Let asleep dogs lie. 查看更多



A lot of people are familiar with the story of Brave Gelert, a dog that faithfully defended the prince’s son, but which was then killed while it was fast asleep through a terrible misunderstanding. However, only a few people know that the story is really a pack of lies. Let me explain.

About a hundred or so years ago there was a hotel owner in Wales who was fed up with business being so bad. His hotel was stuck in the middle of nowhere and hardly anyone came to stay. Then, one day, he had an idea. A famous prince called Llewellyn had lived in the area during the Middle Ages and had been keen on dogs. This is hardly surprising as hunting was extremely popular at that time. So what he did was to make up the story of the brave and faithful Gelert and how he had been killed by his ungrateful master.

Of course, people would be far more likely to believe the story if there was something they could see. So one day, the hotel keeper went to the top of a high hill and built a sort of monument from the stones he found lying around A friend of his, who was an accountant, helped him to construct it .The "tale" soon caught on and developed a life of its own. Afterwards, people came from far and wide to see the spot where the dog was buried. Needless to say, business became very good for the hotel owner.

1.    According to the tale, the dog was killed by ___.

       A. a hotel owner                                        B. a famous accountant 

C. its master                                             D. the prince's son

2.    The owner of the hotel successfully improved his business by ___.

A. making up a story                                 B. constructing a hotel on the hill

C. showing people around his hotel             D. inviting a friend to help him

3.    The hotel owner built the stone monument in order to

A. make more money                                B. remember the loyal dog

C. show off                                             D. honor the prince

4.    What could be the best title for this passage?

A. A Prince and His Dog                            B. A Profit - Making Lie

C. A Magnificent Hotel                               D. A Faithful but Unlucky Dog


A lot of people are familiar with the story of Brave Gelert, a dog that faithfully defended the prince’s son, but it was then killed while it was fast asleep through a terrible misunderstanding. However, only a few people know that the story is really a pack of lies. Let me explain.

About a hundred or so years ago there was a hotel owner in Wales who was fed up with business being so bad. His hotel was stuck in the middle of nowhere and hardly anyone came to stay. Then, one day, he had an idea. A famous prince called Llewellyn had lived in the area during the Middle Ages and had been keen on dogs. This is hardly surprising as hunting was extremely popular at that time. So what he did was to make up the story of the brave and faithful Gelert and how he had been killed by his ungrateful master.

Of course, people would be far more likely to believe the story if there was something they could see. So one day, the hotel keeper went to the top of a high hill and built a sort of monument from the stones he found lying around. A friend of his, who was an accountant, helped him to construct it .The "tale" soon caught on and developed a life of its own. Afterwards, people came from far and wide to see the spot where the dog was buried. Needless to say, business became very good for the hotel owner.

46. According to the tale, the dog was killed by ___.

A. a hotel owner                                        B. a famous accountant 

C. its master                                             D. the prince's son

47. The owner of the hotel successfully improved his business by ___.

A. making up a story                          B. constructing a hotel on the hill

C. showing people around his hotel      D. inviting a friend to help him

48. The hotel owner built the stone monument in order to ____.

A. make more money                             B. remember the loyal dog                  

C. show off                                             D. honor the prince

49. What could be the best title for this passage?

A. A Prince and His Dog                            B. A Profit - Making Lie                                  

C. A Magnificent Hotel                           D. A Faithful but Unlucky Dog




     A lot of people are familiar with the story of Brave Gelert, a dog that faithfully defended the prince's son,
but which was then killed while it was fast asleep through a terrible misunderstanding. However, only a few
people know that the story is really a pack of lies. Let me explain.
     About a hundred or so years ago there was a hotel owner in Wales who was fed up with business being
so bad. His hotel was stuck in the middle of nowhere and hardly anyone came to stay. Then, one day, he had
an idea. A famous prince called Llewellyn had lived in the area during the Middle Ages and had been keen on
dogs. This is hardly surprising as hunting was extremely popular at that time. So what he did was to make
up the story of the brave and faithful Gelert and how he had been killed by his ungrateful master.
     Of course, people would be far more likely to believe the story if there was something they could see. So
one day, the hotel keeper went to the top of a high hill and built a sort of monument from the stones he found
lying around A friend of his, who was an accountant, helped him to construct it. The "tale" soon caught on
and developed a life of its own. Afterwards, people came from far and wide to see the spot where the dog
was buried. Needless to say, business became very good for the hotel owner.
1. According to the tale, the dog was killed by ______.
A. a hotel owner
B. a famous accountant
C. its master
D. the prince's son
2. The owner of the hotel successfully improved his business by ______.
A. making up a story
B. constructing a hotel on the hill
C. showing people around his hotel
D. inviting a friend to help him
3. The hotel owner built the stone monument in order to _____.
A. make more money
B. remember the loyal dog
C. show off
D. honor the prince
4. What could be the best title for this passage?
A. A Prince and His Dog
B. A Profit - Making Lie
C. A Magnificent Hotel
D. A Faithful but Unlucky Dog



  A lot of people are familiar with the story of Brave Gelert, a dog that faithfully defended the prince’s son, but which was then killed while it was fast asleep through a terrible misunderstanding. However, only a few people know that the story is really a pack of lies. Let me explain.

