feed:喂养 feed sb (sth):喂食 feed sb with/on sth:用-喂养 feed sth to sb:喂-给-吃 feed on-:以-为主食 feed on:常用于动物 live on:常用于人 查看更多




We can all contribute to a greener world.Just follow these ten golden rules:

●Stop getting junk mail.Billions of junk mail can be sent every year.Half of it is never opened.Get-your name off mailing lists.If 100,000 people stopped getting junk mail today, it would save 150,000 trees a year.

●Stop reading newspapers.All over the world, millions of newspapers are thrown away every day, 44 million newspapers in the USA alone —that's half a million trees a week.Either recycle your newspapers or read the hews online.

●Buy clothes made from organic materials.Conventional cotton farming seriously pollutes the environment, most of which uses chemical pesticides (农药) and fertilizers. Organic is better!

●Switch to solar energy.In one day, the sun will provide enough energy to power the planet.Why aren't we using it?

●If you have to drive, share the ride.Most cars in the USA have only one occupant.Also, 25 percent of car rides are less than 1.5 kilometres.Get out and walk!

●Unplug your PC, TV and VCR.Simply turning them off isn't enough.Sets left on standby are still using 25 percent of their power.

●Hold on to your balloons.Helium-filled balloons which fly away usually end up in a lake or river, where they can choke aquatic (水生的) creatures.Save your balloons and use them again.Or better still, don't use them at all.

●Feed the birds.Wild birds need food, especially in v/inter when other sources can be scarce.The greater the range of foodstuffs you put out for them, the more types of birds you will attract.

●Plant a garden at your school.Learn the connection between the land and the table.Plant vegetables to eat, flowers to admire and trees to improve the air.


What is the main purpose of the passage?

    A.To provide some health advice on how to work.

    B.To suggest some ways how to make full use of solar energy.

    C.To advise protecting environment and saving energy.

    D.To advise on how to recycle waste and save energy.


.The underlined expression "left on standby" in the sixth rule means__    __.

    A.ready to start and use electricity                       B.ready to be turned off

    C.ready to be repaired                                     D.ready to be.put away


.Which of the following will NOT protect trees from being cut down to make paper?

    A.Not buying newspapers.             B.Don't accept junk mail.

    C.Read your newspaper online.                             D.Read only one newspaper.



SAN FRANCISCO--- As skies are filled with millions of migrating birds, Europeans scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming contradiction: The fatter the bird, the more  efficiently it flies.
The result of their study contradict a central theory of aerodynamics(空气动力学), which predicts that the power needed to fly increases with weight.
For birds, apparently, the cost of flying with heavy fuel loads is considerably smaller than previously thought.
Researchers found that red knot wading birds double their normal body weight of 100 grams before making their twice-a-year, non-stop commute(路程) between the British Isles and the Russian Arctic. Distance: 5,000 kilometers.
Another study in the journal Nature measured the benefits of flying in an aerodynamic V formation, which allows bird to save energy by gliding in the lead bird’s air stream.
Flying in formation, their heart rates were as much as 14.5 percent lower than flying solo, according to Henri Weimerskirch, a French scientist. The findings help explain how birds complete difficult migrations.
Researchers had assumed that thinner, more athletic birds would have the best chance of survival.
The first study suggests that building up fat deposits(存放) to be burned as fuel during the migrating is worth more than the energy it takes to carry the additional weight. In the study, researchers said their team studied the birds flown at different body masses during 28 simulated(模拟) flights. They were injected with a small amount of water containing a radioactive element that enabled the team to measure the amount of energy burned.
63. Researchers used to believe_______.
A. the thinner a bird is, the less energy it needs to fly
B. migratory birds make a journey from the British Isles to the Russian Arctic
C. aerodynamics makes no sense
D. birds eat more before they begin their migrations
64. According to the passage, birds prefer to fly in the V formation rather than fly solo because_____.
A. it is against aerodynamic to fly in the V formation
B. they can save energy while migrating 
C. they won’t get lost with a bird leading the way
D. in this way their heart beat faster so that they can fly faster
65. The researchers didn’t ______ in the study.
A. inject the birds with water containing a radioactive element
B. watch birds of different body masses in simulated flights
C. take the birds’ heart rates   
D. feed the birds to fatten them
66. The best title of the passage should be _______.
A. Birds Fatten up for Journey        B. Migratory Birds in Europe
C. New Findings                 D. Migrating in V formation


We can all contribute to a greener world.Just follow these ten golden rules:
●Stop getting junk mail.Billions of junk mail can be sent every year.Half of it is never opened.Get-your name off mailing lists.If 100,000 people stopped getting junk mail today, it would save 150,000 trees a year.
●Stop reading newspapers.All over the world, millions of newspapers are thrown away every day, 44 million newspapers in the USA alone —that's half a million trees a week.Either recycle your newspapers or read the hews online.
●Buy clothes made from organic materials.Conventional cotton farming seriously pollutes the environment, most of which uses chemical pesticides (农药) and fertilizers. Organic is better!
●Switch to solar energy.In one day, the sun will provide enough energy to power the planet.Why aren't we using it?
●If you have to drive, share the ride.Most cars in the USA have only one occupant.Also, 25 percent of car rides are less than 1.5 kilometres.Get out and walk!
●Unplug your PC, TV and VCR.Simply turning them off isn't enough.Sets left on standby are still using 25 percent of their power.
●Hold on to your balloons.Helium-filled balloons which fly away usually end up in a lake or river, where they can choke aquatic (水生的) creatures.Save your balloons and use them again.Or better still, don't use them at all.
●Feed the birds.Wild birds need food, especially in v/inter when other sources can be scarce.The greater the range of foodstuffs you put out for them, the more types of birds you will attract.
●Plant a garden at your school.Learn the connection between the land and the table.Plant vegetables to eat, flowers to admire and trees to improve the air.
What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To provide some health advice on how to work.
B.To suggest some ways how to make full use of solar energy.
C.To advise protecting environment and saving energy.
D.To advise on how to recycle waste and save energy.
.The underlined expression "left on standby" in the sixth rule means__   __.
A.ready to start and use electricityB.ready to be turned off
C.ready to be repairedD.ready to be.put away
.Which of the following will NOT protect trees from being cut down to make paper?
A.Not buying newspapers.B.Don't accept junk mail.
C.Read your newspaper online.D.Read only one newspaper.


