介词后的宾语:介词后面常接名词.代词.动名词作宾语.但是.在考试时要注意一些习惯用法.如:far from satisfied/over; take sth for granted; in hospital与in the hospital; at sea与at the sea. . 冠词的增删:固定搭配中名词前的冠词的有无都是习惯用法.若去掉或增加.都会使其意思发生变化.如:in prison与in the prison; in bed与on the bed; in school与in the school; in possession of与in the possession of; in charge of与in the charge of; in front of与in the front of. 3. 非谓语动词短语的考查重点:一是非谓语动词与逻辑主语的关系,二是非谓语动词与谓语动词所表示动作的时间先后关系,三是非谓语动词的习惯用法.另外.有些非谓语动词短语已经从非谓语动词短语中游离了出来.而成为表达某种意思的固定搭配.如:to be true; to tell you the truth; to be exact; judging by/from; exactly speaking; frankly speaking; compared to/with等. 4. 动词的搭配.如:mean to do sth/mean doing sth; forget to do sth/forget doing sth; be used to doing sth/used to do sth; head for/go to; lend to/borrow from; set about/set out; write down/take down/put down等. 5. 动词短语.如:have a cold/catch cold; take place/take one’s place等. 6. 短语动词.如:run out/run out of; stick to/keep on; bring in/bring on等. 7. 形容词短语.如:be strict with/in; different from/in; be careful of/with等. 8. 名词短语.如:the number of/a number of; a knowledge of等. 1. No matter what you see, don’t take it for , but use your head to think it over. A. grant B. granting C. granted D. grantness 2. When writing, he often keeps a dictionary . A. in hand B. on hand C. at hand D. hand in 3. His wife often goes to on Sundays. A. church B. a church C. the church D. churching 4. It is good for you in your future life English. A. have good knowledge of B. to have good knowledge of C. to have a good knowledge of D. has a good knowledge of 5. what he said, he has been to Australia. A. Judge by B. Judged by C. Judging from D. To judge from 6. She is always ready to help others and asking for nothing . A. in return B. in case C. in addition D. in turn 7. They held a ceremony those killed in the battle. A. instead of B. in favor of C. by means of D. in honor of 8. The man the shop said we could have two days off. A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. take charge of D. take the charge of 9. When they got to America, they nearly money. A. ran out B. ran out of C. ran away D. ran away from 10. Word came that Brown the record in yesterday’s match. A. made B. stroke C. beat D. hit 11. Look, little Betty is giving a talk to the children and is a teacher. A. somebody of B. anybody like C. something of D. like anything 12. Mr Wang is very old, but he works like a young man. In deed, I can’t admire him . A. very much B. so well C. too much D. quite well 1-6 CCACCA 7-12 DABCCC (4) 查看更多



动词不定式可以充当________以外的所有成份;不定式作主语或宾语时,常用________形式主语或形式宾语;在see, hear, watch, feel, notice, observe, make, let, have, listen to, look at等词后的补足语中,不定式不带to,但是这些句子如果变成被动结构,就必须带________;动词不定式在介词________,________,________后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么,这些介词后的不定式不带to,否则要带to。

