square adj. 平方的 n. 广场 ☆重点短语☆ 查看更多




    14 days for just £2090 pp

    Fully inclusive from the UK

    Price covers:International airfares,departure taxes,fuel charges,local transportation,accommodation,all meals,entrance fees,guides,daily tours and visas for UK citizens.

    ◆Days 1??-3:UK??—Shanghai

    Fly to the great city of Shanghai and in the evening, sample traditional Shanghai food. Visit the beautiful Yu Gardens,Old Town,Shanghai Museum,cross the Great Nanpu Bridge and tour the Pudong area .Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920's style Shikumen buildings and end your stay in Shanghai with an amazing Huangpu River evening tour.

    ◆Days 4-??7:Shanghai????—Yangtze River Tour

    Fly to Yichang and change (approx.one hour)to board your Yangtze River ship for the next four nights. Enjoy a tour of the Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝)before sailing on the grand Yangtze River,passing through the impressive Three Gorges. We take a side trip to the Lesser Three Gorges or travel up the Shennong Stream in a peapod boat and enjoy various shore trips along the way.

     ◆Day 8:Chongqing??—??Chengdu

    Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight stay.

    ◆Days  9??-10:Chengdu??—??Xi'an

   Visit the famous Panda Reserve to see the lovely animals. We then fly to the historic city of Xi'an for two nights' stay and enjoy traditional Shuijiao. Next day explore one of the most important discoveries of the 20th Century—the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑),followed by the ancient City Wall and a performance of Tang Dynasty dancing.

    ◆Days 11-??13:Xi'an?? ??—Beijing

Visit Little Wild Goose Pagoda and see the ancient objects at the well-??known Shaanxi Provincial Museum before walking through the lively Muslim Quarter to see the Great Mosque. Later fly to Beijing for three nights' stay and try Peking Duck.During our stay in Beijing,we stroll through Tian'anmen Square to the Forbidden City,the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in China,and visit the Summer Palace. Next day we take a walk on the Great Wall,tour the unique Temple of Heaven and enjoy an attractive Chinese Acrobatic Show.(杂技)    

◆Day 14:Beijing??—UK

    Fly back to the UK,arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories.

The underlined word “sample” in the passage probably means “______”.

A.buy           B.reserve         C.taste        D.make

The first and last scenic spots to be visited in Xi'an are______.

A.the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

B.the Terracotta Warriors and Shaanxi Provincial Museum

C.Little Wild Goose Pagoda and the Great Mosque

D.Little Wild Goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter

Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad?

A.The tourists will have to pay extra for fuel and meals.

B.The tourists will visit the 1920's Shikumen buildings in Beijing.

C.The tourists will take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam during the tour.

D.The tourists will stay in Beijing for three nights before leaving for the UK.

The ad is mainly intended to______.

A.encourage the British to travel in China

B.attract the British to traditional Chinese food

C.offer services of booking air tickets to tourists

D.provide the British with a better understanding of China


Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need
A. agree          B. suffer        C. system       D. notice        AB. through  
AC. dangerous     AD. space       BC. limited     BD. absorbs      CD. let out
For years scientist have been worried about the effects of air pollution on the earth’s natural conditions. Some believe the air inside many houses may be more    41    than the air outside. It may be one hundred times worse.
Indoor air pollution can cause a person to feel tired, to    42     eye-pain, headache and other problems. Some pollutants can cause breathing disorders, diseases of blood and even cancer. Most scientists    43    that every modern house has some kind of indoor pollution. People began to    44    the problem in the early 1970s, when it was that builders began making houses and offices which did not waste energy. To do this they built buildings that    45    the flow of air between inside and outside. They also began using man-made building materials. These materials are now known to    46    harmful gases. As the problem became more serious, scientists began searching for a way to deal with it. They discovered a natural pollution control    47    for building green plants. Scientist do not really know how plants control air pollution. They believe that a plant’s leaves take in the pollutants. In exchange the plant produces oxygen    48    its leaves and through its tiny organizations on its roots. Scientists suggest that all buildings should have one large plant or several small plants inside for every nine square meters of space. Studies of different plants show that each    49    different chemicals. So the most effective way to clean the air is to use different kinds of plants. Having green plants inside your house can make it a prettier and healthier place.