The city of Stockholm shoots thousands of wild rabbits spread across the green spaces of the Swedish capital and sends their bodies to be burned as heating fuel, a practice which has angered animal rights groups.

The rabbits going up in smoke are the inhabitants of Stockholm’s parks who are killed to protect the bushes and trees on which they feed.But many of them are tame domestic pets turned loose by owners who no longer want them.Six thousand rabbits were killed last year.The bodies were frozen and then sent to a special heating plant at Karlskoga, in central Sweden, where the bodies were burnt in order to help heat the homes of residents of Värmland.

“One should put this in the view that we (humans) are actually cremated (火葬) ourselves and that generates a completely different reaction,” Freij said in response to criticism.

Animal Rights Sweden spokeswoman Lise-Lott Alsenius questioned whether the practice was humane or ethical and suggested neutering (阉割) the male rabbits as an alternative method of holding down the population.“One at least has to evaluate what possible alternatives are to just simply shooting them,” she said.

Konvex, the company handling the operation, said the rabbits were ground up with the bodies of other beasts, mainly farm animals such as cows which have been thought unfit for human consumption, turned into flammable (可燃的) form and burnt.“Just as with us people ...the bodies contain a lot of fat and fat has exactly the same energy content as normal heating oil for instance,” Konvex Chief Executive Leo Virta said.

1.The rabbits in Sweden are killed because ______.

       A.the rabbits made the animal rights groups angry

      B.there are too many rabbits for people to keep as pets

      C.Sweden lacks fuel for heating the homes of residents of Värmland

      D.the rabbits feed on the trees thus causing great damage to them

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the animal rights groups?

       A.The number of rabbits shouldn’t be cut down.

       B.Animals are more important than plants.

       C.It is not acceptable to use rabbit bodies as heating fuel.

      D.Neutering the male rabbits is the best way to reduce rabbit population.

3.The writer quotes Freji’s speech with the purpose of ______.

       A.supporting the writer’s own point of view

       B.illustrating that the opinion of animal rights groups is wrong

       C.indicating that human bodies should also be burnt as heating fuel

       D.showing that people don’t quite agree with each other on the burning issue

4.What does the underlined phrase “ground up” probably mean?

       A.eaten up              B.crushed up          C.burnt up              D.dug up



SAN FRANCISCO--- As skies are filled with millions of migrating birds, Europeans scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming contradiction: The fatter the bird, the more  efficiently it flies.

The result of their study contradict a central theory of aerodynamics(空气动力学), which predicts that the power needed to fly increases with weight.

For birds, apparently, the cost of flying with heavy fuel loads is considerably smaller than previously thought.

Researchers found that red knot wading birds double their normal body weight of 100 grams before making their twice-a-year, non-stop commute(路程) between the British Isles and the Russian Arctic. Distance: 5,000 kilometers.

Another study in the journal Nature measured the benefits of flying in an aerodynamic V formation, which allows bird to save energy by gliding in the lead bird’s air stream.

Flying in formation, their heart rates were as much as 14.5 percent lower than flying solo, according to Henri Weimerskirch, a French scientist. The findings help explain how birds complete difficult migrations.

Researchers had assumed that thinner, more athletic birds would have the best chance of survival.

The first study suggests that building up fat deposits(存放) to be burned as fuel during the migrating is worth more than the energy it takes to carry the additional weight. In the study, researchers said their team studied the birds flown at different body masses during 28 simulated(模拟) flights. They were injected with a small amount of water containing a radioactive element that enabled the team to measure the amount of energy burned.

63. Researchers used to believe_______.

   A. the thinner a bird is, the less energy it needs to fly

   B. migratory birds make a journey from the British Isles to the Russian Arctic

   C. aerodynamics makes no sense

   D. birds eat more before they begin their migrations

64. According to the passage, birds prefer to fly in the V formation rather than fly solo because_____.

   A. it is against aerodynamic to fly in the V formation

   B. they can save energy while migrating 

   C. they won’t get lost with a bird leading the way

   D. in this way their heart beat faster so that they can fly faster

65. The researchers didn’t ______ in the study.

   A. inject the birds with water containing a radioactive element

   B. watch birds of different body masses in simulated flights

   C. take the birds’ heart rates   

   D. feed the birds to fatten them

66. The best title of the passage should be _______.

   A. Birds Fatten up for Journey          B. Migratory Birds in Europe

   C. New Findings                  D. Migrating in V formation

