my offer was accepted by him → he accepted my offer. 分词短语smiling graciously的动作执行者是he. 而不是my offer. 查看更多



One day in my class,Maria shared her feelings about money,“Money worries me.I think I want to live without money because I hate it.I HATE MONEY.”We were all touched by Maria's words as they reminded us of the spiritual burdens that money managing can bring to us.After class I offered to help Maria deal with her financial problems.She hesitated to accept my offer,and I could see from the expression on her face that she was afraid of what it might involve.I quickly promised her that I wouldn't make her do more than she was able to.I told her frankly that I didn't enjoy managing my money any more than she did hers and wouldn't burden her with guilt,judgments,or impossible tasks.All I would ask her to do was to let me help her look at her fears and try to make some sense of them.
Maria still resisted my offer,and I can remember the excuses she gave me as they were the repeated complaints I had heard from so many people.“I'll never understand money,”she said.“My facts are meaningless.”“I don't deserve to have money.”“I never have enough.”“I have too little to manage.”“My financial position isn't worth looking at.”and the most devastating one of all,“I just can't do it.”
Going home that day,I couldn't get Maria out of my mind:her attitude conveyed the same negativity and  fear that I believed annoyed many people.I was sure it was this attitude that prevented people from managing their money effectively.My counseling(咨询)has taught me that these anxieties are inseparably connected to our self­doubts and fear for survival.Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well,and to do it wrong would put our very existence at risk.
On a deeper level we know that money is not the source of life,but sense of worth drives us to act as if it were.It locks us up in self­doubts and prevents us from tapping into the true source of our management power,our spirit.
【小题1】The underlined word“devastating”in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

【小题2】Maria's words moved the author and others because they were ________. the same financial the same financial condition
C.of the same family backgroundD.of the same feeling over the issue
【小题3】As for money managing,the author intended to tell Maria how to ________.
A.overcome her fearsB.make wise decisions
C.avoid making mistakesD.learn the necessary skills
【小题4】Maria wouldn't take the author's offer of help for fear of________.
A.being forced to share her money with others
B.having to do something beyond her reach
C.being found guilty of making impossible errors
D.showing her judgment about money
【小题5】According to the author,people's anxieties about managing money result from their understanding of money as the only source of ________.


Several days ago, I met a stranger in the street who stopped and asked me directions. I   36  to show him the way to the destination(目的地),but to my   37  he coldly refused my offer. I asked him why. Finally he told me that he was  38  I would ask him for money if I   39  him in this way.
Money! I   40 deep into thought. Is it money that comes between us? Money itself has no   41 ; yet it cannot simply be   42 to be good or bad. The problem  43  what attitude we have towards it.
At present, we have a more   44  material life than before, but we’re becoming more and more 45 . Why? In my opinion, the   46  is the change in people’s personal   47 . They wrongly believe that   48 money should be their only aim in life, so they   49  all sorts of ways they can to  50 this aim.
They are afraid of being   51  and fooled. If everyone acts like this, what will our  52 be like?
Needless to say, money is becoming more and more important in our society,   53  it shouldn’t be the “be-all and end-all” of life. If a person only concentrates on  54 , he will be lonely and void(空虚).
It is up to us to make our lives happy, not money. We should try our best to help others   55  and freely. If everyone does so, our society will be better and better.

A.takes inB.depends onC.results inD.leads to
A.cold-hearted B.warm-hearted C.good-lookingD.humorous
A.think upB.hold upC.give offD.break out


Early this morning, I got up to make a batch of Rice Krispie treats(大米花糖) for my neighbor across the hall. She   21  greets me when we see each other, and her little boy, who’s now 4, won’t talk to me either.
Last Monday, she called the firefighters when a pan I’d forgotten on the stove caused my flat to     22  . I had gone for a walk, but when I came home the street in front of our apartment was   23   by a police car, a fire truck and an ambulance!   24   I saw them, I remembered the pan!
I felt safe knowing that    25  we don’t get along, my neighbor had done the right thing and didn’t blame me. Hence, the Rice Krispie treats.
Last Christmas, my neighbor revealed that she had been a little angry about me because of a(n) __26___ four years ago. I had apologized and asked if there was anything I could do to ___27___ our relationship, but she would not accept my     28  .
Her direct refusal really    29   me. After that, I decided I’d just leave her be—a relationship     30   two to work.
So, you see, I was really scared she was going to refuse my offer again,    31    me standing on her     32   holding my plate of treats. Then, I reminded myself of how good I had felt the day before when I’d done some random acts of ___33___ after telling myself: “ Feel the fear, and do it    34   !”
After placing the Rice Krispie treats on a beautiful plate, I opened my apartment door and met her in the hall way. I said:“I just wanted to tell you how    35   I am that you were paying attention on Monday.” I held the plate    36  her, explaining these were very sweet American treats and that she    37  try to see whether she and her family liked them. She took the plate and we talked a bit about   38   she’d become aware of the smoke in my flat before parting ways.
Back at home I    39   a “ happy dance”, because I had been kind even though I wasn’t sure it would be appreciated. I want to be able to be kind without expecting people to    40  in a certain way.

A.warmlyB.occasionally C.barelyD.frequently
A.go upB.smoke up C.burn upD.tear up
A.The instantB.For a minuteC.That momentD.At that time
【小题5】 case thatD.even though
A.shockedB.saddened C.amusedD.amazed
A.homeB.hall C.apartmentD.doorstep
A.some wayB.anywayC.somehowD.somewhat


I offered him a drink but he didn’t         to my offer.








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Last week, I met a stranger who seemed to be losing. I offer to guide him to a place he wanted to go to, but to my surprise, he refused my offer. I asked him why not. He told me that he was afraid I would ask him money if I helped him in this way. Then I fell into deeply thoughts: Was it money which came between us? I agree that money is become more and more important in our society, and it should not be everything. We should try my best to help others and trust each other. If everyone does this, our society will be better and better.


