idiom stories" and "Chinese talents' stories", though always in different covers, are usually much the same or plagiarized. One knows the ending as early as in the beginning. In final analysis, the authors of the books seldom take children's requirements into consideration.

As a matter of fact, each child has his own wonderful imagination. They long to understand the world and nature. Similarly they have their own choices. They dislike similar stories, even if the stories are excellent. First-class reading for children should be very interesting, which contains knowledge and the essence of national culture, which are presented in children's language.

Market is a touchstone for products. The theory also holds true for cultural products. It is hoped that the authors of children's books can learn something from the good market of "Harry Potter" and write out more and better books loved by children.

64. The disadvantages of  our books are the following except_______.

A. they have little sense of interest and entertainment

B. many of  our books are of the same

C. the authors didn’t pay much attention to the children’s tastes.

D.  Our authors never know what 七彩教育网our children need.

65. The reason why the imported book is so popular is that _______.

A. it has no sense of teaching

B. it opens a wonderful world for children to explore

C. it is only written in children’s language

D. it is advertised more on TV or poster.

66. What’s the feeling of the writer when he finishes reading “Harry Potter”?

A. He is so angry that he wants to criticize the book

B. He is also attracted by the book

C. He is shocked by the book, meanwhile he is worried about  our books.

D. He can’t help looking for Harry Potter.

67. What does the writer mean by writing “where’s  our own Harry Potter”?

A. We are short of books for children

B. We Chinese must produce books as popular as “Harry Potter”.

C. Authors should write books in the same way as “Harry Potter”

D.  Our authors are hoped to make the market of  our books for children take off