  About a hundred or so years ago there was a hotel owner in Wales who was fed up with business being so bad. His hotel was stuck in the middle of nowhere and hardly anyone came to stay. Then, one day, he had an idea. A famous prince called Llewellyn had lived in the area during the Middle Ages and had been keen on dogs. This is hardly surprising as hunting was extremely popular at that time. So what he did was to make up the story of the brave and faithful Gelert and how he had been killed by his ungrateful master.

  Of course, people would be far more likely to believe the story if there was something they could see. So one day, the hotel keeper went to the top of a high hill and built a sort of monument from the stones he found lying around A friend of his, who was an accountant, helped him to construct it .The "tale" soon caught on and developed a life of its own. Afterwards, people came from far and wide to see the spot where the dog was buried. Needless to say, business became very good for the hotel owner.


According to the tale, the dog was killed by ________.

[  ]


a hotel owner


a famous accountant


its master


the prince's son


The owner of the hotel successfully improved his business by ________.

[  ]


making up a story


constructing a hotel on the hill


showing people around his hotel


inviting a friend to help him


The hotel owner built the stone monument in order to

[  ]


make more money


remember the loyal dog


show off


honor the prince


What could be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


A Prince and His Dog


A Profit-Making Lie


A Magnificent Hotel


A Faithful but Unlucky Dog


     John "Mad Jack" Mytton (1796-1834) was a carefree English aristocrat who was born into
immense wealth. However, he died a poor man after a life that was once described as "a series of
suicide attempts
". So, what went wrong?
     As a young boy, Jack went to Westminster School, but after only one year he was expelled for
fighting with a teacher. He was then sent to Harrow School but only lasted three days before he was
also thrown out. He was eventually educated by private tutors.
     After school, Jack went to Cambridge University. He arrived with 2,000 bottles of port, but left
without graduating - he found university life boring. Later, he joined the army, enlisting with the 7th
Hussars. As a young officer, he spent a year with the regiment in France as part of the occupation
force after Napoleon's defeat in 1815. Jack passed the time gambling and drinking before resigning
his commission. At the age of 21, he returned to his country house just in time to receive his inheritance.
     With an annual income of over £800,000 in today's money, Jack was extremely rich… but it didn't
take him long to spend it all. In 1819, he became an MP. In order to secure his seat, he offered voters
£10 notes to vote for him, spending more than £10,000 in total. However, he found politics dull and
went to parliament only once. Back at home, he would often drop bank notes in the gardens of his
estate, and gave his servants vast amounts of spending money. Once he lost his racetrack winnings
(several thousand pounds) when the wind blew all the money away.
     One of Jack's favorite pastimes was hunting. He would go in any kind of weather, occasionally
with no clothes on. Sometimes, he would get up in the middle of the night, take off with a gun to look
for something to shoot.
     Jack also kept a large number of pets. These included about 2,000 dogs. Some were fed on steak
and Champagne and even wore livery. A favorite horse had free range inside Halston Hall and would
often lie with Jack in front of the fire.
     Jack was a bit of a practical joker, too. He once left a horse in the bedroom of a guest. Another
visitor fell asleep and woke up to find a live bear and two bulldogs in his bed. In 1826, as a result of a
bet, Jack rode his horse into the Bedford Hotel, up the grand staircase and onto the balcony. Then,
still sitting on the horse, he jumped off the balcony, landing among the diners in the restaurant below.
     Another time, he invited a local doctor to dine at Halston Hall. As soon as the doctor had left,
Jack put on a highwayman's costume and raced ahead to rob the unsuspecting man. On another
occasion, a passenger in Jack's carriage admitted that he'd never been in an accident, so Jack drove
the carriage up a hill and turned it over. He would also slip red-hot coals into people's pockets as a
     Eventually, Jack ran out of money and fell into debt. In 1830, he fled to France to avoid his
creditors(债主), but returned a couple of years later, ending up in prison in Southwark, London. Jack
died there in 1834, a poor, lonely man.
1. It can be inferred in the passage that ________.
A. Jack was first educated by private tutors and eventually graduated from Cambridge University.
B. Jack joined the army and succeeded in defeating Napoleon's army in 1815.
C. Jack bribed the voters in order to gain a position of MP.
D. Jack fed his favorite horse with meat and wine and often lay with it in front of the fire.
2. Once Jack rode his horse into a grand hotel and jumped off the balcony in order to pay for his _____.
A. bet        
B. debt        
C. joke        
D. gambling
3. The examples in paragraph 7 tell us that _______.
A. Jack was always ready to help people experience what they hadn't experienced.
B. Jack always punished people by all means to let out his hatred.
C. Jack always played tricks on people to have fun.
D. Jack went mad and treated people unfriendly and even cruelly.
4. The word _________ would be more proper to describe Jack's life.
A. ridiculous    
B. luxurious      
C. tricky    
D. greedy
5. By writing "a series of suicide attempts" in paragraph 1, the author probably means that ________.
A. Jack attempted to kill himself because he was too poor.
B. Jack pretended to suicide to avoid his creditors.
C. Jack lost his life in fighting with poverty.
D. All that Jack had did in his life contributed to his own failure and poverty.

