to → by, be known to sb.. 为某人所熟悉. 本句是谚语“观其友而知其人 . 查看更多



Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.
It's uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).
Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don't be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.
【小题1】What's the best topic for the passage?

A.How to Speak to ForeignersB.How to Study English Well
C.How to Organize the Idea in EnglishD.Practice Speaking English All the Time
【小题2】 Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because _______________.
A.they seldom meet foreigners
B.they seldom practice speaking English
C.they had no chance to speak English
D.they think it's enough to master the basic language structure only
【小题3】So many Chinese students are afraid to speak to foreigners because __.
A.they are afraid they can't understand foreigners
B.they don't think their English is poor
C.they worry about making mistakes in their speaking
D.they didn't like speaking to foreigners
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking.
B.If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English.
C.If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well.
D.Any Chinese students can't speak English fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes.
【小题5】In the last paragraph, the expression "get rid of" means_______.  
A.throw oneself fromC.give with


此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。 请按下列情况改正:
This afternoon , on my way back to home ,   I  saw  a group of
young people playing chess below a tall tree. A blind man
happened to past by.His stick which helped him walk touching
one of the young people.The young man got angrily and was rude
to the blind man. At that time, I go over in a hurry and made
an apology to the young man and help the blind man to walk
across the street. I praised by some people nearby. They said
he was a good student who was ready to help the others.


James Langston Hughes finally arrived in New York on September 4, 1921 to attend Colombia University. Langston felt frustrated at Colombia due to the discrimination of his white classmates. His grades began to suffer and finally he left and looked for a job.
Job were still hard to come by for most blacks. He longed to work on a ship that would sail abroad. After much persistence, he headed to Africa on a freighter ( 货船 ). Hughes was disturbed by the African tribes’ lack of political and economical freedom. The Africans considered him white because of his brown skin and stranded dark hair. It was here that he met a mulatto (白黑混血)child who was ignored by the Africans and the whites. This was a sourced of inspiration for his play, “Mulatto”.
Hughes found work on another freighter and ended up in Pairs. While there he worked at a night club that featured southern cooking and jazz performers. While moving on to Italy, Hughed was robbed and left stranded (helpless) wanting to return to the United States. He tried to get a job on a ship heading for the U.S.A. but was told they only hired the white. In this depressed state of mind he wrote, “I, Too, Sing America.”
He returned to America and found the Harlem Renaissance was spreading across racial boundaries(种族界线). Many black poets and authors were now published in mainstream publications. Hughes was warmly welcomed by his peers (同辈)and recognized for the poetry he wrote while traveling. 
56. What inspired James Hughes to white the play “Mulatto”?
A. Neither the African nor the whites took care of a mulatto child he met.
B. The African did not like white people.
C. Blacks found it hard to find a decent job.
D. There was no political nor economical freedom in Africa.
57. How did Hughes pay for his trip from Africa to Paris?
A. He sold his poems.                 B. He got a job on ship.
C. He worked for a night club.     D. His African friends gave him some money.           58 . What happened to Hughes at Colombia University?
A. His white classmates were kind and helpful to him.
B. He was recognized as a promising poet.
C. He graduated with honors.   
D. He was very disappointed.   


“How can I learn English well?” This is a question many students ask. In my opinion, the most effective way is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite(背诵) the text and write it out, you’ve learned it fairly well. And if you can tell, in your own words, what the lesson says, you’re a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect.
This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you’ll find it not half so hard as you might have thought. Learning this way, you will make rapid progress. Of course, writing is also necessary. It helps you a lot on our way to success in English.
Equally important is to feel the language. You should be able to laugh at jokes and be shocked at bad news. When using English, try to forget your mother tongue. Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your way. So, never try to see English through translation.
【小题1】In the writer’s opinion, the most effective way in learning English is _______. practise speaking, writing and feeling it memorize the English words and grammatical rules translate everything into his own language forget your own native language
【小题2】“Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your way.”This sentence means that memorizing your own language can ________.
A.stop you mastering you study English well
C.make English easy to you notice mistakes
【小题3】The underlined words“to feel the language” here means________. get a knowledge of English by touching be able to read and write English be able to experience the rich feeling of the language translate English into your own by imagining


The royal family is a part of British history and cultural identity.
Up until the 17th century, people believed that the British king or queen had a “divine(天赐的)right” to rule. This was the idea that God chose the king or queen and that he or she was therefore above the law. However, this idea was challenged during the English Civil War, when King Charles the First was put in prison and then killed in 1649.
So what role does the British royal family have today?
The Queen is head of the UK and the Commonwealth. She has important formal duties that go with her different titles. As Head of State, for example, she represents the UK on visits abroad and invites other world leaders to visit the UK;as Head of the Armed Forces in name, only she can declare when the UK is at war or when a war is over. She has to sign many government and Commonwealth documents every day.
Although the royal family does the work for the UK, there are British people called“anti-monarchists(反君主制者)”who do not believe there should be a royal family. One criticism(批评意见)is that the British people should not have to pay for the royal family with their taxes(税).
Today, the royal family works hard to be relevant(相关的)in the modern world. The Queen still gives a speech to the nation on television at Christmas, but it gets less and less formal every year;now it is even available as a podcast(播客).
In 2005, after graduating from university, Prince William spent time teaching English in Uruguay, the sort of work many ordinary young British people do in their gap years.
【小题1】What can be concluded from the first two paragraphs?

A.The British king or queen is considered above the law.
B.The English Revolution put an end to the British royal family in 1649.
C.The British king or queen is no longer believed to rule by divine right.
D.The royal family didn’t play an important role in Britain in the 17 th century.
【小题2】Which of the following is among the formal duties of the Queen?
A.Traveling around the UK.
B.Declaring when the world is at war.
C.Inviting other leaders to have dinner with her.
D.Signing Commonwealth documents every day.
【小题3】With the example of Prince William in the last paragraph, the author intends to show that         .
A.Prince William is very popular in the UK
B.the royal family is trying to connect better with ordinary people
C.Prince William has made an effort to win young people’s admiration
D.many young British people do voluntary work
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A.the royal family doesn’t have to pay taxes
B.the British people are all in favor of the royal family
C.the British people can talk to the Queen through a podcast
D.the royal family attacks republicans through media and press