The Harvard Student—led Walking Tour
Let a student show you Harvard···on a free walking tour.
We welcome our neighbours to stop by the Harvard University Events&Information Centre,
located in the Holyoke Centre Arcade at 1350 Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge.
Let a student take you and your family, school,or organization on an engaging,hour-long free historical tour of the Harvard Campus. The tours leave from the Events&Information Centre.Not only will you discover the location of fascinating exhibition and programmers on campus,you will also see Harvard’s rich sampling of American history and architecture from the Colonial period to the present.
Schedule of Tours
Tours leave the Events&Information Centre at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at 2 p.m. on Saturday through the academic year (February4 through May 2;September 23 through December 16).Summer tours(June 24 through August 15)are offered at 10 a.m.,11:15 a. m.,2p.m.,and 3:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday.Reser—vacations for special tours of 20 or more people may be made by calling the Events&Information Centre at (617)495-1573 or emailing icenter@ camail Harvard, edu. Tours are suspended March23 through April2 for Spring Break.May3 through June23 for Spring intercession(祷告),and August16 through September 22 for Summer intercession.
NOTE:Prospective(未来的)students may take tours originating at the Harvard Admission Office, located at Byerly Hall on 8 Garden Street in Cambridge.From April through August,the Admissions staff conducts an information session at l0a.m. followed by an 11 a.m. tour.Monday through Friday On Saturdays.there is no information session but the 11 a.m.tour is still scheduled.Another session is held year-round at 2 p.m. with a 3 p.m. tour following. For more information on tours for prospective students,please call at(617)495-1551.
Harvard University Events&Information Centre
Location:Holyoke Centre Arcade.1350 Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138
【小题1】A person can join in a tour at ________on Saturday through the academic year.

A.10 a.m.B.2 p.m.C.11:15 a.m.D.3:15 p.m.
【小题2】If you want to go for an information session, you can go on __________.
A.May 2B.June 23C.August 20D.September 1
【小题3】A student who wants an information session may _________for more information.
A.call (617)495-1573B.call (617)495-1551
C.email icenter@ camail. Harvard.edu.D.go to the Events&Information Centre
【小题4】The above ad.is mainly intended for________.
A.foreign visitorsB.freshmen
C.high school studentsD.those living near Harvard University


The Harvard Student-led Walking Tour
Let a student show you Harvard …on a free walking tour.
We welcome our neighbors to stop by the Harvard University Even & Information Centre, located in the Holyoke Centre Arcade at 1350 Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge.
Let a student take you and your family, school, or organization on an engaging, hour-long free historical tour of the Harvard Campus. The tours leaves form be Events & Information Centre. Not only will you discover the location of fascinating exhibition and  programmers on campus, you will also see Harvard’s rich sampling of American history and architecture from the Colonial period to the present. Schedule of Tours.
Schedule of Tours
Tours leave the Events & Information Centre at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Monday through Friday, and at 2 p. m. on Saturday through the academic year(February 4 through May 2; September 23 through December 16). Summer tours (June 24 through August 15) are offered at 10 a.m. , 11:15 a.m., 2p.m., and 3:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Reser-vacations for special tours of 20 or more people may be made b calling the Events & Information Centre at (617) 495-1583 or emailing icenter@ camail. harvard, edu. Tours are suspended March 23 trough April 2 for Spring Break, May 3 through June 23 for Spring intercession(祷告),and August 16 through September 22 for Summer intercession.
NOTE: Prospective(未来的)students may take tours originating at the Harvard Admission Office, located at Byerly Hall on 8 Garden Street in Cambridge. Form April through August, the Admissions staff conducts an information session at 10 a. m. , followed by an 11 a. m. tour. Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, there is no information session but the 11 a. m. tour is still scheduled. Another session is held year-round at 2p. m. with a 3 p.m. tour following. For more information on tours for prospective students, please call at (617)495-1551.
Harvard University Events & Information Centre.
Location: Holyoke Centre Arcade. 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138
Phone: (617) 495-1537
53.A person can join in a tour at________on Saturday through the academic year.
A.10 a. m.   B.2  p. m.   C.11:15 a. m.      D.3:15 p. m.
54.If you want to go for an information session, you can go on__________.
A.May 2      B.June 23    C.August 20 D.September1
55.A student who wants an information session may___________for more information.
A.call (617) 495-1573                 B.call(617) 495-1551
C.email iceter@ camail. Harvard, edu          D.go to the Events & Information Centre
56.The above ad. is mainly intended for________ .
A.foreign visitors          B.freshmen
C.high school students    D.those living near Harvard University


Gary is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the English class. Here is the way to play the game:
1. Get some pieces of paper that are cut into squares. Each Square is for writing one letter only.
2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i.”
3. Next, take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the letter you have written, for example, “in” or “hi.” Put the new word (written on the two squares) below the first square.
4. Then make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written.Again, put the new word on the next line.
5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a “word house.” The person who builds the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game.
【小题1】 What does a “word house” look like?

【小题2】Which is true about the game?

A.It is about spelling.
B.It is a computer game.
C.There have to be five people in the game.
D.Students have to write four words in twenty minutes.
【小题3】Which of the following is the right order of playing the game?
a. cut the paper into squares           
b. make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you’ve written
c. write a letter on one square
d. keep making new words in the same way
e. make a two-letter word and put it below the first square
A.a-b-c-d-eB.a-c-e-b-dC.d -c-e-b-aD.e-b-c-d-a

